Desmond getssassy withmanagement(in the chatonly)No one turnstheir cameraon otherthan JB andthe DFO repSomeone makes ajoke in the chatand no one likesit/reacts/commentsDesrosiergoes onaboutsomething forfar too longA questionabout themerger isanswered bysaying the DOswill figure it outAP is drinking aenergy drink (tallcan) or coca-cola in the PortHardy depotboardroomJB offers tostick aroundfor anyonewho wants totalk morePictures ofJB on aPRVIII inFalse Creekare shownSomeoneapologisesfor a fridayafternoonmeetingQuestions areraised, but noanswers/solutionsprovidedPort HardyDepot is allsitting togetherin theirboardroom, intheir bluesSomeonecriesJB notes howproud he is ofthe recentefforts madeby OpsPassiveaggressiveinsultabout IMDFO remindsus not tocontact themdirectly but touse the genericemail addressSomeonesays “Seeyou nextyear!”Someone hastheir micunmuted andtakes a call/hasa backgroundconvoMatt W. hasa CCGofficialbackgroundThe personwho starts themeeting doesn’tknow what themeeting is for…An SRO/teammember reportsthat the wholeteam is in theroom with themSomeonehas a cheesyHolidaythemebackgroundSomeone getsput on the spotto give anupdate with nonoticeGuestappearancefrom JJGreg veryvery bluntDesmond getssassy withmanagement(in the chatonly)No one turnstheir cameraon otherthan JB andthe DFO repSomeone makes ajoke in the chatand no one likesit/reacts/commentsDesrosiergoes onaboutsomething forfar too longA questionabout themerger isanswered bysaying the DOswill figure it outAP is drinking aenergy drink (tallcan) or coca-cola in the PortHardy depotboardroomJB offers tostick aroundfor anyonewho wants totalk morePictures ofJB on aPRVIII inFalse Creekare shownSomeoneapologisesfor a fridayafternoonmeetingQuestions areraised, but noanswers/solutionsprovidedPort HardyDepot is allsitting togetherin theirboardroom, intheir bluesSomeonecriesJB notes howproud he is ofthe recentefforts madeby OpsPassiveaggressiveinsultabout IMDFO remindsus not tocontact themdirectly but touse the genericemail addressSomeonesays “Seeyou nextyear!”Someone hastheir micunmuted andtakes a call/hasa backgroundconvoMatt W. hasa CCGofficialbackgroundThe personwho starts themeeting doesn’tknow what themeeting is for…An SRO/teammember reportsthat the wholeteam is in theroom with themSomeonehas a cheesyHolidaythemebackgroundSomeone getsput on the spotto give anupdate with nonoticeGuestappearancefrom JJGreg veryvery blunt

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Desmond gets sassy with management (in the chat only)
  2. No one turns their camera on other than JB and the DFO rep
  3. Someone makes a joke in the chat and no one likes it/reacts/comments
  4. Desrosier goes on about something for far too long
  5. A question about the merger is answered by saying the DOs will figure it out
  6. AP is drinking a energy drink (tall can) or coca-cola in the Port Hardy depot boardroom
  7. JB offers to stick around for anyone who wants to talk more
  8. Pictures of JB on a PRVIII in False Creek are shown
  9. Someone apologises for a friday afternoon meeting
  10. Questions are raised, but no answers/ solutions provided
  11. Port Hardy Depot is all sitting together in their boardroom, in their blues
  12. Someone cries
  13. JB notes how proud he is of the recent efforts made by Ops
  14. Passive aggressive insult about IM
  15. DFO reminds us not to contact them directly but to use the generic email address
  16. Someone says “See you next year!”
  17. Someone has their mic unmuted and takes a call/has a background convo
  18. Matt W. has a CCG official background
  19. The person who starts the meeting doesn’t know what the meeting is for…
  20. An SRO/team member reports that the whole team is in the room with them
  21. Someone has a cheesy Holiday theme background
  22. Someone gets put on the spot to give an update with no notice
  23. Guest appearance from JJ
  24. Greg S. is very very blunt