Knows whatKirkrecommendswhen surveyorsarriveHasachieved a97 or higheron HealthSurveyHas all staffenrolled inWingYOU (orwill completethis week!!)Believes in asolid stafforientationbefore staffhit the floorConsistentlyfinds ways tocelebrateyour team'ssuccessesHas workedwithWingstop formore than 2yearsKnows theyear thatWingstopwas formedBelieves inembracingthecommunityBelieves thatcrosstraining staffis the bestpolicyContinuallyrecruits forstaff,expecting theunexpectedEnsures thatphones areanswered bythe 3rd ringBelieves thatcrosstraining allstaff is thebest policyDoes notuse themethod ofestimatingtruck ordersEnsures thatthe restaurantlobby remainsopen untilclosingOnly allowsseasonedstaff or SLsto work aspilotUpholdspolicy thatstaff mustwork in fulluniform onlyKnows theyear thatJMG openedits 1strestaurantKnows yourstore laborgoal andworks toadhere to itEnsures thatovertime hoursarepreapprovedgreater than 5hrs per staffHas workedwithWingstopless than 2yearsHas aWingstopfavoriteflavorStrives for5 guestsurveysper dayHasachieveda 4 or 5star QSCKnows thequalifiersfor TopGunKnows whatKirkrecommendswhen surveyorsarriveHasachieved a97 or higheron HealthSurveyHas all staffenrolled inWingYOU (orwill completethis week!!)Believes in asolid stafforientationbefore staffhit the floorConsistentlyfinds ways tocelebrateyour team'ssuccessesHas workedwithWingstop formore than 2yearsKnows theyear thatWingstopwas formedBelieves inembracingthecommunityBelieves thatcrosstraining staffis the bestpolicyContinuallyrecruits forstaff,expecting theunexpectedEnsures thatphones areanswered bythe 3rd ringBelieves thatcrosstraining allstaff is thebest policyDoes notuse themethod ofestimatingtruck ordersEnsures thatthe restaurantlobby remainsopen untilclosingOnly allowsseasonedstaff or SLsto work aspilotUpholdspolicy thatstaff mustwork in fulluniform onlyKnows theyear thatJMG openedits 1strestaurantKnows yourstore laborgoal andworks toadhere to itEnsures thatovertime hoursarepreapprovedgreater than 5hrs per staffHas workedwithWingstopless than 2yearsHas aWingstopfavoriteflavorStrives for5 guestsurveysper dayHasachieveda 4 or 5star QSCKnows thequalifiersfor TopGun

Wingstop Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Knows what Kirk recommends when surveyors arrive
  2. Has achieved a 97 or higher on Health Survey
  3. Has all staff enrolled in WingYOU (or will complete this week!!)
  4. Believes in a solid staff orientation before staff hit the floor
  5. Consistently finds ways to celebrate your team's successes
  6. Has worked with Wingstop for more than 2 years
  7. Knows the year that Wingstop was formed
  8. Believes in embracing the community
  9. Believes that cross training staff is the best policy
  10. Continually recruits for staff, expecting the unexpected
  11. Ensures that phones are answered by the 3rd ring
  12. Believes that cross training all staff is the best policy
  13. Does not use the method of estimating truck orders
  14. Ensures that the restaurant lobby remains open until closing
  15. Only allows seasoned staff or SLs to work as pilot
  16. Upholds policy that staff must work in full uniform only
  17. Knows the year that JMG opened its 1st restaurant
  18. Knows your store labor goal and works to adhere to it
  19. Ensures that overtime hours are preapproved greater than 5 hrs per staff
  20. Has worked with Wingstop less than 2 years
  21. Has a Wingstop favorite flavor
  22. Strives for 5 guest surveys per day
  23. Has achieved a 4 or 5 star QSC
  24. Knows the qualifiers for Top Gun