No member ofJoe Biden’sCabinet isimpeached orremovedAircraftCarrier Sinksor isdamaged andscrappedNobody withthe Bidenlast name isarrestedAI is used totrick policeto make anarrest≥3 ChurchShootings with≥5killed/injuredUSCongressmanor SenatorAssassinatedJoe Biden isthe DemocratCandidate inGeneralElection≥3 massmurder eventsby migrantskilling ≥5peopleMass casualty(≥10 dead)event duringmusicconcert/festivalMilitarymissesrecruitinggoal by ≥40kDonald Trump isthe GOPnominee and isn'ton the Ballot in atleast one state inGeneral Election2.5 millionadditionalmigrantsallowed intothe USUS Avg.Gas Price≥$5/gal inUS>100,000deathsfromFentanylDonaldTrumpspendstime in jailIndependentMediaJournalistkilled duringswatting eventUS sendstroops toGuyana and isin hot war withVenezuelaNobody fromJefferyEpsteinClient List isArrested2 morestates bangas carsby ≤2040Ukraine warends innegotiation withterritorysurrendered toRussiaProducts madefrom bugs areavailable atWalmart, USMilitary Bases, oradded to schoollunch programRestrictions orbans by 2030placed on ≥2domesticproductsMinimumone PowerGrid out for≥5 daysstraight≥5 SchoolShootingswith ≥5killed/injuredNo member ofJoe Biden’sCabinet isimpeached orremovedAircraftCarrier Sinksor isdamaged andscrappedNobody withthe Bidenlast name isarrestedAI is used totrick policeto make anarrest≥3 ChurchShootings with≥5killed/injuredUSCongressmanor SenatorAssassinatedJoe Biden isthe DemocratCandidate inGeneralElection≥3 massmurder eventsby migrantskilling ≥5peopleMass casualty(≥10 dead)event duringmusicconcert/festivalMilitarymissesrecruitinggoal by ≥40kDonald Trump isthe GOPnominee and isn'ton the Ballot in atleast one state inGeneral Election2.5 millionadditionalmigrantsallowed intothe USUS Avg.Gas Price≥$5/gal inUS>100,000deathsfromFentanylDonaldTrumpspendstime in jailIndependentMediaJournalistkilled duringswatting eventUS sendstroops toGuyana and isin hot war withVenezuelaNobody fromJefferyEpsteinClient List isArrested2 morestates bangas carsby ≤2040Ukraine warends innegotiation withterritorysurrendered toRussiaProducts madefrom bugs areavailable atWalmart, USMilitary Bases, oradded to schoollunch programRestrictions orbans by 2030placed on ≥2domesticproductsMinimumone PowerGrid out for≥5 daysstraight≥5 SchoolShootingswith ≥5killed/injured

Fall of the Republic Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. No member of Joe Biden’s Cabinet is impeached or removed
  2. Aircraft Carrier Sinks or is damaged and scrapped
  3. Nobody with the Biden last name is arrested
  4. AI is used to trick police to make an arrest
  5. ≥3 Church Shootings with ≥5killed/injured
  6. US Congressman or Senator Assassinated
  7. Joe Biden is the Democrat Candidate in General Election
  8. ≥3 mass murder events by migrants killing ≥5 people
  9. Mass casualty (≥10 dead) event during music concert/festival
  10. Military misses recruiting goal by ≥40k
  11. Donald Trump is the GOP nominee and isn't on the Ballot in at least one state in General Election
  12. 2.5 million additional migrants allowed into the US
  13. US Avg. Gas Price ≥$5/gal in US
  14. >100,000 deaths from Fentanyl
  15. Donald Trump spends time in jail
  16. Independent Media Journalist killed during swatting event
  17. US sends troops to Guyana and is in hot war with Venezuela
  18. Nobody from Jeffery Epstein Client List is Arrested
  19. 2 more states ban gas cars by ≤2040
  20. Ukraine war ends in negotiation with territory surrendered to Russia
  21. Products made from bugs are available at Walmart, US Military Bases, or added to school lunch program
  22. Restrictions or bans by 2030 placed on ≥2 domestic products
  23. Minimum one Power Grid out for ≥5 days straight
  24. ≥5 School Shootings with ≥5 killed/injured