Leave a kindnote for thehousekeepingstaff at a hotelHelp ahomelessperson bybuying thema mealLeave asmall gift ornote for anurse ordoctorLeave akind note fora coach orteam leaderLeave a noteof appreciationfor a storeclerk or fastfood workerLeave akind note fora hair stylistor barberOffer to help afriend or familymember with atask they havebeen strugglingwithLeave anote for amuseumguideDonate theirgently usedtoys to a localdomesticviolence shelterLeave asmall giftfor the mailcarrierDonatefood to alocal foodbankMake ahomemadethank you cardfor essentialworkersOffer to run anerrand forsomeone whois sick orunable to leavetheir houseOffer towalk aneighbor’sdogBakecookies fortheir deliverydriverLeave a kind notefor someone whoworks in a publicspace such asyour localcommunity centerLeave a noteof appreciationfor a parkranger orlifeguardVolunteer towalk dogs ata localanimalshelterOffer to petsit for afriend orfamilymemberLeave a fundrawing on astranger’s carto brightentheir dayOffer to helpan elderlyperson withyard workOffer to help afriend or familymember cleantheir house orapartmentMake ahomemadecard for asoldier orveteranLeave asmall giftfor alibrarianLeave a kindnote for thehousekeepingstaff at a hotelHelp ahomelessperson bybuying thema mealLeave asmall gift ornote for anurse ordoctorLeave akind note fora coach orteam leaderLeave a noteof appreciationfor a storeclerk or fastfood workerLeave akind note fora hair stylistor barberOffer to help afriend or familymember with atask they havebeen strugglingwithLeave anote for amuseumguideDonate theirgently usedtoys to a localdomesticviolence shelterLeave asmall giftfor the mailcarrierDonatefood to alocal foodbankMake ahomemadethank you cardfor essentialworkersOffer to run anerrand forsomeone whois sick orunable to leavetheir houseOffer towalk aneighbor’sdogBakecookies fortheir deliverydriverLeave a kind notefor someone whoworks in a publicspace such asyour localcommunity centerLeave a noteof appreciationfor a parkranger orlifeguardVolunteer towalk dogs ata localanimalshelterOffer to petsit for afriend orfamilymemberLeave a fundrawing on astranger’s carto brightentheir dayOffer to helpan elderlyperson withyard workOffer to help afriend or familymember cleantheir house orapartmentMake ahomemadecard for asoldier orveteranLeave asmall giftfor alibrarian

Kindness BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Leave a kind note for the housekeeping staff at a hotel
  2. Help a homeless person by buying them a meal
  3. Leave a small gift or note for a nurse or doctor
  4. Leave a kind note for a coach or team leader
  5. Leave a note of appreciation for a store clerk or fast food worker
  6. Leave a kind note for a hair stylist or barber
  7. Offer to help a friend or family member with a task they have been struggling with
  8. Leave a note for a museum guide
  9. Donate their gently used toys to a local domestic violence shelter
  10. Leave a small gift for the mail carrier
  11. Donate food to a local food bank
  12. Make a homemade thank you card for essential workers
  13. Offer to run an errand for someone who is sick or unable to leave their house
  14. Offer to walk a neighbor’s dog
  15. Bake cookies for their delivery driver
  16. Leave a kind note for someone who works in a public space such as your local community center
  17. Leave a note of appreciation for a park ranger or lifeguard
  18. Volunteer to walk dogs at a local animal shelter
  19. Offer to pet sit for a friend or family member
  20. Leave a fun drawing on a stranger’s car to brighten their day
  21. Offer to help an elderly person with yard work
  22. Offer to help a friend or family member clean their house or apartment
  23. Make a homemade card for a soldier or veteran
  24. Leave a small gift for a librarian