10. One thingI will do totake care ofmy physicalhealth1. Oneperson thatsupportsme is5. One thingI will do tokeep myself-esteemhealthy18.T/F:There areneversetbacks inrecovery.16. T/F: I donot have towork toachieverecovery15. What is acoping skillthat I haven'ttried butwould like to?23.Why issleepimportant torecovery?6. Myrecoverymantrais...3. Onepositivecoping skillI will use17.How will Imaintain mymental healthmovingforward?11.One way Iwillchallengemy negativethoughts8. What is asymptomothers noticebefore I do?2. One of myearly relapsewarningsigns is19. T/F: It is safeto stop takingprescribedmedicationswithout consultingmy doctor first9. Aresource Ihave inmy life is...22. I willplan for myrecoveryby:21.What isone thing Iwill do tokeep myselforganized?4. T/F: Mentalillness meansyou have nocontrol overyour life20. What issomethingyou haven'tdone yet, butwould like to?13. What isa roadblockto myrecovery?12. How doI typicallyrespond tostress?14. One wayI will takecare of mymentalhealth7. What isone physicalsymptom Iexperience?24. What isone personalquality thatwill help yourrecovery?10. One thingI will do totake care ofmy physicalhealth1. Oneperson thatsupportsme is5. One thingI will do tokeep myself-esteemhealthy18.T/F:There areneversetbacks inrecovery.16. T/F: I donot have towork toachieverecovery15. What is acoping skillthat I haven'ttried butwould like to?23.Why issleepimportant torecovery?6. Myrecoverymantrais...3. Onepositivecoping skillI will use17.How will Imaintain mymental healthmovingforward?11.One way Iwillchallengemy negativethoughts8. What is asymptomothers noticebefore I do?2. One of myearly relapsewarningsigns is19. T/F: It is safeto stop takingprescribedmedicationswithout consultingmy doctor first9. Aresource Ihave inmy life is...22. I willplan for myrecoveryby:21.What isone thing Iwill do tokeep myselforganized?4. T/F: Mentalillness meansyou have nocontrol overyour life20. What issomethingyou haven'tdone yet, butwould like to?13. What isa roadblockto myrecovery?12. How doI typicallyrespond tostress?14. One wayI will takecare of mymentalhealth7. What isone physicalsymptom Iexperience?24. What isone personalquality thatwill help yourrecovery?

Recovery BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 10. One thing I will do to take care of my physical health
  2. 1. One person that supports me is
  3. 5. One thing I will do to keep my self-esteem healthy
  4. 18.T/F: There are never setbacks in recovery.
  5. 16. T/F: I do not have to work to achieve recovery
  6. 15. What is a coping skill that I haven't tried but would like to?
  7. 23.Why is sleep important to recovery?
  8. 6. My recovery mantra is...
  9. 3. One positive coping skill I will use
  10. 17.How will I maintain my mental health moving forward?
  11. 11.One way I will challenge my negative thoughts
  12. 8. What is a symptom others notice before I do?
  13. 2. One of my early relapse warning signs is
  14. 19. T/F: It is safe to stop taking prescribed medications without consulting my doctor first
  15. 9. A resource I have in my life is...
  16. 22. I will plan for my recovery by:
  17. 21.What is one thing I will do to keep myself organized?
  18. 4. T/F: Mental illness means you have no control over your life
  19. 20. What is something you haven't done yet, but would like to?
  20. 13. What is a roadblock to my recovery?
  21. 12. How do I typically respond to stress?
  22. 14. One way I will take care of my mental health
  23. 7. What is one physical symptom I experience?
  24. 24. What is one personal quality that will help your recovery?