Marques Brownlee(MKBHD) TechLeak Mishap:Accidentallyrevealingconfidential techinformation.Ninja’s SuddenSwitch fromGaming toPolitics: Sparkingmixed reactionsfrom fans.Major EarthquakeDestroysHollywood:Affecting theglobalentertainmentindustry.Artificial IntelligenceIncident atFacebook: An AIexperiment goeswrong,compromising userdata.TwitterManipulationScandal: Involvinga global politicalmanipulationcampaign.MajorCyberattack onGoogle:Disruptingglobal digitalservices.Collapse of theEuropeanUnion:Following aseries ofpolitical crises.Logan Paul’sPolitical StuntBackfires:Attempting apolitical stunt thatgoes terriblywrong.Joe Rogan’sPodcast SparksGlobalProtests: Dueto controversialstatements.OpenAI TakeoverScare: Fears ofan AI dominatingdecision-makingin the company’s.LeBron James’SuddenRetirement:Due to anunforeseenscandal.Amazon’s FinancialMeltdown: A suddenand unexpectedfinancial crisiswithin the company.Elon Musk’s MarsMission Disaster:The first mannedmission to Marsfailscatastrophically.SuddenCollapse of theBitcoin Market:Causing acryptocurrencycrisis.Pope FrancisResigns AmidstScandal: Acontroversyunlike any beforein the Vatican.Tesla’sAutonomousVehicles CauseMajor Accidents:Leading to aglobal recall.CoComelonControversy- “DigitalDumbingDown” StudyBill Gates Involvedin Tech Espionage:A major scandalsurroundingcorporateespionage.Jeff Bezos’ SpaceAmbitions Lead toan InternationalIncident: Involvingspace territorydisputes.Markiplier’sGaming EmpireUnder Threat:Due to a newgamingregulation policy.Disney’sBankruptcy:Following astring ofmassive boxoffice flops.AmericadeclaresWWIII(Nuclear war)MarkZuckerberg’sSuddenDisappearance:Under mysteriouscircumstances.PewDiePie’sUnexpectedHiatus: Suddenlyleaving YouTube,sparkingwidespreadspeculation.Major Leak ofSensitive Datafrom thePentagon:Exposing globalmilitary secrets.Marques Brownlee(MKBHD) TechLeak Mishap:Accidentallyrevealingconfidential techinformation.Ninja’s SuddenSwitch fromGaming toPolitics: Sparkingmixed reactionsfrom fans.Major EarthquakeDestroysHollywood:Affecting theglobalentertainmentindustry.Artificial IntelligenceIncident atFacebook: An AIexperiment goeswrong,compromising userdata.TwitterManipulationScandal: Involvinga global politicalmanipulationcampaign.MajorCyberattack onGoogle:Disruptingglobal digitalservices.Collapse of theEuropeanUnion:Following aseries ofpolitical crises.Logan Paul’sPolitical StuntBackfires:Attempting apolitical stunt thatgoes terriblywrong.Joe Rogan’sPodcast SparksGlobalProtests: Dueto controversialstatements.OpenAI TakeoverScare: Fears ofan AI dominatingdecision-makingin the company’s.LeBron James’SuddenRetirement:Due to anunforeseenscandal.Amazon’s FinancialMeltdown: A suddenand unexpectedfinancial crisiswithin the company.Elon Musk’s MarsMission Disaster:The first mannedmission to Marsfailscatastrophically.SuddenCollapse of theBitcoin Market:Causing acryptocurrencycrisis.Pope FrancisResigns AmidstScandal: Acontroversyunlike any beforein the Vatican.Tesla’sAutonomousVehicles CauseMajor Accidents:Leading to aglobal recall.CoComelonControversy- “DigitalDumbingDown” StudyBill Gates Involvedin Tech Espionage:A major scandalsurroundingcorporateespionage.Jeff Bezos’ SpaceAmbitions Lead toan InternationalIncident: Involvingspace territorydisputes.Markiplier’sGaming EmpireUnder Threat:Due to a newgamingregulation policy.Disney’sBankruptcy:Following astring ofmassive boxoffice flops.AmericadeclaresWWIII(Nuclear war)MarkZuckerberg’sSuddenDisappearance:Under mysteriouscircumstances.PewDiePie’sUnexpectedHiatus: Suddenlyleaving YouTube,sparkingwidespreadspeculation.Major Leak ofSensitive Datafrom thePentagon:Exposing globalmilitary secrets.

2024 Doomsday Dingo Card - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) Tech Leak Mishap: Accidentally revealing confidential tech information.
  2. Ninja’s Sudden Switch from Gaming to Politics: Sparking mixed reactions from fans.
  3. Major Earthquake Destroys Hollywood: Affecting the global entertainment industry.
  4. Artificial Intelligence Incident at Facebook: An AI experiment goes wrong, compromising user data.
  5. Twitter Manipulation Scandal: Involving a global political manipulation campaign.
  6. Major Cyberattack on Google: Disrupting global digital services.
  7. Collapse of the European Union: Following a series of political crises.
  8. Logan Paul’s Political Stunt Backfires: Attempting a political stunt that goes terribly wrong.
  9. Joe Rogan’s Podcast Sparks Global Protests: Due to controversial statements.
  10. OpenAI Takeover Scare: Fears of an AI dominating decision-making in the company’s.
  11. LeBron James’ Sudden Retirement: Due to an unforeseen scandal.
  12. Amazon’s Financial Meltdown: A sudden and unexpected financial crisis within the company.
  13. Elon Musk’s Mars Mission Disaster: The first manned mission to Mars fails catastrophically.
  14. Sudden Collapse of the Bitcoin Market: Causing a cryptocurrency crisis.
  15. Pope Francis Resigns Amidst Scandal: A controversy unlike any before in the Vatican.
  16. Tesla’s Autonomous Vehicles Cause Major Accidents: Leading to a global recall.
  17. CoComelon Controversy - “Digital Dumbing Down” Study
  18. Bill Gates Involved in Tech Espionage: A major scandal surrounding corporate espionage.
  19. Jeff Bezos’ Space Ambitions Lead to an International Incident: Involving space territory disputes.
  20. Markiplier’s Gaming Empire Under Threat: Due to a new gaming regulation policy.
  21. Disney’s Bankruptcy: Following a string of massive box office flops.
  22. America declares WWIII (Nuclear war )
  23. Mark Zuckerberg’s Sudden Disappearance: Under mysterious circumstances.
  24. PewDiePie’s Unexpected Hiatus: Suddenly leaving YouTube, sparking widespread speculation.
  25. Major Leak of Sensitive Data from the Pentagon: Exposing global military secrets.