Flame after ganked/ roamed ff spam before 10 mins Backdoor Jungle highest cs at 20 mins Facecheck death EZ spam Flash before lane Raging splitpusher AFK Surprise! Towerdive Mastery spammer 3+ autofills on your team Self chat mute Teammate raging at botlane 0/10 Yasuo power spike No support item Objective steal Botlane Invade! 45+ minute game Non- meta top pick Cringe name Pentakill Dance party with enemies 2 wards in same spot KYS ping spam Flame after ganked/ roamed ff spam before 10 mins Backdoor Jungle highest cs at 20 mins Facecheck death EZ spam Flash before lane Raging splitpusher AFK Surprise! Towerdive Mastery spammer 3+ autofills on your team Self chat mute Teammate raging at botlane 0/10 Yasuo power spike No support item Objective steal Botlane Invade! 45+ minute game Non- meta top pick Cringe name Pentakill Dance party with enemies 2 wards in same spot KYS ping spam
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Flame after ganked/
ff spam before 10 mins
Jungle highest cs at 20 mins
Facecheck death
EZ spam
Flash before lane
Raging splitpusher
Surprise! Towerdive
Mastery spammer
3+ autofills on your team
Self chat mute
Teammate raging at botlane
0/10 Yasuo power
No support item
Objective steal
Botlane Invade!
45+ minute game
Non-meta top pick
Cringe name
Dance party with enemies
2 wards in same spot
KYS ping spam