What do youwish you couldsee out of yourwindow rightnow ?What is thegreatestchallengeyou facedthis year?Who is yourfavoritefemalecelebrity?If you couldspeak anotherlanguagefluently whatwould it be andwhy ?What is yourfavoritemusicalistrument?Why?What smelltakes youback tochildhood?What is themost beautifulthing you haveever seen innature.?If you could have abill board printedup to say anythingor show anypicture what wouldbe on the billboardWhat isyourfavoritesmellWould youwant to befamous whyor why not?what is yourfavoritekitchenapplience ?Name one ofyour favoritethings aboutsomeone inyour familyWhat isyour ideaof a dreamvacation?When you weregrowing up didyour family doanythingspecial on newyears eve?Describe the roomyour family at in asa child colors,pictures table,chairs, plates,glasses, cuttlerywho sat whereWhat is a plantor vegetablethat describesyourpersonality/explainWhat is yourfavoritebreed ofdog?When areyou themostcomfortableIf you could tradeplace with anyonein the world for 24hours who would itbe? What do youthink it wold be likeIf you starteda club or agroup whatwould be itspurposeWhat is theworst gradeyou everreceived inschool? WhatsubjectWho is yourfavoritemalecelebrity?What is onesimple thingyou can doto cheeryourself upTalk about 3commercialsyou rememberfrom childhoodor teen yearsWhat do youwish you couldsee out of yourwindow rightnow ?What is thegreatestchallengeyou facedthis year?Who is yourfavoritefemalecelebrity?If you couldspeak anotherlanguagefluently whatwould it be andwhy ?What is yourfavoritemusicalistrument?Why?What smelltakes youback tochildhood?What is themost beautifulthing you haveever seen innature.?If you could have abill board printedup to say anythingor show anypicture what wouldbe on the billboardWhat isyourfavoritesmellWould youwant to befamous whyor why not?what is yourfavoritekitchenapplience ?Name one ofyour favoritethings aboutsomeone inyour familyWhat isyour ideaof a dreamvacation?When you weregrowing up didyour family doanythingspecial on newyears eve?Describe the roomyour family at in asa child colors,pictures table,chairs, plates,glasses, cuttlerywho sat whereWhat is a plantor vegetablethat describesyourpersonality/explainWhat is yourfavoritebreed ofdog?When areyou themostcomfortableIf you could tradeplace with anyonein the world for 24hours who would itbe? What do youthink it wold be likeIf you starteda club or agroup whatwould be itspurposeWhat is theworst gradeyou everreceived inschool? WhatsubjectWho is yourfavoritemalecelebrity?What is onesimple thingyou can doto cheeryourself upTalk about 3commercialsyou rememberfrom childhoodor teen years

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What do you wish you could see out of your window right now ?
  2. What is the greatest challenge you faced this year?
  3. Who is your favorite female celebrity?
  4. If you could speak another language fluently what would it be and why ?
  5. What is your favorite musical istrument? Why?
  6. What smell takes you back to childhood?
  7. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in nature.?
  8. If you could have a bill board printed up to say anything or show any picture what would be on the billboard
  9. What is your favorite smell
  10. Would you want to be famous why or why not?
  11. what is your favorite kitchen applience ?
  12. Name one of your favorite things about someone in your family
  13. What is your idea of a dream vacation?
  14. When you were growing up did your family do anything special on new years eve?
  15. Describe the room your family at in as a child colors, pictures table, chairs, plates, glasses, cuttlery who sat where
  16. What is a plant or vegetable that describes your personality/ explain
  17. What is your favorite breed of dog?
  18. When are you the most comfortable
  19. If you could trade place with anyone in the world for 24 hours who would it be? What do you think it wold be like
  20. If you started a club or a group what would be its purpose
  21. What is the worst grade you ever received in school? What subject
  22. Who is your favorite male celebrity?
  23. What is one simple thing you can do to cheer yourself up
  24. Talk about 3 commercials you remember from childhood or teen years