OpenOceanan area ofoceanthat is farfrom landLimneticZonethe open andwell-lit area ofa freestandingbody offreshwaterBorealForestforests growing inhigh-latitudeenvironmentswhere freezingtemperaturesoccur for 6 to 8months aka TaigaEcologicalEfficiencydescribes theefficiency withwhich energy istransferred fromone trophic levelto the nextPhytoplanktonMicroscopicplantsBiosphereregions of thesurface,atmosphere, andhydrosphere of theearth occupied byliving organisms.TrophicPyramida graphicalrepresentationof the energyfound within thetrophic levels ofan ecosystemBiogeochemicalCyclesHydrologic,Carbon,Nitrogen andPhosphorus areexamples ofPhoticZonethe uppermostlayer of abody of waterthat receivessunlightTundraTerrestrial biomethat is treeless andin which portionsof the soil arepermanentlyfrozenHeterotrophThey consumeother livingthings toobtain energyand nutrientsLittoralZoneareaclose tothe shoreAnaerobicRespirationrespiration throughwhich cells canbreak downsugars to generateenergy in theabsence of oxygenProfundalZonea deep zone of aninland body offreestanding water,such as a lake orpond, located belowthe range of effectivelight penetration.PhotosynthesisPlantsabsorb CO2and releaseOxygen andwaterTerrestrialBiomesCharacterizedby thedominant plantforms presentthere...Percolationthe process bywhich watermoves downwardthrough the soilunder gravitationalforcesPrimaryConsumerakaherbivoresandsometimesomnivoresGPPthe rate at whichsolar energy iscaptured insugar moleculesduringphotosynthesisChemosynthesisthe biologicalprocess by whichchemical energy isconverted intocarbohydrates forthe organism'sfoodAutotrophsaka plantsandproducersRunoffthe water that ispulled by gravityacross land's surface,replenishing surfacewater as it movesinto a river, stream orwatershed.Estuarytidal mouth ofa large river,where thetide meetsthe streamAquaticBiomesDivided intotwo largecategoriesbased onsalinityIntertidalZoneWhere to goif you wantto play in thetide poolsNitrogenFixationchemical processesby whichatmosphericnitrogen isassimilated intoorganic compoundssuch as ammoniaDetritovoreconsume rottingleaves and otherdead plantmaterials in or onsoil. Earthwormsare an exampleTrophicCascadean ecologicalphenomenontriggered by theaddition orremoval of toppredatorsSaltMarsharea of coastalgrassland thatis regularlyflooded byseawater.BenthicZonethe ecological regionat the lowest level ofa body of water suchas an ocean, lake, orstream, including thesediment surface andsome sub-surfacelayers.AerobicRespirationthe process ofcellular respirationthat takes place inthe presence ofoxygen gas toproduce energyfrom foodMangroveAquaticbiomedominatedby salttolerant treesCellularRespirationLiving thingsconvert glucoseinto energy forgrowth and lifefunctionsCarbonSequestrationCan be achievedby man madeprocesses ornaturally whenplants absorb CO2druingphotosynthesisEutrophiclake or other body ofwater) rich in nutrientsand so supporting adense plant population,the decomposition ofwhich kills animal lifeby depriving it ofoxygen.FreshwaterWetlandsSwamps,Marshes andBogs are alltypes of...TertiaryconsumerThe owl ate abird that hadeaten agrasshopperthat had eatengrassCoralReefThis aquatic biomeis experiencingdamage from risingocean temps, lowerocean pH, and theuse of some typesof sunscreenOligotrophiclow nutrientlakes,streams,springs, andgroundwater.Scavengerthe type ofdecomposerthat feeds onthe carcassesof dead animalsDenitrificationthe process duringwhich the nitrogencompound isreleased back intothe atmosphere byconverting nitrate(NO3-) into gaseousnitrogen (N)Transpirationexhalation ofwater vaporthrough thestomataPermafrosta thick subsurfacelayer of soil thatremains frozenthroughout theyear, occurringchiefly in polarregions.TropicalRainforestTerrestrialbiome withthe highestproductivity(NPP)Desertterrestrial biomedominated bycactus and otherwaterconservingplantsClimatogramGraphicalrepresenationof annualprecipitation &temperatureSavannaa grassy plainin tropical andsubtropicalregions, withfew treesOpenOceanan area ofoceanthat is farfrom landLimneticZonethe open andwell-lit area ofa freestandingbody offreshwaterBorealForestforests growing inhigh-latitudeenvironmentswhere freezingtemperaturesoccur for 6 to 8months aka TaigaEcologicalEfficiencydescribes theefficiency withwhich energy istransferred fromone trophic levelto the nextPhytoplanktonMicroscopicplantsBiosphereregions of thesurface,atmosphere, andhydrosphere of theearth occupied byliving organisms.TrophicPyramida graphicalrepresentationof the energyfound within thetrophic levels ofan ecosystemBiogeochemicalCyclesHydrologic,Carbon,Nitrogen andPhosphorus areexamples ofPhoticZonethe uppermostlayer of abody of waterthat receivessunlightTundraTerrestrial biomethat is treeless andin which portionsof the soil arepermanentlyfrozenHeterotrophThey consumeother livingthings toobtain energyand nutrientsLittoralZoneareaclose tothe shoreAnaerobicRespirationrespiration throughwhich cells canbreak downsugars to generateenergy in theabsence of oxygenProfundalZonea deep zone of aninland body offreestanding water,such as a lake orpond, located belowthe range of effectivelight penetration.PhotosynthesisPlantsabsorb CO2and releaseOxygen andwaterTerrestrialBiomesCharacterizedby thedominant plantforms presentthere...Percolationthe process bywhich watermoves downwardthrough the soilunder gravitationalforcesPrimaryConsumerakaherbivoresandsometimesomnivoresGPPthe rate at whichsolar energy iscaptured insugar moleculesduringphotosynthesisChemosynthesisthe biologicalprocess by whichchemical energy isconverted intocarbohydrates forthe organism'sfoodAutotrophsaka plantsandproducersRunoffthe water that ispulled by gravityacross land's surface,replenishing surfacewater as it movesinto a river, stream orwatershed.Estuarytidal mouth ofa large river,where thetide meetsthe streamAquaticBiomesDivided intotwo largecategoriesbased onsalinityIntertidalZoneWhere to goif you wantto play in thetide poolsNitrogenFixationchemical processesby whichatmosphericnitrogen isassimilated intoorganic compoundssuch as ammoniaDetritovoreconsume rottingleaves and otherdead plantmaterials in or onsoil. Earthwormsare an exampleTrophicCascadean ecologicalphenomenontriggered by theaddition orremoval of toppredatorsSaltMarsharea of coastalgrassland thatis regularlyflooded byseawater.BenthicZonethe ecological regionat the lowest level ofa body of water suchas an ocean, lake, orstream, including thesediment surface andsome sub-surfacelayers.AerobicRespirationthe process ofcellular respirationthat takes place inthe presence ofoxygen gas toproduce energyfrom foodMangroveAquaticbiomedominatedby salttolerant treesCellularRespirationLiving thingsconvert glucoseinto energy forgrowth and lifefunctionsCarbonSequestrationCan be achievedby man madeprocesses ornaturally whenplants absorb CO2druingphotosynthesisEutrophiclake or other body ofwater) rich in nutrientsand so supporting adense plant population,the decomposition ofwhich kills animal lifeby depriving it ofoxygen.FreshwaterWetlandsSwamps,Marshes andBogs are alltypes of...TertiaryconsumerThe owl ate abird that hadeaten agrasshopperthat had eatengrassCoralReefThis aquatic biomeis experiencingdamage from risingocean temps, lowerocean pH, and theuse of some typesof sunscreenOligotrophiclow nutrientlakes,streams,springs, andgroundwater.Scavengerthe type ofdecomposerthat feeds onthe carcassesof dead animalsDenitrificationthe process duringwhich the nitrogencompound isreleased back intothe atmosphere byconverting nitrate(NO3-) into gaseousnitrogen (N)Transpirationexhalation ofwater vaporthrough thestomataPermafrosta thick subsurfacelayer of soil thatremains frozenthroughout theyear, occurringchiefly in polarregions.TropicalRainforestTerrestrialbiome withthe highestproductivity(NPP)Desertterrestrial biomedominated bycactus and otherwaterconservingplantsClimatogramGraphicalrepresenationof annualprecipitation &temperatureSavannaa grassy plainin tropical andsubtropicalregions, withfew trees

Biomes, Nutrient Cycles & Trophic Pyramids - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. an area of ocean that is far from land
    Open Ocean
  2. the open and well-lit area of a freestanding body of freshwater
    Limnetic Zone
  3. forests growing in high-latitude environments where freezing temperatures occur for 6 to 8 months aka Taiga
    Boreal Forest
  4. describes the efficiency with which energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next
    Ecological Efficiency
  5. Microscopic plants
  6. regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth occupied by living organisms.
  7. a graphical representation of the energy found within the trophic levels of an ecosystem
    Trophic Pyramid
  8. Hydrologic, Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus are examples of
    Biogeochemical Cycles
  9. the uppermost layer of a body of water that receives sunlight
    Photic Zone
  10. Terrestrial biome that is treeless and in which portions of the soil are permanently frozen
  11. They consume other living things to obtain energy and nutrients
  12. area close to the shore
    Littoral Zone
  13. respiration through which cells can break down sugars to generate energy in the absence of oxygen
    Anaerobic Respiration
  14. a deep zone of an inland body of freestanding water, such as a lake or pond, located below the range of effective light penetration.
    Profundal Zone
  15. Plants absorb CO2 and release Oxygen and water
  16. Characterized by the dominant plant forms present there...
    Terrestrial Biomes
  17. the process by which water moves downward through the soil under gravitational forces
  18. aka herbivores and sometimes omnivores
    Primary Consumer
  19. the rate at which solar energy is captured in sugar molecules during photosynthesis
  20. the biological process by which chemical energy is converted into carbohydrates for the organism's food
  21. aka plants and producers
  22. the water that is pulled by gravity across land's surface, replenishing surface water as it moves into a river, stream or watershed.
  23. tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream
  24. Divided into two large categories based on salinity
    Aquatic Biomes
  25. Where to go if you want to play in the tide pools
    Intertidal Zone
  26. chemical processes by which atmospheric nitrogen is assimilated into organic compounds such as ammonia
    Nitrogen Fixation
  27. consume rotting leaves and other dead plant materials in or on soil. Earthworms are an example
  28. an ecological phenomenon triggered by the addition or removal of top predators
    Trophic Cascade
  29. area of coastal grassland that is regularly flooded by seawater.
    Salt Marsh
  30. the ecological region at the lowest level of a body of water such as an ocean, lake, or stream, including the sediment surface and some sub-surface layers.
    Benthic Zone
  31. the process of cellular respiration that takes place in the presence of oxygen gas to produce energy from food
    Aerobic Respiration
  32. Aquatic biome dominated by salt tolerant trees
  33. Living things convert glucose into energy for growth and life functions
    Cellular Respiration
  34. Can be achieved by man made processes or naturally when plants absorb CO2 druing photosynthesis
    Carbon Sequestration
  35. lake or other body of water) rich in nutrients and so supporting a dense plant population, the decomposition of which kills animal life by depriving it of oxygen.
  36. Swamps, Marshes and Bogs are all types of...
    Freshwater Wetlands
  37. The owl ate a bird that had eaten a grasshopper that had eaten grass
    Tertiary consumer
  38. This aquatic biome is experiencing damage from rising ocean temps, lower ocean pH, and the use of some types of sunscreen
    Coral Reef
  39. low nutrient lakes, streams, springs, and groundwater.
  40. the type of decomposer that feeds on the carcasses of dead animals
  41. the process during which the nitrogen compound is released back into the atmosphere by converting nitrate (NO3-) into gaseous nitrogen (N)
  42. exhalation of water vapor through the stomata
  43. a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year, occurring chiefly in polar regions.
  44. Terrestrial biome with the highest productivity (NPP)
    Tropical Rainforest
  45. terrestrial biome dominated by cactus and other water conserving plants
  46. Graphical represenation of annual precipitation & temperature
  47. a grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with few trees