Iters-Talk aboutspecific thingschild did duringthe day6. 7.2Staff explainreasons forsafety rulesto children11. 7.2Staff pretendwith childrenin play20. 7.3sanitizing solutionsprayed on diaperchanging surfacesmust remain for aminimum of 2minutes.9;. 1;1. 3/1, 5.1Ecers-Independentmusicavailable in4's.Ecers-Give exampleswhen problemsolving17. 5.2Iters-Activitiesprovided forchildren who arenot sleeping8. 7.2EcersChildren busilyinvolved untildepartures, nolong waiting time9. 7.2Ecers-Blocks &accessoriesstored on open,labeled shelves.22. 7.2Solid barriermust separatecots that areless than 36"apart11. 3.2Many & varied artmaterialsaccessible asubstantialportion of the day20. 5.1Wash handsuponentering aclassroom11. 7.1Sitw/children atmeals/snack10. 5.1Cotsplaced36" apart11. 5.3Art work orphotos ofrecentactivities6. 5.1Sanitizing spraycannot besprayed where itcan be breathedby children14. 1.1Additionalmaterialsavailable to addor changecenters4. 7.3Enough grossmotor toys sochildren do nothave to wait.8. 7.23 dimensionalchild-createdworkdisplayed6. 7.2Iters-Staff addmore wards &ideas to whatchild says13. 7.2Each childis greetedindividually9. 5.1Iters Only-personal softtoys can beused at naptime8. .3.2Iters-Prepare fordiaper changebefore bringingchild to area9Block playavailableoutdoors22. 7.3Sand play isclean, andcovered whennot in use10. 5.4Art workdisplayed onchild's eyelevel6. 5.3Books areadded orchanged tomaintaininterest14 7.3Ecers-Children helpprepare formeals/snack10. 7.1Wash handsbefore touchinganything in theclassroom11.7.1Iters-Talk aboutspecific thingschild did duringthe day6. 7.2Staff explainreasons forsafety rulesto children11. 7.2Staff pretendwith childrenin play20. 7.3sanitizing solutionsprayed on diaperchanging surfacesmust remain for aminimum of 2minutes.9;. 1;1. 3/1, 5.1Ecers-Independentmusicavailable in4's.Ecers-Give exampleswhen problemsolving17. 5.2Iters-Activitiesprovided forchildren who arenot sleeping8. 7.2EcersChildren busilyinvolved untildepartures, nolong waiting time9. 7.2Ecers-Blocks &accessoriesstored on open,labeled shelves.22. 7.2Solid barriermust separatecots that areless than 36"apart11. 3.2Many & varied artmaterialsaccessible asubstantialportion of the day20. 5.1Wash handsuponentering aclassroom11. 7.1Sitw/children atmeals/snack10. 5.1Cotsplaced36" apart11. 5.3Art work orphotos ofrecentactivities6. 5.1Sanitizing spraycannot besprayed where itcan be breathedby children14. 1.1Additionalmaterialsavailable to addor changecenters4. 7.3Enough grossmotor toys sochildren do nothave to wait.8. 7.23 dimensionalchild-createdworkdisplayed6. 7.2Iters-Staff addmore wards &ideas to whatchild says13. 7.2Each childis greetedindividually9. 5.1Iters Only-personal softtoys can beused at naptime8. .3.2Iters-Prepare fordiaper changebefore bringingchild to area9Block playavailableoutdoors22. 7.3Sand play isclean, andcovered whennot in use10. 5.4Art workdisplayed onchild's eyelevel6. 5.3Books areadded orchanged tomaintaininterest14 7.3Ecers-Children helpprepare formeals/snack10. 7.1Wash handsbefore touchinganything in theclassroom11.7.1

Iters and Ecers Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Iters- Talk about specific things child did during the day 6. 7.2
  2. Staff explain reasons for safety rules to children 11. 7.2
  3. Staff pretend with children in play 20. 7.3
  4. sanitizing solution sprayed on diaper changing surfaces must remain for a minimum of 2 minutes. 9;. 1;1. 3/1, 5.1
  5. Ecers- Independent music available in 4's.
  6. Ecers- Give examples when problem solving 17. 5.2
  7. Iters- Activities provided for children who are not sleeping 8. 7.2
  8. Ecers Children busily involved until departures, no long waiting time 9. 7.2
  9. Ecers- Blocks & accessories stored on open, labeled shelves. 22. 7.2
  10. Solid barrier must separate cots that are less than 36" apart 11. 3.2
  11. Many & varied art materials accessible a substantial portion of the day 20. 5.1
  12. Wash hands upon entering a classroom 11. 7.1
  13. Sit w/children at meals/snack 10. 5.1
  14. Cots placed 36" apart 11. 5.3
  15. Art work or photos of recent activities 6. 5.1
  16. Sanitizing spray cannot be sprayed where it can be breathed by children 14. 1.1
  17. Additional materials available to add or change centers 4. 7.3
  18. Enough gross motor toys so children do not have to wait. 8. 7.2
  19. 3 dimensional child-created work displayed 6. 7.2
  20. Iters-Staff add more wards & ideas to what child says 13. 7.2
  21. Each child is greeted individually 9. 5.1
  22. Iters Only- personal soft toys can be used at nap time 8. .3.2
  23. Iters- Prepare for diaper change before bringing child to area 9
  24. Block play available outdoors 22. 7.3
  25. Sand play is clean, and covered when not in use 10. 5.4
  26. Art work displayed on child's eye level 6. 5.3
  27. Books are added or changed to maintain interest 14 7.3
  28. Ecers- Children help prepare for meals/snack 10. 7.1
  29. Wash hands before touching anything in the classroom 11.7.1