Share oneexample ofhow is ImamAli revered inSufi traditions?Find out howHazar Imamviewed ImamAli and shareone best linefrom it.Find out two poetriesor songs where thereis a mention of “ ManKuntu Mawla… Ofwhom I am themaster, Ali is themaster. “Name twoevents/ religiouscelebrationwhere Imam Aliis beingremembered.Share a part ofginan in whichImam Ali isbeing Praisedand admired.How doesHazrat Umar(r.a) praisedHazrat Ali.Share a story ofHazrat Ali thatemphasize onjustice, fairnessand ethics.Name two bookson Imam Ali bywestern scholarsand name anytwo biographiesof Hazrat AliPick any oneadvice of Imam Aliand explain to theteacher when andhow did you actupon that advice.Search twonames of thework done byAttar and Rumiwhere theypraised Imam Ali.Find out the name ofthe poet andphilosopher whopriased Imam Ali bysaying “ A thousandyears of praise will notexhaust one of athousand of hisqualities. “Name onemasterpiece ofArabic literaturethat is attributed toImam’s Ali for hiswisdom andguidance.Find one imageof an artifact thatis being inspiredby Imam Ali , hislife and work.Click the three imagesof the sayings andquotes of hazratAli depictedthrough Islamiccalligraphy.Share one hadithof ProphetMohammad(S.A.S) where herevered HazratAli (A.S.)Read one qasidaabout Imam Aliand write downthe translation ofyour favouriteline.Share oneexample ofhow is ImamAli revered inSufi traditions?Find out howHazar Imamviewed ImamAli and shareone best linefrom it.Find out two poetriesor songs where thereis a mention of “ ManKuntu Mawla… Ofwhom I am themaster, Ali is themaster. “Name twoevents/ religiouscelebrationwhere Imam Aliis beingremembered.Share a part ofginan in whichImam Ali isbeing Praisedand admired.How doesHazrat Umar(r.a) praisedHazrat Ali.Share a story ofHazrat Ali thatemphasize onjustice, fairnessand ethics.Name two bookson Imam Ali bywestern scholarsand name anytwo biographiesof Hazrat AliPick any oneadvice of Imam Aliand explain to theteacher when andhow did you actupon that advice.Search twonames of thework done byAttar and Rumiwhere theypraised Imam Ali.Find out the name ofthe poet andphilosopher whopriased Imam Ali bysaying “ A thousandyears of praise will notexhaust one of athousand of hisqualities. “Name onemasterpiece ofArabic literaturethat is attributed toImam’s Ali for hiswisdom andguidance.Find one imageof an artifact thatis being inspiredby Imam Ali , hislife and work.Click the three imagesof the sayings andquotes of hazratAli depictedthrough Islamiccalligraphy.Share one hadithof ProphetMohammad(S.A.S) where herevered HazratAli (A.S.)Read one qasidaabout Imam Aliand write downthe translation ofyour favouriteline.

Ali's legacy - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Share one example of how is Imam Ali revered in Sufi traditions?
  2. Find out how Hazar Imam viewed Imam Ali and share one best line from it.
  3. Find out two poetries or songs where there is a mention of “ Man Kuntu Mawla… Of whom I am the master, Ali is the master. “
  4. Name two events/ religious celebration where Imam Ali is being remembered.
  5. Share a part of ginan in which Imam Ali is being Praised and admired.
  6. How does Hazrat Umar (r.a) praised Hazrat Ali.
  7. Share a story of Hazrat Ali that emphasize on justice, fairness and ethics.
  8. Name two books on Imam Ali by western scholars and name any two biographies of Hazrat Ali
  9. Pick any one advice of Imam Ali and explain to the teacher when and how did you act upon that advice.
  10. Search two names of the work done by Attar and Rumi where they praised Imam Ali.
  11. Find out the name of the poet and philosopher who priased Imam Ali by saying “ A thousand years of praise will not exhaust one of a thousand of his qualities. “
  12. Name one masterpiece of Arabic literature that is attributed to Imam’s Ali for his wisdom and guidance.
  13. Find one image of an artifact that is being inspired by Imam Ali , his life and work. Click the picture.
  14. click three images of the sayings and quotes of hazrat Ali depicted through Islamic calligraphy.
  15. Share one hadith of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.S) where he revered Hazrat Ali (A.S.)
  16. Read one qasida about Imam Ali and write down the translation of your favourite line.