What kind ofjob do you thinkwill becomepopular in thefuture?Tell meabout apopularplace in yourhometown?What activitiesdo differentmembers ofyour familyenjoy doing?Do you likethe placeyou areliving in?Why?What doyou likedoing in themorning?Who doyou want tobecome inthe future?Which oneare you moreinterested in?Arts orscience?Where doyou want togo for yournextholiday?Do you preferspendingtime withyour family oryour friends?How has yourhometownchanged inthe last 10years?Do you livein the city orthecountryside? How oftendo you goout withyour family?What doyou enjoydoing withyour family? Do youprefer livingin the city orin thecountryside? What kind offood do youlike to eat insummer?Are yousimilar toyour motheror yourfather?What kind ofjob do you thinkwill becomepopular in thefuture?Tell meabout apopularplace in yourhometown?What activitiesdo differentmembers ofyour familyenjoy doing?Do you likethe placeyou areliving in?Why?What doyou likedoing in themorning?Who doyou want tobecome inthe future?Which oneare you moreinterested in?Arts orscience?Where doyou want togo for yournextholiday?Do you preferspendingtime withyour family oryour friends?How has yourhometownchanged inthe last 10years?Do you livein the city orthecountryside? How oftendo you goout withyour family?What doyou enjoydoing withyour family? Do youprefer livingin the city orin thecountryside? What kind offood do youlike to eat insummer?Are yousimilar toyour motheror yourfather?

Speaking Bing - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What kind of job do you think will become popular in the future?
  2. Tell me about a popular place in your hometown?
  3. What activities do different members of your family enjoy doing?
  4. Do you like the place you are living in? Why?
  5. What do you like doing in the morning?
  6. Who do you want to become in the future?
  7. Which one are you more interested in? Arts or science?
  8. Where do you want to go for your next holiday?
  9. Do you prefer spending time with your family or your friends?
  10. How has your hometown changed in the last 10 years?
  11. Do you live in the city or the countryside?
  12. How often do you go out with your family?
  13. What do you enjoy doing with your family?
  14. Do you prefer living in the city or in the countryside?
  15. What kind of food do you like to eat in summer?
  16. Are you similar to your mother or your father?