India liesentirely inthe northernhemisphere.India is thesecond largestEnglish-speakingcountry in theworld.India has thelargestpostalnetwork inthe world.Chess wasinvented inIndia beforethe 6thcentury AD.The climate ofIndia canbroadly beclassified as atropicalmonsoon one.Yoga originatedfrom India andis still inexistence forover 5000years.According to TheGuinness Book ofWorld Records,India has the thirdhighest number ofrecord applicationsin the world.India is hometo around1300 speciesof beautifulbirds.India areais 3.3million has thelargestnumber ofvegetariansin the world.The Indianpeacock isthe nationalbird of India.India is theonly countrythat has abill of rightsfor cows.The Taj Mahal is nota palace, it’s actuallya tomb. It is amongthe Seven Wondersof the World and is astunning symbol oflove and architecturalbrilliance.The number ofpeople travelling inthe Indian railwaysEvery Day is equalto the populationof Australia.RepublicDay marksthe adoptionof India'sconstitution .Calculus andTrigonometrycame fromIndia. ThanksIndia! LOLIndia was the firstcountry to minediamonds fromthe 4th centuryBC for around1000 years.India is oneof the oldestcivilizationsin the world.The capitalof India isNew Delhi.India ispredicted topass China’spopulationby 2028.The cow isconsideredsacred in theHindu religionin India.The officialreligion ofIndia isHinduism.Natural hazards inIndia includeMonsoon floods,flash floods,earthquakes,droughts, andlandslides.India is theworld’s largestmilk producer,with over 16%of globalproduction.India liesentirely inthe northernhemisphere.India is thesecond largestEnglish-speakingcountry in theworld.India has thelargestpostalnetwork inthe world.Chess wasinvented inIndia beforethe 6thcentury AD.The climate ofIndia canbroadly beclassified as atropicalmonsoon one.Yoga originatedfrom India andis still inexistence forover 5000years.According to TheGuinness Book ofWorld Records,India has the thirdhighest number ofrecord applicationsin the world.India is hometo around1300 speciesof beautifulbirds.India areais 3.3million has thelargestnumber ofvegetariansin the world.The Indianpeacock isthe nationalbird of India.India is theonly countrythat has abill of rightsfor cows.The Taj Mahal is nota palace, it’s actuallya tomb. It is amongthe Seven Wondersof the World and is astunning symbol oflove and architecturalbrilliance.The number ofpeople travelling inthe Indian railwaysEvery Day is equalto the populationof Australia.RepublicDay marksthe adoptionof India'sconstitution .Calculus andTrigonometrycame fromIndia. ThanksIndia! LOLIndia was the firstcountry to minediamonds fromthe 4th centuryBC for around1000 years.India is oneof the oldestcivilizationsin the world.The capitalof India isNew Delhi.India ispredicted topass China’spopulationby 2028.The cow isconsideredsacred in theHindu religionin India.The officialreligion ofIndia isHinduism.Natural hazards inIndia includeMonsoon floods,flash floods,earthquakes,droughts, andlandslides.India is theworld’s largestmilk producer,with over 16%of globalproduction.

Delhi Republic Day - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. India lies entirely in the northern hemisphere.
  2. India is the second largest English-speaking country in the world.
  3. India has the largest postal network in the world.
  4. Chess was invented in India before the 6th century AD.
  5. The climate of India can broadly be classified as a tropical monsoon one.
  6. Yoga originated from India and is still in existence for over 5000 years.
  7. According to The Guinness Book of World Records, India has the third highest number of record applications in the world.
  8. India is home to around 1300 species of beautiful birds.
  9. India area is 3.3 million sq. km.
  10. India has the largest number of vegetarians in the world.
  11. The Indian peacock is the national bird of India.
  12. India is the only country that has a bill of rights for cows.
  13. The Taj Mahal is not a palace, it’s actually a tomb. It is among the Seven Wonders of the World and is a stunning symbol of love and architectural brilliance.
  14. The number of people travelling in the Indian railways Every Day is equal to the population of Australia.
  15. Republic Day marks the adoption of India's constitution .
  16. Calculus and Trigonometry came from India. Thanks India! LOL
  17. India was the first country to mine diamonds from the 4th century BC for around 1000 years.
  18. India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world.
  19. The capital of India is New Delhi.
  20. India is predicted to pass China’s population by 2028.
  21. The cow is considered sacred in the Hindu religion in India.
  22. The official religion of India is Hinduism.
  23. Natural hazards in India include Monsoon floods, flash floods, earthquakes, droughts, and landslides.
  24. India is the world’s largest milk producer, with over 16% of global production.