Diplomaticefforts andfailednegotiationsBorderDisputesand the RioGrandeTexas claimed theRio Grande as itssouthern border.Mexico said theNueces River, tothe north, shouldbe the borderforeignrelationsdealingsbetweencountriesTexasIndependenceandAnnexationthe 1845annexation ofthe Republic ofTexas into theUnited States.AntonioLopez deSantaAnnaMexicanPresidentThorntonAffairthe first militaryengagementbetween theUnited States andMexico in theMexican-AmericanWarTreaty ofGuadalupeHidalgoThis treaty, signedon February 2,1848, ended thewar between theUnited States andMexico.Battle ofBuenaVistathe war between theUnited States andMexico. A U.S. army ofabout 5,000 men underGeneral Zachary Taylorhad invadednortheastern Mexico,taking Monterrey andSaltillo.Declarationof War bythe UnitedStatesa formal declarationissued by a nationalgovernmentindicating that astate of war existsbetween that nationand another.Impact onthe debateoverslaverydomesticaffairsrelating toissues withina homecountryBattles ofPalo Altoand Resacade la Palmacompromisean agreementin which bothsides give upsomedemandsImpact onU.S.-MexicorelationsJamesK. PolkUSPresidentZacharyTaylorU.S.GeneralTerritorialchanges andthe MexicanCessioncessionsomethingthat is givenup in a treaty,generallyterritoryBattle ofMonterreyGeneral Pedro de Ampudiaand the Mexican Army ofthe North was defeated bythe Army of Occupation, aforce of United StatesRegulars, Volunteers andTexas Rangers under thecommand of GeneralZachary Taylor.annexationaddingterritory toexistingterritorymanifestdestinyidea that theUnited Statesshould expand toinclude theterritory from theAtlantic Ocean tothe Pacific OceanU.S.ExpansionistPoliciesCaptureof MexicoCityU.S. forces underGeneral WinfieldScott enter MexicoCity and raise theAmerican flag overthe Hall ofMontezumaWinfieldScottU.S.GeneralDiplomaticefforts andfailednegotiationsBorderDisputesand the RioGrandeTexas claimed theRio Grande as itssouthern border.Mexico said theNueces River, tothe north, shouldbe the borderforeignrelationsdealingsbetweencountriesTexasIndependenceandAnnexationthe 1845annexation ofthe Republic ofTexas into theUnited States.AntonioLopez deSantaAnnaMexicanPresidentThorntonAffairthe first militaryengagementbetween theUnited States andMexico in theMexican-AmericanWarTreaty ofGuadalupeHidalgoThis treaty, signedon February 2,1848, ended thewar between theUnited States andMexico.Battle ofBuenaVistathe war between theUnited States andMexico. A U.S. army ofabout 5,000 men underGeneral Zachary Taylorhad invadednortheastern Mexico,taking Monterrey andSaltillo.Declarationof War bythe UnitedStatesa formal declarationissued by a nationalgovernmentindicating that astate of war existsbetween that nationand another.Impact onthe debateoverslaverydomesticaffairsrelating toissues withina homecountryBattles ofPalo Altoand Resacade la Palmacompromisean agreementin which bothsides give upsomedemandsImpact onU.S.-MexicorelationsJamesK. PolkUSPresidentZacharyTaylorU.S.GeneralTerritorialchanges andthe MexicanCessioncessionsomethingthat is givenup in a treaty,generallyterritoryBattle ofMonterreyGeneral Pedro de Ampudiaand the Mexican Army ofthe North was defeated bythe Army of Occupation, aforce of United StatesRegulars, Volunteers andTexas Rangers under thecommand of GeneralZachary Taylor.annexationaddingterritory toexistingterritorymanifestdestinyidea that theUnited Statesshould expand toinclude theterritory from theAtlantic Ocean tothe Pacific OceanU.S.ExpansionistPoliciesCaptureof MexicoCityU.S. forces underGeneral WinfieldScott enter MexicoCity and raise theAmerican flag overthe Hall ofMontezumaWinfieldScottU.S.General

Mexican American War - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Diplomatic efforts and failed negotiations
  2. Texas claimed the Rio Grande as its southern border. Mexico said the Nueces River, to the north, should be the border
    Border Disputes and the Rio Grande
  3. dealings between countries
    foreign relations
  4. the 1845 annexation of the Republic of Texas into the United States.
    Texas Independence and Annexation
  5. Mexican President
    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
  6. the first military engagement between the United States and Mexico in the Mexican-American War
    Thornton Affair
  7. This treaty, signed on February 2, 1848, ended the war between the United States and Mexico.
    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  8. the war between the United States and Mexico. A U.S. army of about 5,000 men under General Zachary Taylor had invaded northeastern Mexico, taking Monterrey and Saltillo.
    Battle of Buena Vista
  9. a formal declaration issued by a national government indicating that a state of war exists between that nation and another.
    Declaration of War by the United States
  10. Impact on the debate over slavery
  11. relating to issues within a home country
    domestic affairs
  12. Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma
  13. an agreement in which both sides give up some demands
  14. Impact on U.S.-Mexico relations
  15. US President
    James K. Polk
  16. U.S. General
    Zachary Taylor
  17. Territorial changes and the Mexican Cession
  18. something that is given up in a treaty, generally territory
  19. General Pedro de Ampudia and the Mexican Army of the North was defeated by the Army of Occupation, a force of United States Regulars, Volunteers and Texas Rangers under the command of General Zachary Taylor.
    Battle of Monterrey
  20. adding territory to existing territory
  21. idea that the United States should expand to include the territory from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
    manifest destiny
  22. U.S. Expansionist Policies
  23. U.S. forces under General Winfield Scott enter Mexico City and raise the American flag over the Hall of Montezuma
    Capture of Mexico City
  24. U.S. General
    Winfield Scott