TIME: Thetext usestime in anunusual ordistinct way.POWER: Acharacter ismotivated bythe desire forpower.DEATH: Adeath sceneis importantto the work'smeaning.CRUELTY:What acts ofcruelty revealabout theperpetrator orvictim.SACRIFICE:What acharacter givesup reveals hisor her values.CHILDHOODis important,whetherpositive ornegative.A MYSTERYis investigatedin a non-detectivenovel.NAMES: Acharacter'sname revealshis or hercomplexity orambiguity.ALIENATION: Acharacter feelsisolated fromfamily, society, oranother importantgroup.'THOUGHTFULLAUGHTER': Ascene or workthat makes youlaugh...andthink.MORALAMBIGUITY: Acharacter who isneither "purelygood" nor "purelyevil."A MENTORhas a majormajor impact onanothercharacter'sworldview.A POLITICALOR SOCIALISSUE isimportant to thework'smeaning.A PHYSICALJOURNEY isimportant tothe work'smeaning.CONFORMITY:A characteroutwardlyconforms, butinwardlyquestions.BETRAYAL: Onecharacter betraysanother,themselves ortheir own beliefs.GENDER:Tensions betweenmen and womenare important tothe work'smeaning.INACTION: Acharacter failsto respond oract at a crucialmoment.MONEY:Wealth or lackof wealth areimportant to thework'smeaning.THE PAST: Acharacter isstill affectedby eventsfrom the past.CHARACTERFOIL: We learnabout onecharacter viaanothercharacter'scontrasting traits.GENERATIONGAP: Older andyoungercharacters seethe worlddifferently.A TRAGICHERO whosuffers, but alsocausessuffering forothers.HOPE: Whata character'shopes revealsabout his orher values.TIME: Thetext usestime in anunusual ordistinct way.POWER: Acharacter ismotivated bythe desire forpower.DEATH: Adeath sceneis importantto the work'smeaning.CRUELTY:What acts ofcruelty revealabout theperpetrator orvictim.SACRIFICE:What acharacter givesup reveals hisor her values.CHILDHOODis important,whetherpositive ornegative.A MYSTERYis investigatedin a non-detectivenovel.NAMES: Acharacter'sname revealshis or hercomplexity orambiguity.ALIENATION: Acharacter feelsisolated fromfamily, society, oranother importantgroup.'THOUGHTFULLAUGHTER': Ascene or workthat makes youlaugh...andthink.MORALAMBIGUITY: Acharacter who isneither "purelygood" nor "purelyevil."A MENTORhas a majormajor impact onanothercharacter'sworldview.A POLITICALOR SOCIALISSUE isimportant to thework'smeaning.A PHYSICALJOURNEY isimportant tothe work'smeaning.CONFORMITY:A characteroutwardlyconforms, butinwardlyquestions.BETRAYAL: Onecharacter betraysanother,themselves ortheir own beliefs.GENDER:Tensions betweenmen and womenare important tothe work'smeaning.INACTION: Acharacter failsto respond oract at a crucialmoment.MONEY:Wealth or lackof wealth areimportant to thework'smeaning.THE PAST: Acharacter isstill affectedby eventsfrom the past.CHARACTERFOIL: We learnabout onecharacter viaanothercharacter'scontrasting traits.GENERATIONGAP: Older andyoungercharacters seethe worlddifferently.A TRAGICHERO whosuffers, but alsocausessuffering forothers.HOPE: Whata character'shopes revealsabout his orher values.

Thematic Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. TIME: The text uses time in an unusual or distinct way.
  2. POWER: A character is motivated by the desire for power.
  3. DEATH: A death scene is important to the work's meaning.
  4. CRUELTY: What acts of cruelty reveal about the perpetrator or victim.
  5. SACRIFICE: What a character gives up reveals his or her values.
  6. CHILDHOOD is important, whether positive or negative.
  7. A MYSTERY is investigated in a non-detective novel.
  8. NAMES: A character's name reveals his or her complexity or ambiguity.
  9. ALIENATION: A character feels isolated from family, society, or another important group.
  10. 'THOUGHTFUL LAUGHTER': A scene or work that makes you laugh...and think.
  11. MORAL AMBIGUITY: A character who is neither "purely good" nor "purely evil."
  12. A MENTOR has a major major impact on another character's worldview.
  13. A POLITICAL OR SOCIAL ISSUE is important to the work's meaning.
  14. A PHYSICAL JOURNEY is important to the work's meaning.
  15. CONFORMITY: A character outwardly conforms, but inwardly questions.
  16. BETRAYAL: One character betrays another, themselves or their own beliefs.
  17. GENDER: Tensions between men and women are important to the work's meaning.
  18. INACTION: A character fails to respond or act at a crucial moment.
  19. MONEY: Wealth or lack of wealth are important to the work's meaning.
  20. THE PAST: A character is still affected by events from the past.
  21. CHARACTER FOIL: We learn about one character via another character's contrasting traits.
  22. GENERATION GAP: Older and younger characters see the world differently.
  23. A TRAGIC HERO who suffers, but also causes suffering for others.
  24. HOPE: What a character's hopes reveals about his or her values.