Close theloop on twoAdvisorAlertsAdded NewCourseResource EmailTemplate toHUBSuccessfullyHeld ARB SAPWarning StudentEarns 3.0 GPAfor 1st SAPWarning TermSuccessfulKudos CallEveryday forOne WeekHaveStudentConnectFAA for EPPPaperworkCollaboratewith 2 otherdepartmentsfor a studentwinSuccessfullyResolve FAHoldSuccessfullyPropose aNew BingoObjectiveUtilize 10DifferentDOD Tags87% Termto TermRetentionHelp 2 or morestudents go PTrather thancompletelydropping a term(if appropriate)Have 2 or morestudents approachyou about continuingtheir education withECPI Post graduation(AS to BS, BS to MS,etc.)Create aVideoTip/SpotlightPerform aWarmTransfer inRing CentralHit 90%IntroCompletedSuccessfullyRefer MilitaryStudent forRecognitionHoodieShare in DPTMTG a WCWebsite Discoveryor ResourceProvided to aStudentCall eachstudent onroster at leastonce duringthe termHelp Schedule aMock Interview(CAP480,HCA490, orother applicablecourses)2 or MoreFront DeskCalls TakenFrom TeamsModelingSomethingfrom theProgram HUBfor a Student65%OverallRe-EntryRetention95%WithinTermRetention3 'Re-EntryReview - SSCSTR' ActivitiesStarted DuringProspectingPower HourClose theloop on twoAdvisorAlertsAdded NewCourseResource EmailTemplate toHUBSuccessfullyHeld ARB SAPWarning StudentEarns 3.0 GPAfor 1st SAPWarning TermSuccessfulKudos CallEveryday forOne WeekHaveStudentConnectFAA for EPPPaperworkCollaboratewith 2 otherdepartmentsfor a studentwinSuccessfullyResolve FAHoldSuccessfullyPropose aNew BingoObjectiveUtilize 10DifferentDOD Tags87% Termto TermRetentionHelp 2 or morestudents go PTrather thancompletelydropping a term(if appropriate)Have 2 or morestudents approachyou about continuingtheir education withECPI Post graduation(AS to BS, BS to MS,etc.)Create aVideoTip/SpotlightPerform aWarmTransfer inRing CentralHit 90%IntroCompletedSuccessfullyRefer MilitaryStudent forRecognitionHoodieShare in DPTMTG a WCWebsite Discoveryor ResourceProvided to aStudentCall eachstudent onroster at leastonce duringthe termHelp Schedule aMock Interview(CAP480,HCA490, orother applicablecourses)2 or MoreFront DeskCalls TakenFrom TeamsModelingSomethingfrom theProgram HUBfor a Student65%OverallRe-EntryRetention95%WithinTermRetention3 'Re-EntryReview - SSCSTR' ActivitiesStarted DuringProspectingPower Hour

Student Services - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Close the loop on two Advisor Alerts
  2. Added New Course Resource Email Template to HUB
  3. Successfully Held ARB SAP Warning Student Earns 3.0 GPA for 1st SAP Warning Term
  4. Successful Kudos Call Everyday for One Week
  5. Have Student Connect FAA for EPP Paperwork
  6. Collaborate with 2 other departments for a student win
  7. Successfully Resolve FA Hold
  8. Successfully Propose a New Bingo Objective
  9. Utilize 10 Different DOD Tags
  10. 87% Term to Term Retention
  11. Help 2 or more students go PT rather than completely dropping a term (if appropriate)
  12. Have 2 or more students approach you about continuing their education with ECPI Post graduation (AS to BS, BS to MS, etc.)
  13. Create a Video Tip/Spotlight
  14. Perform a Warm Transfer in Ring Central
  15. Hit 90% Intro Completed
  16. Successfully Refer Military Student for Recognition Hoodie
  17. Share in DPT MTG a WC Website Discovery or Resource Provided to a Student
  18. Call each student on roster at least once during the term
  19. Help Schedule a Mock Interview (CAP480, HCA490, or other applicable courses)
  20. 2 or More Front Desk Calls Taken From Teams
  21. Modeling Something from the Program HUB for a Student
  22. 65% Overall Re-Entry Retention
  23. 95% Within Term Retention
  24. 3 'Re-Entry Review - SSC STR' Activities Started During Prospecting Power Hour