The Midwest isby far the mostaggressiveanti-texasregionTroops sentfrom theDakotas areinjured in someway due toterrainLike a dozendifferent "TexasDeclaration ofIndependence"are writtenElon Muskshows up at theborder but nowhere near anyactual conflictSeveralpeoplearrested forincitementBasicallynothinginterestinghappens inNew EnglandAt leastone NGunitmutinyColoradoSupremeCourt doessomething forsome reasonFeds get intoshootout withvigilantesbefore theactual NGConflict inNC ofsome kindBidenwaits waytoo long toretaliateMajority of pro-texas statessee someconservativelosses in nextelectionAt leastone fedunitmutinyAt least oneattemptedinsurrectionagainst stategov in anti-texas stateTransport ofnational guardunits from atleast one stateis halted byfedsBidendronestrikesTexasAt least onestate other thanTexas has asignificantsecessionmovementAt least onestate not on theborder puts upbarbed wiresomewhere "inprotest*At leastonegovernorrecalledDeSantisdoessomethingreally dumbfor attentionAt least oneattemptedinsurrectionagainst stategov in pro-texas stateViolentprotests inseveral majorcities in pro-texas statesSome randomdudes showup at borderto "defendtexas"A prominentpoliticalfigurearrested fortreasonThe Midwest isby far the mostaggressiveanti-texasregionTroops sentfrom theDakotas areinjured in someway due toterrainLike a dozendifferent "TexasDeclaration ofIndependence"are writtenElon Muskshows up at theborder but nowhere near anyactual conflictSeveralpeoplearrested forincitementBasicallynothinginterestinghappens inNew EnglandAt leastone NGunitmutinyColoradoSupremeCourt doessomething forsome reasonFeds get intoshootout withvigilantesbefore theactual NGConflict inNC ofsome kindBidenwaits waytoo long toretaliateMajority of pro-texas statessee someconservativelosses in nextelectionAt leastone fedunitmutinyAt least oneattemptedinsurrectionagainst stategov in anti-texas stateTransport ofnational guardunits from atleast one stateis halted byfedsBidendronestrikesTexasAt least onestate other thanTexas has asignificantsecessionmovementAt least onestate not on theborder puts upbarbed wiresomewhere "inprotest*At leastonegovernorrecalledDeSantisdoessomethingreally dumbfor attentionAt least oneattemptedinsurrectionagainst stategov in pro-texas stateViolentprotests inseveral majorcities in pro-texas statesSome randomdudes showup at borderto "defendtexas"A prominentpoliticalfigurearrested fortreason

Civil War 2 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The Midwest is by far the most aggressive anti-texas region
  2. Troops sent from the Dakotas are injured in some way due to terrain
  3. Like a dozen different "Texas Declaration of Independence" are written
  4. Elon Musk shows up at the border but no where near any actual conflict
  5. Several people arrested for incitement
  6. Basically nothing interesting happens in New England
  7. At least one NG unit mutiny
  8. Colorado Supreme Court does something for some reason
  9. Feds get into shootout with vigilantes before the actual NG
  10. Conflict in NC of some kind
  11. Biden waits way too long to retaliate
  12. Majority of pro-texas states see some conservative losses in next election
  13. At least one fed unit mutiny
  14. At least one attempted insurrection against state gov in anti-texas state
  15. Transport of national guard units from at least one state is halted by feds
  16. Biden drone strikes Texas
  17. At least one state other than Texas has a significant secession movement
  18. At least one state not on the border puts up barbed wire somewhere "in protest*
  19. At least one governor recalled
  20. DeSantis does something really dumb for attention
  21. At least one attempted insurrection against state gov in pro-texas state
  22. Violent protests in several major cities in pro-texas states
  23. Some random dudes show up at border to "defend texas"
  24. A prominent political figure arrested for treason