Name allShopBackregisteredcountryExplain to uson how you canhelp thecustomer toupdate theirphone number?If a customer havea typo in theiremail, how will yoube able to helpcustomer to getaccess to theaccount?What will be thetype of emailthat you cantrigger forcustomer fromour Needle?Share with us 2type of accounttakeover andwhat will be thedifferences?What is HCPand what isthe functionof it?What should youdo if the customeris having issuewith their OTPdelay for sign upprocess?What will be thepotential ticketstatus that you willuse and what willbe the purpose ofeach of it?What isyourtrainer fullname?Can a customerregister anaccount using thisphone number.+3902 26830102.Explain youranswerName 4 stepsof checking ifthe customeris eligible forHCPWhat are the 2type of emailthat customermight ask tounsubscribe?Why do weneed to verifythe customeridentity withverificationquestions?List down allthe system andfunction thatyou will utilizein ShopBackWhat istheverificationquestions?Why do you needto merge acustomer accountsand how can youidentify customerhave multipleaccounts?Name allShopBackregisteredcountryExplain to uson how you canhelp thecustomer toupdate theirphone number?If a customer havea typo in theiremail, how will yoube able to helpcustomer to getaccess to theaccount?What will be thetype of emailthat you cantrigger forcustomer fromour Needle?Share with us 2type of accounttakeover andwhat will be thedifferences?What is HCPand what isthe functionof it?What should youdo if the customeris having issuewith their OTPdelay for sign upprocess?What will be thepotential ticketstatus that you willuse and what willbe the purpose ofeach of it?What isyourtrainer fullname?Can a customerregister anaccount using thisphone number.+3902 26830102.Explain youranswerName 4 stepsof checking ifthe customeris eligible forHCPWhat are the 2type of emailthat customermight ask tounsubscribe?Why do weneed to verifythe customeridentity withverificationquestions?List down allthe system andfunction thatyou will utilizein ShopBackWhat istheverificationquestions?Why do you needto merge acustomer accountsand how can youidentify customerhave multipleaccounts?

Recap Week 1! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Name all ShopBack registered country
  2. Explain to us on how you can help the customer to update their phone number?
  3. If a customer have a typo in their email, how will you be able to help customer to get access to the account?
  4. What will be the type of email that you can trigger for customer from our Needle?
  5. Share with us 2 type of account takeover and what will be the differences?
  6. What is HCP and what is the function of it?
  7. What should you do if the customer is having issue with their OTP delay for sign up process?
  8. What will be the potential ticket status that you will use and what will be the purpose of each of it?
  9. What is your trainer full name?
  10. Can a customer register an account using this phone number. +3902 26830102. Explain your answer
  11. Name 4 steps of checking if the customer is eligible for HCP
  12. What are the 2 type of email that customer might ask to unsubscribe?
  13. Why do we need to verify the customer identity with verification questions?
  14. List down all the system and function that you will utilize in ShopBack
  15. What is the verification questions?
  16. Why do you need to merge a customer accounts and how can you identify customer have multiple accounts?