You want towatch yourfavorite movie,but your brotherwants to watchsomething else.Your friendwants to play agame he sawon TikTok thatinvolves aknife.You were waitingpatiently for yourturn to swing, butsomeone jumpedin front of you andtook the swingwithout asking.Your teacherhands out apaper to do onyour own, but itlooks reallyhard.Your friendasked toborrow yourfavorite markerand they didn'tgive it back.You're standingin line and theperson in backof you keepspushing you.Your friendfell off of hisbike andbroke hisarm.The firealarmgoes off inclass.You saw someonetake your teacher'siPad from her deskand put it in theirbackpack whenshe wasn't looking.The teacher isgiving directions,but your classmatekeeps talking andyou can't hear thedirections.Your mom isan hour latepicking youup fromschool.You raise yourhand and theteacherdoesn't call onyou to answer.You startedyourassignment, butyou're not sureif you're doing itcorrectly.You gotstung bya bee.A studentbumps intoyou in thehallway.Yourclassmateis staringat you.You come backfrom thebathroom andyour classmateis sitting in yourchair.Your friend felloff the monkeybars and shehas a big cuton her knee.You are takinga test on thecomputer, but itkicks you outbecause you'regoing too fast.The schoolbully tells youthat they wantto meet up withyou afterschool.You arewatching amovie in thetheater but yourfriend is talkingtoo loud.You brokeyourpencil.You hear yourclassmatessay your namefrom acrossthe room.Your team is aboutto win the dodgeballgame in gym classwhen the teacherblows her whistleand tells you time isup.You want towatch yourfavorite movie,but your brotherwants to watchsomething else.Your friendwants to play agame he sawon TikTok thatinvolves aknife.You were waitingpatiently for yourturn to swing, butsomeone jumpedin front of you andtook the swingwithout asking.Your teacherhands out apaper to do onyour own, but itlooks reallyhard.Your friendasked toborrow yourfavorite markerand they didn'tgive it back.You're standingin line and theperson in backof you keepspushing you.Your friendfell off of hisbike andbroke hisarm.The firealarmgoes off inclass.You saw someonetake your teacher'siPad from her deskand put it in theirbackpack whenshe wasn't looking.The teacher isgiving directions,but your classmatekeeps talking andyou can't hear thedirections.Your mom isan hour latepicking youup fromschool.You raise yourhand and theteacherdoesn't call onyou to answer.You startedyourassignment, butyou're not sureif you're doing itcorrectly.You gotstung bya bee.A studentbumps intoyou in thehallway.Yourclassmateis staringat you.You come backfrom thebathroom andyour classmateis sitting in yourchair.Your friend felloff the monkeybars and shehas a big cuton her knee.You are takinga test on thecomputer, but itkicks you outbecause you'regoing too fast.The schoolbully tells youthat they wantto meet up withyou afterschool.You arewatching amovie in thetheater but yourfriend is talkingtoo loud.You brokeyourpencil.You hear yourclassmatessay your namefrom acrossthe room.Your team is aboutto win the dodgeballgame in gym classwhen the teacherblows her whistleand tells you time isup.

Size of Problem Scenarios - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You want to watch your favorite movie, but your brother wants to watch something else.
  2. Your friend wants to play a game he saw on TikTok that involves a knife.
  3. You were waiting patiently for your turn to swing, but someone jumped in front of you and took the swing without asking.
  4. Your teacher hands out a paper to do on your own, but it looks really hard.
  5. Your friend asked to borrow your favorite marker and they didn't give it back.
  6. You're standing in line and the person in back of you keeps pushing you.
  7. Your friend fell off of his bike and broke his arm.
  8. The fire alarm goes off in class.
  9. You saw someone take your teacher's iPad from her desk and put it in their backpack when she wasn't looking.
  10. The teacher is giving directions, but your classmate keeps talking and you can't hear the directions.
  11. Your mom is an hour late picking you up from school.
  12. You raise your hand and the teacher doesn't call on you to answer.
  13. You started your assignment, but you're not sure if you're doing it correctly.
  14. You got stung by a bee.
  15. A student bumps into you in the hallway.
  16. Your classmate is staring at you.
  17. You come back from the bathroom and your classmate is sitting in your chair.
  18. Your friend fell off the monkey bars and she has a big cut on her knee.
  19. You are taking a test on the computer, but it kicks you out because you're going too fast.
  20. The school bully tells you that they want to meet up with you after school.
  21. You are watching a movie in the theater but your friend is talking too loud.
  22. You broke your pencil.
  23. You hear your classmates say your name from across the room.
  24. Your team is about to win the dodgeball game in gym class when the teacher blows her whistle and tells you time is up.