One of thecoachessays, "Winthe Day" inany context.You do a "nodeduction" Bturn on floorin a routine.You moveor hold amat for ateammate.You seesomeoneelse make 3full turns in arow on beam.Noone on theteam has to bereminded to putthe chalk bucketor blocks awayafter beam.Mary givesyou anunwarrentedhug goodbyeat the gym.You hit afull beamset!You see ateammatestick a barsdismount.You hit afull barroutine!You hear"Karma"playing inthe gym.You do notbalk on anyvaults in arotation.You areon timeforpractice.You apply aspecificcorrectiongiven to youby a coach.A teammatecomplimentsa skill ofyours,unstaged.CoachStacey talksabout "TellingYour Story"on floor.You hearCoach Staceysay, "When indoubt, plie itout."Coach Maggiecompliments askill of yourson beam orbars.You sticka beamdismount.Coach Kimmoves alanding maton floor.Youachieveyour 1% forthe night.You set amountingblock/boardfor ateammate.CoachTracysays "Wayto Go!"Coach Mattiedoes & makesanother fullturn on beam.You make afull floorroutine withstrongpresentation.One of thecoachessays, "Winthe Day" inany context.You do a "nodeduction" Bturn on floorin a routine.You moveor hold amat for ateammate.You seesomeoneelse make 3full turns in arow on beam.Noone on theteam has to bereminded to putthe chalk bucketor blocks awayafter beam.Mary givesyou anunwarrentedhug goodbyeat the gym.You hit afull beamset!You see ateammatestick a barsdismount.You hit afull barroutine!You hear"Karma"playing inthe gym.You do notbalk on anyvaults in arotation.You areon timeforpractice.You apply aspecificcorrectiongiven to youby a coach.A teammatecomplimentsa skill ofyours,unstaged.CoachStacey talksabout "TellingYour Story"on floor.You hearCoach Staceysay, "When indoubt, plie itout."Coach Maggiecompliments askill of yourson beam orbars.You sticka beamdismount.Coach Kimmoves alanding maton floor.Youachieveyour 1% forthe night.You set amountingblock/boardfor ateammate.CoachTracysays "Wayto Go!"Coach Mattiedoes & makesanother fullturn on beam.You make afull floorroutine withstrongpresentation.

WTD WEEK 2024 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. One of the coaches says, "Win the Day" in any context.
  2. You do a "no deduction" B turn on floor in a routine.
  3. You move or hold a mat for a teammate.
  4. You see someone else make 3 full turns in a row on beam.
  5. Noone on the team has to be reminded to put the chalk bucket or blocks away after beam.
  6. Mary gives you an unwarrented hug goodbye at the gym.
  7. You hit a full beam set!
  8. You see a teammate stick a bars dismount.
  9. You hit a full bar routine!
  10. You hear "Karma" playing in the gym.
  11. You do not balk on any vaults in a rotation.
  12. You are on time for practice.
  13. You apply a specific correction given to you by a coach.
  14. A teammate compliments a skill of yours, unstaged.
  15. Coach Stacey talks about "Telling Your Story" on floor.
  16. You hear Coach Stacey say, "When in doubt, plie it out."
  17. Coach Maggie compliments a skill of yours on beam or bars.
  18. You stick a beam dismount.
  19. Coach Kim moves a landing mat on floor.
  20. You achieve your 1% for the night.
  21. You set a mounting block/board for a teammate.
  22. Coach Tracy says "Way to Go!"
  23. Coach Mattie does & makes another full turn on beam.
  24. You make a full floor routine with strong presentation.