What didflourmills do?Why were themiddle coloniesgood places togrow crops likewheat, corn, andother vegetables?Why were themiddle coloniescalled the"breadbasket"region?Quakers believedall people shouldbe treated______________.What was themain cropexportedfrom here toother places?Each colonyelected itsownlegislature tomake ______What grouppracticedtheir religionhere?Items likekettles, plows,tools, andnails weremade here.What didflourmills do?Why were themiddle coloniesgood places togrow crops likewheat, corn, andother vegetables?Why were themiddle coloniescalled the"breadbasket"region?Quakers believedall people shouldbe treated______________.What was themain cropexportedfrom here toother places?Each colonyelected itsownlegislature tomake ______What grouppracticedtheir religionhere?Items likekettles, plows,tools, andnails weremade here.

The Midle Colonies - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What did flour mills do?
  2. Why were the middle colonies good places to grow crops like wheat, corn, and other vegetables?
  3. Why were the middle colonies called the "breadbasket" region?
  4. Quakers believed all people should be treated ______________.
  5. What was the main crop exported from here to other places?
  6. Each colony elected its own legislature to make ______
  7. What group practiced their religion here?
  8. Items like kettles, plows, tools, and nails were made here.