I once went onvacation with 3strangers that Ihad never metin person out ofthe country.I live in acottage on alake but Idon't knowhow to swim.I played on agirl’s LittleLeague team thatwon the Girl’sLittle LeagueWorld Series.I attended 18different concertsin 2023. IncludingSnoop Dog, JonasBrothers andKenny ChesneyI havenever hada brokenboneI havetaught Pianolessons for13 yearsI used tobe aspeedskater.I am an avidbow and gundeer hunter andlove to hunt onour 133 acresof landI was born inLondonEngland andlived therefor 3 yearsI love to traveland have beento 11 differentcountries sofar!I have been ona hot airballoon ride (twice) and goneparasailingI played violin inmy high schoolchamber orchestraand few yearslater played solo ina wedding.I was acontestanton the Bozoshow as akidI collect PezDispensorsand hadover 4,000Due to myparents fosteringkids while I wasgrowing up, Ihave 417 extrasiblings.I'm doublejointed inboth ringfingersMy husbandproposed tome inCinderella'scastle.I’m atrainedPastryChef.I have workedfor the samecompany sinceI was 16 yearsold (1986)I started learningNorwegian when wewere going to host aNorwegian student andI interpreted a whole24-episode serieswhile my husbandwatched it with me.I was aclogger(dancer)My daddelivered mewhen I wasborn before theparamedicsarrived.I have flownupside downin an opencockpit WWIIbiplane.I have 4kids and4 dogsI use torace a stockcar on a dirttrack.When I was a teen afamily friend did a palmreading for me. Sheshared that I wouldhave 6 children (FREAKED ME OUT)Fast forward & nowIhave 5 bio kids and 1adopted. AKA 6 kids.I have livedin 6 houseswithin a 5mile radiusmy whole lifeI’ve watchedevery episodeof New Girl atleast 14 timesI used to be stoked tobe a ripper. Whenshredding a rail, Ibailed hard trying todo an Ollie. It wasgnarly dude!  I'm stillcarrying cinder in myelbow to this day.I am relatedto Elvira,mistress ofthe dark bymarriage.I've been apolicedispatcherfor 28.5years.I competenationally climbingmountains in myJeep. It’s knownas rock climbing orwheeling.I use to showgoats in highschool, as well as Iwas very active onthe livestock andwool judgingteams.I havestayed ina castleovernight.I had a petoctopusnamedOctavia!I traveled toAustralia toplay basketballwhen I was ateenager!I snuckbackstage/VIPat a LittleWayne concert,and it was themost funI competed inthe 1982 JuniorOlympics incross-countryskiing (in LakePlacid, NY)I played onmyuniversity'stennis team.I've been hit by atruck whilecrossing the streeton foot. I also ranmyself over withmy own car.The birth ofmy first bornwas aired ona TLC showmy favorite alltime movieis Disney's WildHearts Can't beBrokenI usedto owna ZebraI have Irishtwins thatare 4 monthsapart.I always have asweetsubstitute forcuss words.Like Sugarinstead of S*#tI was once invited tojoin a class actionlawsuit against theU.S. Department ofState.  The lawsuitalleged that the testgiven to applicants forForeign Service Officerwas sexist.I’ve had a penpal in Japansince I was 12and we’venever met inperson.People sayI am anamazingcookI namedGeoffery theToys R UsGiraffe in acontestWe filmeda reality TVshow at ourbusinessI love andonly bingewatchKoreanDramasI wasappointed anhonrarycitizen for1dayI love togarden andjust grew myfirst wintergarden!I was onthe showJudgeJudy!I once metDon Knotts"Barney Fife"in a gasstation.I collectshoulderplushies andmagnet them tomy bedroomceiling.I growbananasin myback yard.to overcomemy fear ofheights I wentHang glidingin Rio, BrazilI am acompetitivebowler. I bowlin state andnationaltournaments.I have been toDisneyland,Disney Worldand EuroDisney in Paris.I lived atthe NorthPole for 1year.I collectand sellvintagejewelry.I like to eatpeanut butter,bananas, andsyrup onpancakes.I started the wave at thefirst MSU football homegame after COVIDrestrictions were lifted.During the process Ibefriended and sat nextto MSU basketball greatMateen Cleeves (for awhole quarter)When I was about 9 yearsold my dad got his licenseto be a private pilot flyinglittle puddle jumpers.  I fleweverywhere with him andwas learning the maps andbasics about the airplane. My dad's flight instructoroffered to give me FREEflyinI was given thechance to be inthe movies by abig star (in mytime LOL) and Iturned it down.I wasraised ona goatfarmI once had ahotel desk clerkthreaten to callthe police onme if I didn'tleave his hotelI havea MDI used to workwith thefire departmentand EMS forover 10 years.I lovegoing tothetheatreI was born 21/2 monthsearly andweighed 1pound and 14ouncesI amrelated toPatsyClineI spent time inNevada andstudied thegeology of DeathValley while I wasin college.I am aconfidencecoach forbusinesspeopleI have beento theequatorwhen I wentto ecuador!I once had acontractmakingmen'sunderwear.I used to beable to put mylegs behind myhead and walkon my hands.We bought anAirstream Trailer whenour kids were little &each summer/breakwe would pack up thedog/kids and travel fora few weeks or thewhole summerI ride anIndianscoutmotorcycleArnoldSchwarzeneggerkissed me in anelevator.I wasonce on amagazinecover.My nickname withmy niecesit was TitaI have asister 21yearsyounger thanmeI once went onvacation with 3strangers that Ihad never metin person out ofthe country.I live in acottage on alake but Idon't knowhow to swim.I played on agirl’s LittleLeague team thatwon the Girl’sLittle LeagueWorld Series.I attended 18different concertsin 2023. IncludingSnoop Dog, JonasBrothers andKenny ChesneyI havenever hada brokenboneI havetaught Pianolessons for13 yearsI used tobe aspeedskater.I am an avidbow and gundeer hunter andlove to hunt onour 133 acresof landI was born inLondonEngland andlived therefor 3 yearsI love to traveland have beento 11 differentcountries sofar!I have been ona hot airballoon ride (twice) and goneparasailingI played violin inmy high schoolchamber orchestraand few yearslater played solo ina wedding.I was acontestanton the Bozoshow as akidI collect PezDispensorsand hadover 4,000Due to myparents fosteringkids while I wasgrowing up, Ihave 417 extrasiblings.I'm doublejointed inboth ringfingersMy husbandproposed tome inCinderella'scastle.I’m atrainedPastryChef.I have workedfor the samecompany sinceI was 16 yearsold (1986)I started learningNorwegian when wewere going to host aNorwegian student andI interpreted a whole24-episode serieswhile my husbandwatched it with me.I was aclogger(dancer)My daddelivered mewhen I wasborn before theparamedicsarrived.I have flownupside downin an opencockpit WWIIbiplane.I have 4kids and4 dogsI use torace a stockcar on a dirttrack.When I was a teen afamily friend did a palmreading for me. Sheshared that I wouldhave 6 children (FREAKED ME OUT)Fast forward & nowIhave 5 bio kids and 1adopted. AKA 6 kids.I have livedin 6 houseswithin a 5mile radiusmy whole lifeI’ve watchedevery episodeof New Girl atleast 14 timesI used to be stoked tobe a ripper. Whenshredding a rail, Ibailed hard trying todo an Ollie. It wasgnarly dude!  I'm stillcarrying cinder in myelbow to this day.I am relatedto Elvira,mistress ofthe dark bymarriage.I've been apolicedispatcherfor 28.5years.I competenationally climbingmountains in myJeep. It’s knownas rock climbing orwheeling.I use to showgoats in highschool, as well as Iwas very active onthe livestock andwool judgingteams.I havestayed ina castleovernight.I had a petoctopusnamedOctavia!I traveled toAustralia toplay basketballwhen I was ateenager!I snuckbackstage/VIPat a LittleWayne concert,and it was themost funI competed inthe 1982 JuniorOlympics incross-countryskiing (in LakePlacid, NY)I played onmyuniversity'stennis team.I've been hit by atruck whilecrossing the streeton foot. I also ranmyself over withmy own car.The birth ofmy first bornwas aired ona TLC showmy favorite alltime movieis Disney's WildHearts Can't beBrokenI usedto owna ZebraI have Irishtwins thatare 4 monthsapart.I always have asweetsubstitute forcuss words.Like Sugarinstead of S*#tI was once invited tojoin a class actionlawsuit against theU.S. Department ofState.  The lawsuitalleged that the testgiven to applicants forForeign Service Officerwas sexist.I’ve had a penpal in Japansince I was 12and we’venever met inperson.People sayI am anamazingcookI namedGeoffery theToys R UsGiraffe in acontestWe filmeda reality TVshow at ourbusinessI love andonly bingewatchKoreanDramasI wasappointed anhonrarycitizen for1dayI love togarden andjust grew myfirst wintergarden!I was onthe showJudgeJudy!I once metDon Knotts"Barney Fife"in a gasstation.I collectshoulderplushies andmagnet them tomy bedroomceiling.I growbananasin myback yard.to overcomemy fear ofheights I wentHang glidingin Rio, BrazilI am acompetitivebowler. I bowlin state andnationaltournaments.I have been toDisneyland,Disney Worldand EuroDisney in Paris.I lived atthe NorthPole for 1year.I collectand sellvintagejewelry.I like to eatpeanut butter,bananas, andsyrup onpancakes.I started the wave at thefirst MSU football homegame after COVIDrestrictions were lifted.During the process Ibefriended and sat nextto MSU basketball greatMateen Cleeves (for awhole quarter)When I was about 9 yearsold my dad got his licenseto be a private pilot flyinglittle puddle jumpers.  I fleweverywhere with him andwas learning the maps andbasics about the airplane. My dad's flight instructoroffered to give me FREEflyinI was given thechance to be inthe movies by abig star (in mytime LOL) and Iturned it down.I wasraised ona goatfarmI once had ahotel desk clerkthreaten to callthe police onme if I didn'tleave his hotelI havea MDI used to workwith thefire departmentand EMS forover 10 years.I lovegoing tothetheatreI was born 21/2 monthsearly andweighed 1pound and 14ouncesI amrelated toPatsyClineI spent time inNevada andstudied thegeology of DeathValley while I wasin college.I am aconfidencecoach forbusinesspeopleI have beento theequatorwhen I wentto ecuador!I once had acontractmakingmen'sunderwear.I used to beable to put mylegs behind myhead and walkon my hands.We bought anAirstream Trailer whenour kids were little &each summer/breakwe would pack up thedog/kids and travel fora few weeks or thewhole summerI ride anIndianscoutmotorcycleArnoldSchwarzeneggerkissed me in anelevator.I wasonce on amagazinecover.My nickname withmy niecesit was TitaI have asister 21yearsyounger thanme

Costa Rica 2024 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I once went on vacation with 3 strangers that I had never met in person out of the country.
  2. I live in a cottage on a lake but I don't know how to swim.
  3. I played on a girl’s Little League team that won the Girl’s Little League World Series.
  4. I attended 18 different concerts in 2023. Including Snoop Dog, Jonas Brothers and Kenny Chesney
  5. I have never had a broken bone
  6. I have taught Piano lessons for 13 years
  7. I used to be a speed skater.
  8. I am an avid bow and gun deer hunter and love to hunt on our 133 acres of land
  9. I was born in London England and lived there for 3 years
  10. I love to travel and have been to 11 different countries so far!
  11. I have been on a hot air balloon ride ( twice) and gone parasailing
  12. I played violin in my high school chamber orchestra and few years later played solo in a wedding.
  13. I was a contestant on the Bozo show as a kid
  14. I collect Pez Dispensors and had over 4,000
  15. Due to my parents fostering kids while I was growing up, I have 417 extra siblings.
  16. I'm double jointed in both ring fingers
  17. My husband proposed to me in Cinderella's castle.
  18. I’m a trained Pastry Chef.
  19. I have worked for the same company since I was 16 years old (1986)
  20. I started learning Norwegian when we were going to host a Norwegian student and I interpreted a whole 24-episode series while my husband watched it with me.
  21. I was a clogger(dancer)
  22. My dad delivered me when I was born before the paramedics arrived.
  23. I have flown upside down in an open cockpit WWII biplane.
  24. I have 4 kids and 4 dogs
  25. I use to race a stock car on a dirt track.
  26. When I was a teen a family friend did a palm reading for me. She shared that I would have 6 children ( FREAKED ME OUT) Fast forward & now Ihave 5 bio kids and 1 adopted. AKA 6 kids.
  27. I have lived in 6 houses within a 5 mile radius my whole life
  28. I’ve watched every episode of New Girl at least 14 times
  29. I used to be stoked to be a ripper. When shredding a rail, I bailed hard trying to do an Ollie. It was gnarly dude!  I'm still carrying cinder in my elbow to this day.
  30. I am related to Elvira, mistress of the dark by marriage.
  31. I've been a police dispatcher for 28.5 years.
  32. I compete nationally climbing mountains in my Jeep. It’s known as rock climbing or wheeling.
  33. I use to show goats in high school, as well as I was very active on the livestock and wool judging teams.
  34. I have stayed in a castle overnight.
  35. I had a pet octopus named Octavia!
  36. I traveled to Australia to play basketball when I was a teenager!
  37. I snuck backstage/VIP at a Little Wayne concert, and it was the most fun
  38. I competed in the 1982 Junior Olympics in cross-country skiing (in Lake Placid, NY)
  39. I played on my university's tennis team.
  40. I've been hit by a truck while crossing the street on foot. I also ran myself over with my own car.
  41. The birth of my first born was aired on a TLC show
  42. my favorite all time movie is Disney's Wild Hearts Can't be Broken
  43. I used to own a Zebra
  44. I have Irish twins that are 4 months apart.
  45. I always have a sweet substitute for cuss words. Like Sugar instead of S*#t
  46. I was once invited to join a class action lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State.  The lawsuit alleged that the test given to applicants for Foreign Service Officer was sexist.
  47. I’ve had a pen pal in Japan since I was 12 and we’ve never met in person.
  48. People say I am an amazing cook
  49. I named Geoffery the Toys R Us Giraffe in a contest
  50. We filmed a reality TV show at our business
  51. I love and only binge watch Korean Dramas
  52. I was appointed an honrary citizen for 1day
  53. I love to garden and just grew my first winter garden!
  54. I was on the show Judge Judy!
  55. I once met Don Knotts "Barney Fife" in a gas station.
  56. I collect shoulder plushies and magnet them to my bedroom ceiling.
  57. I grow bananas in my back yard.
  58. to overcome my fear of heights I went Hang gliding in Rio, Brazil
  59. I am a competitive bowler. I bowl in state and national tournaments.
  60. I have been to Disneyland, Disney World and Euro Disney in Paris.
  61. I lived at the North Pole for 1 year.
  62. I collect and sell vintage jewelry.
  63. I like to eat peanut butter, bananas, and syrup on pancakes.
  64. I started the wave at the first MSU football home game after COVID restrictions were lifted. During the process I befriended and sat next to MSU basketball great Mateen Cleeves (for a whole quarter)
  65. When I was about 9 years old my dad got his license to be a private pilot flying little puddle jumpers.  I flew everywhere with him and was learning the maps and basics about the airplane.  My dad's flight instructor offered to give me FREE flyin
  66. I was given the chance to be in the movies by a big star (in my time LOL) and I turned it down.
  67. I was raised on a goat farm
  68. I once had a hotel desk clerk threaten to call the police on me if I didn't leave his hotel
  69. I have a MD
  70. I used to work with the fire department and EMS for over 10 years.
  71. I love going to the theatre
  72. I was born 2 1/2 months early and weighed 1 pound and 14 ounces
  73. I am related to Patsy Cline
  74. I spent time in Nevada and studied the geology of Death Valley while I was in college.
  75. I am a confidence coach for business people
  76. I have been to the equator when I went to ecuador!
  77. I once had a contract making men's underwear.
  78. I used to be able to put my legs behind my head and walk on my hands.
  79. We bought an Airstream Trailer when our kids were little & each summer/break we would pack up the dog/kids and travel for a few weeks or the whole summer
  80. I ride an Indian scout motorcycle
  81. Arnold Schwarzenegger kissed me in an elevator.
  82. I was once on a magazine cover.
  83. My nick name with my nieces it was Tita
  84. I have a sister 21 years younger than me