Wants to own abusiness, butneeds the righthelp/ partner forthe push to getstartedPrefersworkoutclasses overworking outaloneWorks outmore than3 days aweekAbsolutelyLOVES theirjob, what dothey do?Has done atough mudderor otherobstaclecourse/ raceHas asidehustleCame soloand doesn'tknowanyone elsehere.Has a favoritecharity/organization todonate to orvolunteer forEnjoysattending orhostingcharityeventsActivelyinvolved inorganizationsnowHoldsprofessionallicenses fortheir careerHas a hobbythat theyhave turnedinto a sidehustle.Are you a brandsnob aboutanything? Whatitems are worthpaying for thebrand name toyou?Looking forpeople todo sidehustles withOwns abusinessAre youspontaneous?What is somethingspontaneous youhave done, orwould do?AvidreaderWould loveto gobackpackingin anothercountry.Prefersworking outalone vs witha partnerLooking foropportunitiesto invest inpeople/businessesReads/ listensto motivationaland selfimprovementbooksTravelsforwork.Works remote,and wouldconsiderworking a fewdays in anothercity.Has anodd orinterestingskill/ talent.Wants to own abusiness, butneeds the righthelp/ partner forthe push to getstartedPrefersworkoutclasses overworking outaloneWorks outmore than3 days aweekAbsolutelyLOVES theirjob, what dothey do?Has done atough mudderor otherobstaclecourse/ raceHas asidehustleCame soloand doesn'tknowanyone elsehere.Has a favoritecharity/organization todonate to orvolunteer forEnjoysattending orhostingcharityeventsActivelyinvolved inorganizationsnowHoldsprofessionallicenses fortheir careerHas a hobbythat theyhave turnedinto a sidehustle.Are you a brandsnob aboutanything? Whatitems are worthpaying for thebrand name toyou?Looking forpeople todo sidehustles withOwns abusinessAre youspontaneous?What is somethingspontaneous youhave done, orwould do?AvidreaderWould loveto gobackpackingin anothercountry.Prefersworking outalone vs witha partnerLooking foropportunitiesto invest inpeople/businessesReads/ listensto motivationaland selfimprovementbooksTravelsforwork.Works remote,and wouldconsiderworking a fewdays in anothercity.Has anodd orinterestingskill/ talent.

GBNE Single Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Wants to own a business, but needs the right help/ partner for the push to get started
  2. Prefers workout classes over working out alone
  3. Works out more than 3 days a week
  4. Absolutely LOVES their job, what do they do?
  5. Has done a tough mudder or other obstacle course/ race
  6. Has a side hustle
  7. Came solo and doesn't know anyone else here.
  8. Has a favorite charity/ organization to donate to or volunteer for
  9. Enjoys attending or hosting charity events
  10. Actively involved in organizations now
  11. Holds professional licenses for their career
  12. Has a hobby that they have turned into a side hustle.
  13. Are you a brand snob about anything? What items are worth paying for the brand name to you?
  14. Looking for people to do side hustles with
  15. Owns a business
  16. Are you spontaneous? What is something spontaneous you have done, or would do?
  17. Avid reader
  18. Would love to go backpacking in another country.
  19. Prefers working out alone vs with a partner
  20. Looking for opportunities to invest in people/ businesses
  21. Reads/ listens to motivational and self improvement books
  22. Travels for work.
  23. Works remote, and would consider working a few days in another city.
  24. Has an odd or interesting skill/ talent.