Summarizechapter 13Create acharactertrait map forKeith -giveevidenceDesign andmake a posterabout thestory elementsof your bookSummarizechapter5Summarizechapter 3Make a Venndiagram tocompare Keithand RalphMake adioramaabout Ralphfrom thestoryWrite aboutyour favoritepart of the storyand include lotsof detailsCreate acharactertrait map forRalph- giveevidenceSummarizechapter 8Create 5synonymbubble mapsfor 5 of yournew vocabularywordsWrite a storyabout adifferent animalwho findsanother toy andplays with itFind 10 newvocabularywords and writethem in yourreadingnotebookDraw a mapof the hoteland theplaces RalphvisitsMake a StoryElement flipbook aboutthe story whenyou finishSummarizechapter 13Create acharactertrait map forKeith -giveevidenceDesign andmake a posterabout thestory elementsof your bookSummarizechapter5Summarizechapter 3Make a Venndiagram tocompare Keithand RalphMake adioramaabout Ralphfrom thestoryWrite aboutyour favoritepart of the storyand include lotsof detailsCreate acharactertrait map forRalph- giveevidenceSummarizechapter 8Create 5synonymbubble mapsfor 5 of yournew vocabularywordsWrite a storyabout adifferent animalwho findsanother toy andplays with itFind 10 newvocabularywords and writethem in yourreadingnotebookDraw a mapof the hoteland theplaces RalphvisitsMake a StoryElement flipbook aboutthe story whenyou finish

The Mouse and the Motorcycle - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Summarize chapter 13
  2. Create a character trait map for Keith -give evidence
  3. Design and make a poster about the story elements of your book
  4. Summarize chapter 5
  5. Summarize chapter 3
  6. Make a Venn diagram to compare Keith and Ralph
  7. Make a diorama about Ralph from the story
  8. Write about your favorite part of the story and include lots of details
  9. Create a character trait map for Ralph- give evidence
  10. Summarize chapter 8
  11. Create 5 synonym bubble maps for 5 of your new vocabulary words
  12. Write a story about a different animal who finds another toy and plays with it
  13. Find 10 new vocabulary words and write them in your reading notebook
  14. Draw a map of the hotel and the places Ralph visits
  15. Make a Story Element flip book about the story when you finish