Is having their first Performance season likes spicy food got out of bed before 9 AM today can speak more than one language loves rollercoasters has been to more than two countries had cereal for breakfast has been to five states is wearing cool socks today loves to cook or bake likes pineapple on pizza can beat you two times in Rock, Paper, Scissors has a pet that isn't a dog or cat has blue as their favorite color has been to a big concert likes Winter more than Summer has met a celebrity plays more than one instrument is going to watch the Super Bowl plays a sport can say the alphabet backwards went camping last year has two or more siblings has a favorite superhero Is having their first Performance season likes spicy food got out of bed before 9 AM today can speak more than one language loves rollercoasters has been to more than two countries had cereal for breakfast has been to five states is wearing cool socks today loves to cook or bake likes pineapple on pizza can beat you two times in Rock, Paper, Scissors has a pet that isn't a dog or cat has blue as their favorite color has been to a big concert likes Winter more than Summer has met a celebrity plays more than one instrument is going to watch the Super Bowl plays a sport can say the alphabet backwards went camping last year has two or more siblings has a favorite superhero
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Is having their first Performance season
likes spicy food
got out of bed before 9 AM today
can speak more than one language
loves rollercoasters
has been to more than two countries
had cereal for breakfast
has been to five states
is wearing cool socks today
loves to cook or bake
likes pineapple on pizza
can beat you two times in Rock, Paper, Scissors
has a pet that isn't a dog or cat
has blue as their favorite color
has been to a big concert
likes Winter more than Summer
has met a celebrity
plays more than one instrument
is going to watch the Super Bowl
plays a sport
can say the alphabet backwards
went camping last year
has two or more siblings
has a favorite superhero