“Funny”ad thatlands witha thudMcCaffrey is“like a widereceiver outthere”Reba insertsa “haha” intothe NationalAnthemFeel-goodcommercial forsome companythat reallyneeds a PR winTaylorSwift songreferenceAd wherethe actorsrealize theyare in acommercialAn “I don’tknow, Jim”from TonyRomoMahomes takes off atthe speed of an elderlylady jogging at the park(no offense to AARP-eligible BINGOplayers) yet stillsomehow scramblesfor 10+ yardsJawaanTaylor (Chiefsright tackle)gets calledfor a penaltyLil’ Jon atHalftimeShowDeebo is“like arunning backout there”Brock Purdythrows aterrible passthat ismagically notinterceptedDesperate adfor a streamingservice that noone has everused/heard ofLargeguy sackdanceCommercialwheresomeone doesa karaokerendition of apopular songConspicuouslywell-behavedJason KelceUsher wearssunglasses atnight* (*night partoptionaldepending on timeof sunset inVegas)Ad makingfun ofcryptocollapseLook! It’sTaylorSwift!(FREE)TrickPlay!New (not seenat a prior game)celebrityspotted in theSwift boxRemembergenerational can’t-misspass rushing prospectChase Young?Apparently he’s on the49ers now and prettyirrelevant. This box isfor him doing anythingnotableChiefsreceiverdrops passthat hits themin the handsA teamactuallykicks a fieldgoal on 4thand shortShot ofsomethingSuperbowl-related on theVegas Sphere“Funny”ad thatlands witha thudMcCaffrey is“like a widereceiver outthere”Reba insertsa “haha” intothe NationalAnthemFeel-goodcommercial forsome companythat reallyneeds a PR winTaylorSwift songreferenceAd wherethe actorsrealize theyare in acommercialAn “I don’tknow, Jim”from TonyRomoMahomes takes off atthe speed of an elderlylady jogging at the park(no offense to AARP-eligible BINGOplayers) yet stillsomehow scramblesfor 10+ yardsJawaanTaylor (Chiefsright tackle)gets calledfor a penaltyLil’ Jon atHalftimeShowDeebo is“like arunning backout there”Brock Purdythrows aterrible passthat ismagically notinterceptedDesperate adfor a streamingservice that noone has everused/heard ofLargeguy sackdanceCommercialwheresomeone doesa karaokerendition of apopular songConspicuouslywell-behavedJason KelceUsher wearssunglasses atnight* (*night partoptionaldepending on timeof sunset inVegas)Ad makingfun ofcryptocollapseLook! It’sTaylorSwift!(FREE)TrickPlay!New (not seenat a prior game)celebrityspotted in theSwift boxRemembergenerational can’t-misspass rushing prospectChase Young?Apparently he’s on the49ers now and prettyirrelevant. This box isfor him doing anythingnotableChiefsreceiverdrops passthat hits themin the handsA teamactuallykicks a fieldgoal on 4thand shortShot ofsomethingSuperbowl-related on theVegas Sphere

Super Bowl 2024 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. “Funny” ad that lands with a thud
  2. McCaffrey is “like a wide receiver out there”
  3. Reba inserts a “haha” into the National Anthem
  4. Feel-good commercial for some company that really needs a PR win
  5. Taylor Swift song reference
  6. Ad where the actors realize they are in a commercial
  7. An “I don’t know, Jim” from Tony Romo
  8. Mahomes takes off at the speed of an elderly lady jogging at the park (no offense to AARP-eligible BINGO players) yet still somehow scrambles for 10+ yards
  9. Jawaan Taylor (Chiefs right tackle) gets called for a penalty
  10. Lil’ Jon at Halftime Show
  11. Deebo is “like a running back out there”
  12. Brock Purdy throws a terrible pass that is magically not intercepted
  13. Desperate ad for a streaming service that no one has ever used/heard of
  14. Large guy sack dance
  15. Commercial where someone does a karaoke rendition of a popular song
  16. Conspicuously well-behaved Jason Kelce
  17. Usher wears sunglasses at night* (*night part optional depending on time of sunset in Vegas)
  18. Ad making fun of crypto collapse
  19. Look! It’s Taylor Swift! (FREE)
  20. Trick Play!
  21. New (not seen at a prior game) celebrity spotted in the Swift box
  22. Remember generational can’t-miss pass rushing prospect Chase Young? Apparently he’s on the 49ers now and pretty irrelevant. This box is for him doing anything notable
  23. Chiefs receiver drops pass that hits them in the hands
  24. A team actually kicks a field goal on 4th and short
  25. Shot of something Superbowl-related on the Vegas Sphere