11+ yard touchdown pass 2 point conversion attempt Taylor’s bf touchdown Missed extra point Fumble QB rushing touchdown Catch by jersey number 30-39 4th Down conversion away team 6+ yard rushing touchdown Hail Mary attempt Roughing the Passer INTERCEPTION 35+ yard play Holding penalty 45+ yard field goal 5 timeouts in a half Pass interference Missed field goal Onside Kick Trick play Blocked/Deflected kick, punt, pass 4th Down conversion Home team QB kneel Touchback on a punt Quarter score ends in a 2, 5, 8 Face- mask penalty 11+ yard touchdown pass 2 point conversion attempt Taylor’s bf touchdown Missed extra point Fumble QB rushing touchdown Catch by jersey number 30-39 4th Down conversion away team 6+ yard rushing touchdown Hail Mary attempt Roughing the Passer INTERCEPTION 35+ yard play Holding penalty 45+ yard field goal 5 timeouts in a half Pass interference Missed field goal Onside Kick Trick play Blocked/Deflected kick, punt, pass 4th Down conversion Home team QB kneel Touchback on a punt Quarter score ends in a 2, 5, 8 Face- mask penalty
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
O-11+ yard
touchdown pass
G-2 point
conversion attempt
I-Taylor’s bf touchdown
I-Missed extra point
O-QB rushing
B-Catch by jersey number
N-4th Down conversion
away team
G-6+ yard rushing touchdown
N-Hail Mary attempt
N-Roughing the
I-35+ yard play
G-Holding penalty
B-45+ yard field goal
B-5 timeouts in
a half
B-Pass interference
B-Missed field goal
G-Onside Kick
I-Trick play
N-Blocked/Deflected kick, punt, pass
G-4th Down conversion
Home team
O-QB kneel
O-Touchback on a punt
I-Quarter score ends in a
2, 5, 8
B-Face-mask penalty