form or beformed into asinglecentralizedunit,a body of fundamentalprinciples orestablished precedentsaccording to which astate or otherorganization isacknowledged to begoverned. Like ameeting.colonial Australianpolitician and longestnon-consecutivePremier of the Colonyof New South Wales,the present-day state ofNew South Wales in theCommonwealth ofAustralia.blankspacethe action ofcoming to livepermanentlyin a Australiamade up ofonlyAustralians,not foreignersleader of themovement forAustralianfederation andlater the secondPrime Minister ofAustralia.a country or areaunder the full orpartial politicalcontrol of anothercountry andoccupied by settlersfrom that country.whensupplies canbetransferredwithout taxa ballot inwhich votesare cast insecret.anindependentstate orcommunitya personchosen orappointed to actor speak foranother orothersa general voteby theelectorate on asingle politicalquestionan agreementbetween statescoveringparticularmattersa group ofstates witha centralgovernmenta tax or dutyto be paid ona particularclassform or beformed into asinglecentralizedunit,a body of fundamentalprinciples orestablished precedentsaccording to which astate or otherorganization isacknowledged to begoverned. Like ameeting.colonial Australianpolitician and longestnon-consecutivePremier of the Colonyof New South Wales,the present-day state ofNew South Wales in theCommonwealth ofAustralia.blankspacethe action ofcoming to livepermanentlyin a Australiamade up ofonlyAustralians,not foreignersleader of themovement forAustralianfederation andlater the secondPrime Minister ofAustralia.a country or areaunder the full orpartial politicalcontrol of anothercountry andoccupied by settlersfrom that country.whensupplies canbetransferredwithout taxa ballot inwhich votesare cast insecret.anindependentstate orcommunitya personchosen orappointed to actor speak foranother orothersa general voteby theelectorate on asingle politicalquestionan agreementbetween statescoveringparticularmattersa group ofstates witha centralgovernmenta tax or dutyto be paid ona particularclass

federation australia - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. form or be formed into a single centralized unit,
  2. a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed. Like a meeting.
  3. colonial Australian politician and longest non-consecutive Premier of the Colony of New South Wales, the present-day state of New South Wales in the Commonwealth of Australia.
  4. blank space
  5. the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.
  6. an Australia made up of only Australians, not foreigners
  7. leader of the movement for Australian federation and later the second Prime Minister of Australia.
  8. a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country.
  9. when supplies can be transferred without tax
  10. a ballot in which votes are cast in secret.
  11. an independent state or community
  12. a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others
  13. a general vote by the electorate on a single political question
  14. an agreement between states covering particular matters
  15. a group of states with a central government
  16. a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class