process thatconvertsnitrate tonitrogendioxidcolorless,odorless gasthat makes upa major portionof theatmospherea special processin which plantsuse bacteria andtiny organisms inthe soil to change( fixer) nitrogen sothe plant can use itthe rate ( speed)at whichmolecules movebetween thesource, the sinkand reservoira series ofevents thatare regularyrepeateda sink thattakes inmolecules andstores them fora short or longperiod of time happenswhen bacteriachangesnitrates andnitritesa substancethatprovidesnourishment a pure substancemade up of atomsof two or moredifferent elementsjoined by chemicalbonds in a fixedratiochemicalformulafor nitrateThe amount ofnitrogen that isavailable foruptake by livingorganisms a location thattakes in moremoleculesthan itreleases life cycleof anelementa location(place) thatreleasesmolecules thanit takes in two or moreatomsconnectedby chemicalbondsanything that ismade up of orcomes from livingthings, such asplants, animals,or bacteriaingredientsofsomethingrelating to theatmosphere ofthe earth or(occasionally)another planet. a particle ofmatter thatuniquelydefines achemicalelementnitrogen that hasbeen changedfrom its naturalform in the air (N₂)into a form thatplants can use togrow.chemicalformula fornitrogendioxidea chemicalcompound thatlacks carbon-hydrogenbonds The continuousmovement ofnitrogen throughthe variousreservoirs andprocesses chemicalformula forammonianitrogenprocess thatconvertsnitrate tonitrogendioxidcolorless,odorless gasthat makes upa major portionof theatmospherea special processin which plantsuse bacteria andtiny organisms inthe soil to change( fixer) nitrogen sothe plant can use itthe rate ( speed)at whichmolecules movebetween thesource, the sinkand reservoira series ofevents thatare regularyrepeateda sink thattakes inmolecules andstores them fora short or longperiod of time happenswhen bacteriachangesnitrates andnitritesa substancethatprovidesnourishment a pure substancemade up of atomsof two or moredifferent elementsjoined by chemicalbonds in a fixedratiochemicalformulafor nitrateThe amount ofnitrogen that isavailable foruptake by livingorganisms a location thattakes in moremoleculesthan itreleases life cycleof anelementa location(place) thatreleasesmolecules thanit takes in two or moreatomsconnectedby chemicalbondsanything that ismade up of orcomes from livingthings, such asplants, animals,or bacteriaingredientsofsomethingrelating to theatmosphere ofthe earth or(occasionally)another planet. a particle ofmatter thatuniquelydefines achemicalelementnitrogen that hasbeen changedfrom its naturalform in the air (N₂)into a form thatplants can use togrow.chemicalformula fornitrogendioxidea chemicalcompound thatlacks carbon-hydrogenbonds The continuousmovement ofnitrogen throughthe variousreservoirs andprocesses chemicalformula forammonianitrogen

Nitrogen Cycle - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. process that converts nitrate to nitrogen dioxid
  2. colorless, odorless gas that makes up a major portion of the atmosphere
  3. a special process in which plants use bacteria and tiny organisms in the soil to change ( fixer) nitrogen so the plant can use it
  4. the rate ( speed) at which molecules move between the source, the sink and reservoir
  5. a series of events that are regulary repeated
  6. a sink that takes in molecules and stores them for a short or long period of time
  7. happens when bacteria changes nitrates and nitrites
  8. a substance that provides nourishment
  9. a pure substance made up of atoms of two or more different elements joined by chemical bonds in a fixed ratio
  10. chemical formula for nitrate
  11. The amount of nitrogen that is available for uptake by living organisms
  12. a location that takes in more molecules than it releases
  13. life cycle of an element
  14. a location (place) that releases molecules than it takes in
  15. two or more atoms connected by chemical bonds
  16. anything that is made up of or comes from living things, such as plants, animals, or bacteria
  17. ingredients of something
  18. relating to the atmosphere of the earth or (occasionally) another planet.
  19. a particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical element
  20. nitrogen that has been changed from its natural form in the air (N₂) into a form that plants can use to grow.
  21. chemical formula for nitrogen dioxide
  22. a chemical compound that lacks carbon-hydrogen bonds
  23. The continuous movement of nitrogen through the various reservoirs and processes
  24. chemical formula for ammonia nitrogen