Someone ismysteriouslyabsent duringthe death of afamous person.Chey buys anew artcommission.Lexi talksaboutdes nuts.Hydratrash talksa in-gameMoira.Van sayssomething isbullshit butrealizes max of2 days laterthat it wasn't.Someoneaccidentallystreamssomething theydidn't mean to.Someoneleaves theircamera onby accident.Lexi admitsto being agoofygoober.A newvariationof pilk iscreated.Zac does a livecard unboxingand says he'dsmash one ofthe Pokemon.Crimsonbrings hisGF to theDiscord.Someone tellsa reallyembarrassingstory andpeople go silentafter.DevinfinishesDarkSouls 1.Someonelivestreamthe DarkSouls 1 jumpboss.Someonehits thegriddy liveon camera.Someone tellsa joke andthere's anawkwardsilence for 5seconds.Someone goeson a 2+ minuterant aboutHitler beingright in someaspects.Someonegetsblackoutdrunk.Someonemunches loudlyon their micand someonetells them toshare.DevinplaysOverwatch2.Risatalks.Zac pullsa $50tradingcard.Someonerepeats a jokethat someonealready saidand peoplelaugh.Someone'sparents yell atthem and theyforget to mutetheir mic.Someone ismysteriouslyabsent duringthe death of afamous person.Chey buys anew artcommission.Lexi talksaboutdes nuts.Hydratrash talksa in-gameMoira.Van sayssomething isbullshit butrealizes max of2 days laterthat it wasn't.Someoneaccidentallystreamssomething theydidn't mean to.Someoneleaves theircamera onby accident.Lexi admitsto being agoofygoober.A newvariationof pilk iscreated.Zac does a livecard unboxingand says he'dsmash one ofthe Pokemon.Crimsonbrings hisGF to theDiscord.Someone tellsa reallyembarrassingstory andpeople go silentafter.DevinfinishesDarkSouls 1.Someonelivestreamthe DarkSouls 1 jumpboss.Someonehits thegriddy liveon camera.Someone tellsa joke andthere's anawkwardsilence for 5seconds.Someone goeson a 2+ minuterant aboutHitler beingright in someaspects.Someonegetsblackoutdrunk.Someonemunches loudlyon their micand someonetells them toshare.DevinplaysOverwatch2.Risatalks.Zac pullsa $50tradingcard.Someonerepeats a jokethat someonealready saidand peoplelaugh.Someone'sparents yell atthem and theyforget to mutetheir mic.

The Cloud Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone is mysteriously absent during the death of a famous person.
  2. Chey buys a new art commission.
  3. Lexi talks about des nuts.
  4. Hydra trash talks a in-game Moira.
  5. Van says something is bullshit but realizes max of 2 days later that it wasn't.
  6. Someone accidentally streams something they didn't mean to.
  7. Someone leaves their camera on by accident.
  8. Lexi admits to being a goofy goober.
  9. A new variation of pilk is created.
  10. Zac does a live card unboxing and says he'd smash one of the Pokemon.
  11. Crimson brings his GF to the Discord.
  12. Someone tells a really embarrassing story and people go silent after.
  13. Devin finishes Dark Souls 1.
  14. Someone livestream the Dark Souls 1 jump boss.
  15. Someone hits the griddy live on camera.
  16. Someone tells a joke and there's an awkward silence for 5 seconds.
  17. Someone goes on a 2+ minute rant about Hitler being right in some aspects.
  18. Someone gets blackout drunk.
  19. Someone munches loudly on their mic and someone tells them to share.
  20. Devin plays Overwatch 2.
  21. Risa talks.
  22. Zac pulls a $50 trading card.
  23. Someone repeats a joke that someone already said and people laugh.
  24. Someone's parents yell at them and they forget to mute their mic.