JesusIf you have seen hisstar, where did itlead you? The storyteaches us thatJesus is our Kingand we should puthim first in our life. Now after Jesus was bornin Bethlehem of Judea inthe days of Herod the king,behold, [a]wise men fromthe East came toJerusalem, 2 saying,“Where is He who hasbeen born King of theJews? For we have seenHis star in the East andhave come toMatthew2:1-2 FATAL(F airest A mong Thousands A ltogetherL ovely): what is thecabalistic word?Cabalistic is a way ofsaying “secretive ormysterious." AssociateMatronWho sitsin thewest?3Each signis given inhow manymotionsOneRapof the gavel callthe Chapter toOrder, or seatsit if membersare standing.GreenShe is knownas the sister,THIS color isemblematic tothe 4th point ofour star 7the numberit takes toconstitute aquorumPasswordand griptaken at everymeeting &from everyonein the Chapterroom Alas myDaughter!Adah'spass ElectaMy emblemis the cup.My pass isLOVE ONEANOTHER! TWORAPSof thegavel callup allofficers.6Howmanysigns arethere? WorthyMatronWho sitsin theeast? ConductressWho sitsin thesouth? RuthThewidowConductress/AssociateConductressWhoCollects thepass at themeeting AlterandEastYou are not allowed to passthrough here. This placeconnects the labyrinth, thealtar and the holy biblewhich represents JesusChrist's birthplace. Thisconnection should never bebroken. During initiation,conferring degrees andinstallation o5this is thenumber of rapsused to enter achapter roomwhile at work EastThe direction in which thesun rises. This symbolizesknowledge and power. Anywoman who sits here issymbolic of knowledge.This is also known as thebirthplace of Jesus Christand the land of the risingsun. WhiteEsther, Thewife and coloremblematic tothe 3rd pointof our star THREERAPSof thegavel callsup theChapterBibleThis isopened/closedin 3 motions3,5,7Everythingdone as faras in floorwork is doneinJesusIf you have seen hisstar, where did itlead you? The storyteaches us thatJesus is our Kingand we should puthim first in our life. Now after Jesus was bornin Bethlehem of Judea inthe days of Herod the king,behold, [a]wise men fromthe East came toJerusalem, 2 saying,“Where is He who hasbeen born King of theJews? For we have seenHis star in the East andhave come toMatthew2:1-2 FATAL(F airest A mong Thousands A ltogetherL ovely): what is thecabalistic word?Cabalistic is a way ofsaying “secretive ormysterious." AssociateMatronWho sitsin thewest?3Each signis given inhow manymotionsOneRapof the gavel callthe Chapter toOrder, or seatsit if membersare standing.GreenShe is knownas the sister,THIS color isemblematic tothe 4th point ofour star 7the numberit takes toconstitute aquorumPasswordand griptaken at everymeeting &from everyonein the Chapterroom Alas myDaughter!Adah'spass ElectaMy emblemis the cup.My pass isLOVE ONEANOTHER! TWORAPSof thegavel callup allofficers.6Howmanysigns arethere? WorthyMatronWho sitsin theeast? ConductressWho sitsin thesouth? RuthThewidowConductress/AssociateConductressWhoCollects thepass at themeeting AlterandEastYou are not allowed to passthrough here. This placeconnects the labyrinth, thealtar and the holy biblewhich represents JesusChrist's birthplace. Thisconnection should never bebroken. During initiation,conferring degrees andinstallation o5this is thenumber of rapsused to enter achapter roomwhile at work EastThe direction in which thesun rises. This symbolizesknowledge and power. Anywoman who sits here issymbolic of knowledge.This is also known as thebirthplace of Jesus Christand the land of the risingsun. WhiteEsther, Thewife and coloremblematic tothe 3rd pointof our star THREERAPSof thegavel callsup theChapterBibleThis isopened/closedin 3 motions3,5,7Everythingdone as faras in floorwork is donein

RVC 105 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. If you have seen his star, where did it lead you? The story teaches us that Jesus is our King and we should put him first in our life.
  2. Matthew 2:1-2
    Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, [a]wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to
  3. (F airest A mong T housands A ltogether L ovely): what is the cabalistic word? Cabalistic is a way of saying “secretive or mysterious."
  4. Who sits in the west?
    Associate Matron
  5. Each sign is given in how many motions
  6. of the gavel call the Chapter to Order, or seats it if members are standing.
    One Rap
  7. She is known as the sister, THIS color is emblematic to the 4th point of our star
  8. the number it takes to constitute a quorum
  9. taken at every meeting & from everyone in the Chapter room
    Password and grip
  10. Adah's pass
    Alas my Daughter!
  11. My emblem is the cup. My pass is LOVE ONE ANOTHER!
  12. of the gavel call up all officers.
  13. How many signs are there?
  14. Who sits in the east?
    Worthy Matron
  15. Who sits in the south?
  16. The widow
  17. Who Collects the pass at the meeting
    Conductress/Associate Conductress
  18. You are not allowed to pass through here. This place connects the labyrinth, the altar and the holy bible which represents Jesus Christ's birthplace. This connection should never be broken. During initiation, conferring degrees and installation o
    Alter and East
  19. this is the number of raps used to enter a chapter room while at work
  20. The direction in which the sun rises. This symbolizes knowledge and power. Any woman who sits here is symbolic of knowledge. This is also known as the birthplace of Jesus Christ and the land of the rising sun.
  21. Esther, The wife and color emblematic to the 3rd point of our star
  22. of the gavel calls up the Chapter
  23. This is opened/closed in 3 motions
  24. Everything done as far as in floor work is done in