Someone goesdown to thecarpark forpillowcasesinstead of lookingin the drop downcupboardsAsks to putsomethingon hold formore than 2days'maybetry adairs/ house?'Cricketterrorisingthe storeCommentson how cutethe Easterstuff isSomeone asksfor somethingthat has quiteliterally neverexisted ever'Its fromMorganandFinch...Have totake the pjsout to showthe sizes'If there'sno pricetag, it mustbe free!'Get on aladder morethan 3 timesfor oneperson'Myholidayhouse in___'Sign getsknockedoff theshelfHave tocallHawksburnYou get shownpictures of acustomershouse withoutconsentTries toreturnsomethingwithout areceiptAttemptedmurder by afalling sheetset / quiltcoverSomeone goesdown to thecarpark forpillowcasesinstead of lookingin the drop downcupboardsAsks to putsomethingon hold formore than 2days'maybetry adairs/ house?'Cricketterrorisingthe storeCommentson how cutethe Easterstuff isSomeone asksfor somethingthat has quiteliterally neverexisted ever'Its fromMorganandFinch...Have totake the pjsout to showthe sizes'If there'sno pricetag, it mustbe free!'Get on aladder morethan 3 timesfor oneperson'Myholidayhouse in___'Sign getsknockedoff theshelfHave tocallHawksburnYou get shownpictures of acustomershouse withoutconsentTries toreturnsomethingwithout areceiptAttemptedmurder by afalling sheetset / quiltcover

BBN'T Malvern Shenanigans - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone goes down to the carpark for pillowcases instead of looking in the drop down cupboards
  2. Asks to put something on hold for more than 2 days
  3. 'maybe try adairs / house?'
  4. Cricket terrorising the store
  5. Comments on how cute the Easter stuff is
  6. Someone asks for something that has quite literally never existed ever
  7. 'Its from Morgan and Finch...
  8. Have to take the pjs out to show the sizes
  9. 'If there's no price tag, it must be free!'
  10. Get on a ladder more than 3 times for one person
  11. 'My holiday house in ___'
  12. Sign gets knocked off the shelf
  13. Have to call Hawksburn
  14. You get shown pictures of a customers house without consent
  15. Tries to return something without a receipt
  16. Attempted murder by a falling sheet set / quilt cover