The subsidyprogram includes150,000 wonmonthlyallowances forchildren for 10years.Expectantmothers will begranted 500,000won to covertransportationexpenses.Incheon citygovernmentannounced it willsubsidize parentsup to100,000,000 wonA nose jobcosts about10,000,000.Bitcoin wastrading at about57,000,000won earlier thisyearHe bought aused BMWfor50,000,000won in cash.The villa'sselling priceis200,000,000won.Her AudiA6 cost her71,000,000won.An electronicsignboard at acryptocurrencyexchange in southernSeoul shows that theprice of bitcoinsurpassed100,000,000 won.I transferred150,000,000as adeposit.She said shegave hergrandson100,000 incash.The blazeris on salefor 99,000won.Just onefried chickenis 22,500won.Their gasbill was180,000 inJanuary.Theshoes are300,000won.These daysjeonsae isover500,000,000won.The joint financialsupport from thecentral and localgovernments,including IncheonCity, currentlyamounts to 100,000won per month.Their rent isover 700,000won permonth.The Kakaoemoticonsare 2,500won per set.This tunakimbob isjust 3,500won.His monthsalary is only2,500,000won.My car isworth about15,000,000won.The pencilcase costs5,500won.This Englishtextbookcost 17,000won.The grave-diggingoccult film "Exhuma"surpassed 10,000,000 admissionson Sunday morning,becoming the firstfilm to do so in Koreain 202j4. According toStatistics Korea, thecurrent population of52,000,000 isprojected to decreaseto 36,000,000 overthe next 50 years.This Pradahandbagcosts9,000,000won.Children bornbetween 2020 and2023 will receive amonthly allowanceof 100,000 wonuntil 2028.He said hegot a900,000tax refund.The subsidyprogram includes150,000 wonmonthlyallowances forchildren for 10years.Expectantmothers will begranted 500,000won to covertransportationexpenses.Incheon citygovernmentannounced it willsubsidize parentsup to100,000,000 wonA nose jobcosts about10,000,000.Bitcoin wastrading at about57,000,000won earlier thisyearHe bought aused BMWfor50,000,000won in cash.The villa'sselling priceis200,000,000won.Her AudiA6 cost her71,000,000won.An electronicsignboard at acryptocurrencyexchange in southernSeoul shows that theprice of bitcoinsurpassed100,000,000 won.I transferred150,000,000as adeposit.She said shegave hergrandson100,000 incash.The blazeris on salefor 99,000won.Just onefried chickenis 22,500won.Their gasbill was180,000 inJanuary.Theshoes are300,000won.These daysjeonsae isover500,000,000won.The joint financialsupport from thecentral and localgovernments,including IncheonCity, currentlyamounts to 100,000won per month.Their rent isover 700,000won permonth.The Kakaoemoticonsare 2,500won per set.This tunakimbob isjust 3,500won.His monthsalary is only2,500,000won.My car isworth about15,000,000won.The pencilcase costs5,500won.This Englishtextbookcost 17,000won.The grave-diggingoccult film "Exhuma"surpassed 10,000,000 admissionson Sunday morning,becoming the firstfilm to do so in Koreain 202j4. According toStatistics Korea, thecurrent population of52,000,000 isprojected to decreaseto 36,000,000 overthe next 50 years.This Pradahandbagcosts9,000,000won.Children bornbetween 2020 and2023 will receive amonthly allowanceof 100,000 wonuntil 2028.He said hegot a900,000tax refund.

Big Numbers Korean Won - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The subsidy program includes 150,000 won monthly allowances for children for 10 years.
  2. Expectant mothers will be granted 500,000 won to cover transportation expenses.
  3. Incheon city government announced it will subsidize parents up to 100,000,000 won
  4. A nose job costs about 10,000,000.
  5. Bitcoin was trading at about 57,000,000 won earlier this year
  6. He bought a used BMW for 50,000,000 won in cash.
  7. The villa's selling price is 200,000,000 won.
  8. Her Audi A6 cost her 71,000,000 won.
  9. An electronic signboard at a cryptocurrency exchange in southern Seoul shows that the price of bitcoin surpassed 100,000,000 won.
  10. I transferred 150,000,000 as a deposit.
  11. She said she gave her grandson 100,000 in cash.
  12. The blazer is on sale for 99,000 won.
  13. Just one fried chicken is 22,500 won.
  14. Their gas bill was 180,000 in January.
  15. The shoes are 300,000 won.
  16. These days jeonsae is over 500,000,000 won.
  17. The joint financial support from the central and local governments, including Incheon City, currently amounts to 100,000 won per month.
  18. Their rent is over 700,000 won per month.
  19. The Kakao emoticons are 2,500 won per set.
  20. This tuna kimbob is just 3,500 won.
  21. His month salary is only 2,500,000 won.
  22. My car is worth about 15,000,000 won.
  23. The pencil case costs 5,500 won.
  24. This English textbook cost 17,000 won.
  25. The grave-digging occult film "Exhuma" surpassed 10 ,000,000 admissions on Sunday morning, becoming the first film to do so in Korea in 202j4.
  26. According to Statistics Korea, the current population of 52,000,000 is projected to decrease to 36,000,000 over the next 50 years.
  27. This Prada handbag costs 9,000,000 won.
  28. Children born between 2020 and 2023 will receive a monthly allowance of 100,000 won until 2028.
  29. He said he got a 900,000 tax refund.