mild toseveresensitivityto lightinflammationof eyelidshe law of wrongfulinjuries. It is the lawthat protects andcompensates peoplewho have been injuredby the negligence, orrecklessness, orintentional acts ofwrongdoers.Errors where amedication isgiven to a patientwithout legalauthorizationfrom a prescriber.a chronic skincondition characterizedby abnormalcornification orkeratinization thatcauses excessivegreasiness and scalingof the skin age-relatedretinalcondition.blood cellproductionmedicalterm forearwaxdiseaseof theretinaA type of immunecell that cansurround and killmicroorganisms,ingest foreignmaterial, andremove dead cells.a toxin or otherforeign substancewhich induces animmune response inthe body, especiallythe production ofantibodies.use a toxin(harmfulproduct) madeby the germthat causes adiseasemedicinesthat help youlower yourcholesterollevels.a failure in thetreatment processthat can lead toharm or has thepotential to harmthe patient.describessomething thatis composed ofor containsboth mucusand pustheintendeduse of amedicationa substancemade bymixing othersubstancestogether. a situation where anegative outcomeoccurs due to abelief that theintervention willcause harmthe first 4weeks ofa child'slife.medicationshave beenadministered viaa route differentthan theintended route.bilateralage-relatedhearingloss.a long-termcondition in whichyour heart can'tpump blood wellenough to meetyour body's needs.a drug thatproducesdilation ofthe pupil ofthe eye.obstruction ofan artery,typically by aclot of blood oran air bubbleA condition inwhich thelens of theeye becomescloudy.the paralysis of theciliary muscle ofthe eye resulting indilatation of thepupil and paralysisof accommodationthe part of anantigenmolecule towhich anantibodyattaches itself.inflammationor infectionlocated inthe middleear.medicalterm fornosebleedingwhen doses areadministered ordispensed in adifferent form thanoriginally orderedby the prescriber.medicalterm forringing inthe earsa measure of thesuccess of a vaccineor otherpharmaceutical whenused in the controlledenvironment of aclinical triala waxy, fat-likesubstance madein the liver, andfound in theblood and in allcells of the bodyoccurs when anentry has not beenrecorded althougha transaction hasoccurred duringthat period.effector cells of theinnate immunesystem thatphagocytose bacteriaand secrete both pro-inflammatory andantimicrobialmediatorsdisease thataffects aperson'scentral visionmild toseveresensitivityto lightinflammationof eyelidshe law of wrongfulinjuries. It is the lawthat protects andcompensates peoplewho have been injuredby the negligence, orrecklessness, orintentional acts ofwrongdoers.Errors where amedication isgiven to a patientwithout legalauthorizationfrom a prescriber.a chronic skincondition characterizedby abnormalcornification orkeratinization thatcauses excessivegreasiness and scalingof the skin age-relatedretinalcondition.blood cellproductionmedicalterm forearwaxdiseaseof theretinaA type of immunecell that cansurround and killmicroorganisms,ingest foreignmaterial, andremove dead cells.a toxin or otherforeign substancewhich induces animmune response inthe body, especiallythe production ofantibodies.use a toxin(harmfulproduct) madeby the germthat causes adiseasemedicinesthat help youlower yourcholesterollevels.a failure in thetreatment processthat can lead toharm or has thepotential to harmthe patient.describessomething thatis composed ofor containsboth mucusand pustheintendeduse of amedicationa substancemade bymixing othersubstancestogether. a situation where anegative outcomeoccurs due to abelief that theintervention willcause harmthe first 4weeks ofa child'slife.medicationshave beenadministered viaa route differentthan theintended route.bilateralage-relatedhearingloss.a long-termcondition in whichyour heart can'tpump blood wellenough to meetyour body's needs.a drug thatproducesdilation ofthe pupil ofthe eye.obstruction ofan artery,typically by aclot of blood oran air bubbleA condition inwhich thelens of theeye becomescloudy.the paralysis of theciliary muscle ofthe eye resulting indilatation of thepupil and paralysisof accommodationthe part of anantigenmolecule towhich anantibodyattaches itself.inflammationor infectionlocated inthe middleear.medicalterm fornosebleedingwhen doses areadministered ordispensed in adifferent form thanoriginally orderedby the prescriber.medicalterm forringing inthe earsa measure of thesuccess of a vaccineor otherpharmaceutical whenused in the controlledenvironment of aclinical triala waxy, fat-likesubstance madein the liver, andfound in theblood and in allcells of the bodyoccurs when anentry has not beenrecorded althougha transaction hasoccurred duringthat period.effector cells of theinnate immunesystem thatphagocytose bacteriaand secrete both pro-inflammatory andantimicrobialmediatorsdisease thataffects aperson'scentral vision


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. mild to severe sensitivity to light
  2. inflammation of eyelids
  3. he law of wrongful injuries. It is the law that protects and compensates people who have been injured by the negligence, or recklessness, or intentional acts of wrongdoers.
  4. Errors where a medication is given to a patient without legal authorization from a prescriber.
  5. a chronic skin condition characterized by abnormal cornification or keratinization that causes excessive greasiness and scaling of the skin and haircoat.
  6. an age-related retinal condition.
  7. blood cell production
  8. medical term for earwax
  9. disease of the retina
  10. A type of immune cell that can surround and kill microorganisms, ingest foreign material, and remove dead cells.
  11. a toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.
  12. use a toxin (harmful product) made by the germ that causes a disease
  13. medicines that help you lower your cholesterol levels.
  14. a failure in the treatment process that can lead to harm or has the potential to harm the patient.
  15. describes something that is composed of or contains both mucus and pus
  16. the intended use of a medication
  17. a substance made by mixing other substances together.
  18. a situation where a negative outcome occurs due to a belief that the intervention will cause harm
  19. the first 4 weeks of a child's life.
  20. medications have been administered via a route different than the intended route.
  21. bilateral age-related hearing loss.
  22. a long-term condition in which your heart can't pump blood well enough to meet your body's needs.
  23. a drug that produces dilation of the pupil of the eye.
  24. obstruction of an artery, typically by a clot of blood or an air bubble
  25. A condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy.
  26. the paralysis of the ciliary muscle of the eye resulting in dilatation of the pupil and paralysis of accommodation
  27. the part of an antigen molecule to which an antibody attaches itself.
  28. inflammation or infection located in the middle ear.
  29. medical term for nose bleeding
  30. when doses are administered or dispensed in a different form than originally ordered by the prescriber.
  31. medical term for ringing in the ears
  32. a measure of the success of a vaccine or other pharmaceutical when used in the controlled environment of a clinical trial
  33. a waxy, fat-like substance made in the liver, and found in the blood and in all cells of the body
  34. occurs when an entry has not been recorded although a transaction has occurred during that period.
  35. effector cells of the innate immune system that phagocytose bacteria and secrete both pro-inflammatory and antimicrobial mediators
  36. disease that affects a person's central vision