ArchdukeFranzFerdinandMyassassinationwas thespark ofWorld War I.CentralPowersI am anicknamefor the TripleAlliance.1914I am theyear WorldWar Istarted.GavriloPrincipI am guilty ofthe murderof ArchdukeFranzFerdinandBlackHandI am a Serbianresistance teamwhose memberswanted to createa Slavic nationin Europe.SlavAn ethnicidentity;Gavrilo Principidentified withthis ethnicity.TheGreatWarI am another wayto refer to WorldWar I. This namewas morecommonly heardbefore WWII.AlliancesAgreementsbetweennations to aidone another ifattacked.SophieFerdinandI am the wifeof ArchdukeFranzFerdinand.Austria-HungaryArchduke FranzFerdinand wasthe heir to thiscountry'sthrone.TripleAllianceI'm the teamname for thealliance betweenGermany,Austria-Hungary,and Italy.MilitarismThe belief that acountry shouldmaintain a strongmilitary power; thisbelief also causesa glorification ofwar.TripleEntenteI'm the teamname for thealliance betweenEngland,France, andRussia.ImperialismThe idea that astronger nationtakes control ofweaker nationsby force.FreeSpace!NationalismStrong feelings ofnational pride; thisidea also involvespeople believingtheir culture isbetter/moredominant.ArchdukeFranzFerdinandMyassassinationwas thespark ofWorld War I.CentralPowersI am anicknamefor the TripleAlliance.1914I am theyear WorldWar Istarted.GavriloPrincipI am guilty ofthe murderof ArchdukeFranzFerdinandBlackHandI am a Serbianresistance teamwhose memberswanted to createa Slavic nationin Europe.SlavAn ethnicidentity;Gavrilo Principidentified withthis ethnicity.TheGreatWarI am another wayto refer to WorldWar I. This namewas morecommonly heardbefore WWII.AlliancesAgreementsbetweennations to aidone another ifattacked.SophieFerdinandI am the wifeof ArchdukeFranzFerdinand.Austria-HungaryArchduke FranzFerdinand wasthe heir to thiscountry'sthrone.TripleAllianceI'm the teamname for thealliance betweenGermany,Austria-Hungary,and Italy.MilitarismThe belief that acountry shouldmaintain a strongmilitary power; thisbelief also causesa glorification ofwar.TripleEntenteI'm the teamname for thealliance betweenEngland,France, andRussia.ImperialismThe idea that astronger nationtakes control ofweaker nationsby force.FreeSpace!NationalismStrong feelings ofnational pride; thisidea also involvespeople believingtheir culture isbetter/moredominant.

WWI: MAIN Causes - Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. My assassination was the spark of World War I.
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  2. I am a nickname for the Triple Alliance.
    Central Powers
  3. I am the year World War I started.
  4. I am guilty of the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Gavrilo Princip
  5. I am a Serbian resistance team whose members wanted to create a Slavic nation in Europe.
    Black Hand
  6. An ethnic identity; Gavrilo Princip identified with this ethnicity.
  7. I am another way to refer to World War I. This name was more commonly heard before WWII.
    The Great War
  8. Agreements between nations to aid one another if attacked.
  9. I am the wife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
    Sophie Ferdinand
  10. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir to this country's throne.
  11. I'm the team name for the alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
    Triple Alliance
  12. The belief that a country should maintain a strong military power; this belief also causes a glorification of war.
  13. I'm the team name for the alliance between England, France, and Russia.
    Triple Entente
  14. The idea that a stronger nation takes control of weaker nations by force.
  15. Free Space!
  16. Strong feelings of national pride; this idea also involves people believing their culture is better/more dominant.