During my spiritualor religiousholidays it's typicalfor us to have timeoff from work orschool.Can name4 worldreligionsMy religion orspirituality requiresme to abstain fromeating certain typesof food either all ofthe time or during aspecific time of yearParticipates ina religious orspiritual fast atleast oncethroughout theyearObservesRoshHashanahVisited areligiouslandmark orsacred siteVisited a localplace ofworshipbelonging to areligion differentfrom your ownVisited a shrinefor Lunar NewYearcelebrations orobserves LunarNew YearHas beento a Baror BatMitzvahPractices afaith otherthanChristianityParticipated ina Hindu pujaceremony orknows the 5steps of theritualCelebratesRamadan orsomeone closeto mecelebratesRamadanAttendedDiwalicelebrationsAttended acultural festivalor event hostedby a religiouscommunity inyour areaObservesHoli or hasattended aHolicelebrationCelebratesChristmasRead a bookabout areligion withwhich you'reunfamiliarAttends areligiousserviceregularlyMakesofferings ata BuddhisttempleParticipated ina communityservice projectorganized by areligiousorganizationAttended orparticipatedin a NativeAmericanPowwowAttended aQuinceañeracelebrationKnows allthe wordsof aprayerIn my faith or spiritualpractice it'scustomary for me ormy family membersto wear specificclothing either duringreligious gatheringsor regularlyMeditatesor practicesmindfulnessDuring my spiritualor religiousholidays it's typicalfor us to have timeoff from work orschool.Can name4 worldreligionsMy religion orspirituality requiresme to abstain fromeating certain typesof food either all ofthe time or during aspecific time of yearParticipates ina religious orspiritual fast atleast oncethroughout theyearObservesRoshHashanahVisited areligiouslandmark orsacred siteVisited a localplace ofworshipbelonging to areligion differentfrom your ownVisited a shrinefor Lunar NewYearcelebrations orobserves LunarNew YearHas beento a Baror BatMitzvahPractices afaith otherthanChristianityParticipated ina Hindu pujaceremony orknows the 5steps of theritualCelebratesRamadan orsomeone closeto mecelebratesRamadanAttendedDiwalicelebrationsAttended acultural festivalor event hostedby a religiouscommunity inyour areaObservesHoli or hasattended aHolicelebrationCelebratesChristmasRead a bookabout areligion withwhich you'reunfamiliarAttends areligiousserviceregularlyMakesofferings ata BuddhisttempleParticipated ina communityservice projectorganized by areligiousorganizationAttended orparticipatedin a NativeAmericanPowwowAttended aQuinceañeracelebrationKnows allthe wordsof aprayerIn my faith or spiritualpractice it'scustomary for me ormy family membersto wear specificclothing either duringreligious gatheringsor regularlyMeditatesor practicesmindfulness

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. During my spiritual or religious holidays it's typical for us to have time off from work or school.
  2. Can name 4 world religions
  3. My religion or spirituality requires me to abstain from eating certain types of food either all of the time or during a specific time of year
  4. Participates in a religious or spiritual fast at least once throughout the year
  5. Observes Rosh Hashanah
  6. Visited a religious landmark or sacred site
  7. Visited a local place of worship belonging to a religion different from your own
  8. Visited a shrine for Lunar New Year celebrations or observes Lunar New Year
  9. Has been to a Bar or Bat Mitzvah
  10. Practices a faith other than Christianity
  11. Participated in a Hindu puja ceremony or knows the 5 steps of the ritual
  12. Celebrates Ramadan or someone close to me celebrates Ramadan
  13. Attended Diwali celebrations
  14. Attended a cultural festival or event hosted by a religious community in your area
  15. Observes Holi or has attended a Holi celebration
  16. Celebrates Christmas
  17. Read a book about a religion with which you're unfamiliar
  18. Attends a religious service regularly
  19. Makes offerings at a Buddhist temple
  20. Participated in a community service project organized by a religious organization
  21. Attended or participated in a Native American Powwow
  22. Attended a Quinceañera celebration
  23. Knows all the words of a prayer
  24. In my faith or spiritual practice it's customary for me or my family members to wear specific clothing either during religious gatherings or regularly
  25. Meditates or practices mindfulness