I rode anelephantthrough thejungle inThailand on my25th birthdayOne summer whilein college, Ireceived training onfiring an 18th-century cannon andthen helped fire oneas part of an event.I lived in 5differentinternationalcities, over aperiod of 15years.I hosted a localTV show called"Teen Talk"when I was inhigh school.I startedracing gokarts at theage of 8Have beento the verytop of the UKmainland.I would love tocage swim withgreat whitesand have doneone with blacktip sharksI can movemy earswithouttouchingthem.I'vepresentedat the UNI hiked theJuan deFuca trailandsurvived.Broke myback inhighschoolI broke my foot inmiddle school bytripping over abasketball in gymclass and ended uphaving to wear a castfor the summer.During university,I took a 40 hourbus ride to go onan volunteer tripfor Habitat forHumanityI am aYoutuber.I love to sing and canplay various musicalinstruments; Piano,Flute, Clarinet, BassClarinet, TenorSaxophone, AltoSaxophone, Guitar,Keyboard, Pennywhistle, and Ukulele.I kayaked theBroken IslandsArchipelago asa beginnerkayaker.I was mygrade 12classvaledictorianI have neverate anhamburgeror hotdog inmy life.I have visited15 UNESCOWorldHeritagesitesI went to an AliceCooper concert andcaught a guitar pick,a "Dirty Diamonds"necklace, and fake"Billion Dollar Babies"bills while in thecrowd.I've seenanarmadilloin the wild.I love kayaking,and a few yearsago did a 7-daykayakingexpedition inDesolation Sound.I've neverbroken abone, and Ihave noallergies.Their petshave 3300Instagramfollowers.I had abackyardwedding.I was once ina percussiongroup thatperformed inDisneyland.I rode anelephantthrough thejungle inThailand on my25th birthdayOne summer whilein college, Ireceived training onfiring an 18th-century cannon andthen helped fire oneas part of an event.I lived in 5differentinternationalcities, over aperiod of 15years.I hosted a localTV show called"Teen Talk"when I was inhigh school.I startedracing gokarts at theage of 8Have beento the verytop of the UKmainland.I would love tocage swim withgreat whitesand have doneone with blacktip sharksI can movemy earswithouttouchingthem.I'vepresentedat the UNI hiked theJuan deFuca trailandsurvived.Broke myback inhighschoolI broke my foot inmiddle school bytripping over abasketball in gymclass and ended uphaving to wear a castfor the summer.During university,I took a 40 hourbus ride to go onan volunteer tripfor Habitat forHumanityI am aYoutuber.I love to sing and canplay various musicalinstruments; Piano,Flute, Clarinet, BassClarinet, TenorSaxophone, AltoSaxophone, Guitar,Keyboard, Pennywhistle, and Ukulele.I kayaked theBroken IslandsArchipelago asa beginnerkayaker.I was mygrade 12classvaledictorianI have neverate anhamburgeror hotdog inmy life.I have visited15 UNESCOWorldHeritagesitesI went to an AliceCooper concert andcaught a guitar pick,a "Dirty Diamonds"necklace, and fake"Billion Dollar Babies"bills while in thecrowd.I've seenanarmadilloin the wild.I love kayaking,and a few yearsago did a 7-daykayakingexpedition inDesolation Sound.I've neverbroken abone, and Ihave noallergies.Their petshave 3300Instagramfollowers.I had abackyardwedding.I was once ina percussiongroup thatperformed inDisneyland.

L&D Ice Breaker Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I rode an elephant through the jungle in Thailand on my 25th birthday
  2. One summer while in college, I received training on firing an 18th-century cannon and then helped fire one as part of an event.
  3. I lived in 5 different international cities, over a period of 15 years.
  4. I hosted a local TV show called "Teen Talk" when I was in high school.
  5. I started racing go karts at the age of 8
  6. Have been to the very top of the UK mainland.
  7. I would love to cage swim with great whites and have done one with black tip sharks
  8. I can move my ears without touching them.
  9. I've presented at the UN
  10. I hiked the Juan de Fuca trail and survived.
  11. Broke my back in highschool
  12. I broke my foot in middle school by tripping over a basketball in gym class and ended up having to wear a cast for the summer.
  13. During university, I took a 40 hour bus ride to go on an volunteer trip for Habitat for Humanity
  14. I am a Youtuber.
  15. I love to sing and can play various musical instruments; Piano, Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone, Alto Saxophone, Guitar, Keyboard, Penny whistle, and Ukulele.
  16. I kayaked the Broken Islands Archipelago as a beginner kayaker.
  17. I was my grade 12 class valedictorian
  18. I have never ate an hamburger or hotdog in my life.
  19. I have visited 15 UNESCO World Heritage sites
  20. I went to an Alice Cooper concert and caught a guitar pick, a "Dirty Diamonds" necklace, and fake "Billion Dollar Babies" bills while in the crowd.
  21. I've seen an armadillo in the wild.
  22. I love kayaking, and a few years ago did a 7-day kayaking expedition in Desolation Sound.
  23. I've never broken a bone, and I have no allergies.
  24. Their pets have 3300 Instagram followers.
  25. I had a backyard wedding.
  26. I was once in a percussion group that performed in Disneyland.