Known for servingup soulful dishesand fosteringcommunity atDooky Chase'sRestaurant!  Empowerslisteners with herpowerful voice andcaptivatingperformances!   Who said "Onegood thing aboutmusic, when ithits you, youfeel no pain."?  Created asmoother way toscoop ice creamwith his innovativedesign!   Who said "Seemsto me it ain't theworld that's sobad... Love, baby,love. That's thesecret." ?  Who said "Just don'tgive up trying to dowhat you really wantto do. Where there islove and inspiration, Idon't think you cango wrong."?  Sliced ultra-thinpotatoes tocreate the firstpotato chips!  Rocked the worldwith his uniqueguitar style andpowerfulperformances!   Discoveredover 300 usesfor peanuts!   Known for herangelic voiceandimprovisationalskills in jazz!  Who said "Musicdoesn't lie. If there issomething to bechanged in this world,then it can only happenthrough music." ?   Revolutionizedfood transportationwith his cooler onwheels!   Free!Spreadmessages oflove and peacethrough hismusic!  Pioneered jazzmusic with hisinnovativetrumpetplaying!  Shared cherishedSouthern recipes andemphasized theimportance of fresh,seasonal ingredients!   Known for servingup soulful dishesand fosteringcommunity atDooky Chase'sRestaurant!  Empowerslisteners with herpowerful voice andcaptivatingperformances!   Who said "Onegood thing aboutmusic, when ithits you, youfeel no pain."?  Created asmoother way toscoop ice creamwith his innovativedesign!   Who said "Seemsto me it ain't theworld that's sobad... Love, baby,love. That's thesecret." ?  Who said "Just don'tgive up trying to dowhat you really wantto do. Where there islove and inspiration, Idon't think you cango wrong."?  Sliced ultra-thinpotatoes tocreate the firstpotato chips!  Rocked the worldwith his uniqueguitar style andpowerfulperformances!   Discoveredover 300 usesfor peanuts!   Known for herangelic voiceandimprovisationalskills in jazz!  Who said "Musicdoesn't lie. If there issomething to bechanged in this world,then it can only happenthrough music." ?   Revolutionizedfood transportationwith his cooler onwheels!   Free!Spreadmessages oflove and peacethrough hismusic!  Pioneered jazzmusic with hisinnovativetrumpetplaying!  Shared cherishedSouthern recipes andemphasized theimportance of fresh,seasonal ingredients!   

Black History Month Biography Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Known for serving up soulful dishes and fostering community at Dooky Chase's Restaurant!
  2. Empowers listeners with her powerful voice and captivating performances!
  3. Who said "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."?
  4. Created a smoother way to scoop ice cream with his innovative design!
  5. Who said "Seems to me it ain't the world that's so bad... Love, baby, love. That's the secret." ?
  6. Who said "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."?
  7. Sliced ultra-thin potatoes to create the first potato chips!
  8. Rocked the world with his unique guitar style and powerful performances!
  9. Discovered over 300 uses for peanuts!
  10. Known for her angelic voice and improvisational skills in jazz!
  11. Who said "Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music." ?
  12. Revolutionized food transportation with his cooler on wheels!
  13. Free!
  14. Spread messages of love and peace through his music!
  15. Pioneered jazz music with his innovative trumpet playing!
  16. Shared cherished Southern recipes and emphasized the importance of fresh, seasonal ingredients!