What citydid thisevent takeplace in? What aretwo wayswe canhelp? What istheGoldenRule? How do sinsof omissionrelate to theUyghurgenocide? How does thesuffering of theUyghur peopleparallel thestory of Job?What countriesaccused Chinafor theseactions? (4 ofthem)How do sinsof commissionrelate to theUyghurgenocide?How does theUyghurgenocidecontradict theCatholic belief inhuman dignity? How does theUyghur genocideinterfere with therole of humans increation accordingto Catholicteaching? How doeswitnessing theUyghurgenocide makeus question ourfaith? How does thepersecution ofthe Uyghurpeople relate tothe PaschalMystery?Who were thekey peopleinvolved inthis event? (2of them)What citydid thisevent takeplace in? What aretwo wayswe canhelp? What istheGoldenRule? How do sinsof omissionrelate to theUyghurgenocide? How does thesuffering of theUyghur peopleparallel thestory of Job?What countriesaccused Chinafor theseactions? (4 ofthem)How do sinsof commissionrelate to theUyghurgenocide?How does theUyghurgenocidecontradict theCatholic belief inhuman dignity? How does theUyghur genocideinterfere with therole of humans increation accordingto Catholicteaching? How doeswitnessing theUyghurgenocide makeus question ourfaith? How does thepersecution ofthe Uyghurpeople relate tothe PaschalMystery?Who were thekey peopleinvolved inthis event? (2of them)

Uyghur Genocide Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What city did this event take place in?
  2. What are two ways we can help?
  3. What is the Golden Rule?
  4. How do sins of omission relate to the Uyghur genocide?
  5. How does the suffering of the Uyghur people parallel the story of Job?
  6. What countries accused China for these actions? (4 of them)
  7. How do sins of commission relate to the Uyghur genocide?
  8. How does the Uyghur genocide contradict the Catholic belief in human dignity?
  9. How does the Uyghur genocide interfere with the role of humans in creation according to Catholic teaching?
  10. How does witnessing the Uyghur genocide make us question our faith?
  11. How does the persecution of the Uyghur people relate to the Paschal Mystery?
  12. Who were the key people involved in this event? (2 of them)