Can nametwo statesinAmericaFindsomeonewho has afear ofheightsSomeonewho juststarted workwith WWSomeone whohas a friend orrelative who isgay, lesbian,or bisexualFindsomeonewho plays aweekendsportSomeonewhoseparent(s) readto her/himwhen they wereyoungFind someonewho enjoyspuzzles andorbrainteasersSomeonewho doesn'tknow howto driveSomeonewho his/herparentsonly childSomeonewhoidentifies asbicultural orbiracialFindsomeonewho has apet at homeFind someonewho has agreen thumband enjoysgardening"Find someone whocan name which movethis quote is fromOne ring to rule themall, one ring to findthem, one ring to bringthem all and in thedarkness bind them.”"Someonewho wasborn in adifferentcountryFindsomeonewho is acat personSomeonewho doesn'thave anInstagramaccountSomeonewho can playa musicalinstrument orsingSomeonewho doesn'tknow howto swimSomeonewho doesn'tdrinkalcohol find someonewho has reada book in thepast monthFind someonewho hasparticipated in acharity orvolunteer eventSomeonewho readsmore than 5books peryearHastravelled toHobbitonMovie SetSomeonewho isleft-handedSomeonewho can spelltheir nameusing signlanguageFind someonewho hasattended alive concert inthe past yearFindsomeonewho enjoysmint icecreamSomeone whocan name allthe all themovies in theStar WarsTrilogySomeonewho hastraveled toall continentsSomeonewithdifferenteyes colorFindsomeonewho cansalsa/tangoSomeonewho haslived in morethan onecountrySomeone who willbe a first-generation collegestudent (her/hisparents do nothave collegedegrees)Someonewho is/hasbeen amember of asports teamfind someonewhosebirthday is inthe samemonth as youSomeonewho haseatenescargotFindsomeonewho canbake acreme bruleeFind someonewho enjoyshiking andoutdooractivitiesFindsomeonewho is amorningpersonSomeonewho is avegetarianSomeonewho doesn'tknow how toride a bicycleSomeonewho hasrun amarathonSomeonewho neverbroke aboneSomeone whospeaks anotherlanguage inaddition toEnglishCan nametwo statesinAmericaFindsomeonewho has afear ofheightsSomeonewho juststarted workwith WWSomeone whohas a friend orrelative who isgay, lesbian,or bisexualFindsomeonewho plays aweekendsportSomeonewhoseparent(s) readto her/himwhen they wereyoungFind someonewho enjoyspuzzles andorbrainteasersSomeonewho doesn'tknow howto driveSomeonewho his/herparentsonly childSomeonewhoidentifies asbicultural orbiracialFindsomeonewho has apet at homeFind someonewho has agreen thumband enjoysgardening"Find someone whocan name which movethis quote is fromOne ring to rule themall, one ring to findthem, one ring to bringthem all and in thedarkness bind them.”"Someonewho wasborn in adifferentcountryFindsomeonewho is acat personSomeonewho doesn'thave anInstagramaccountSomeonewho can playa musicalinstrument orsingSomeonewho doesn'tknow howto swimSomeonewho doesn'tdrinkalcohol find someonewho has reada book in thepast monthFind someonewho hasparticipated in acharity orvolunteer eventSomeonewho readsmore than 5books peryearHastravelled toHobbitonMovie SetSomeonewho isleft-handedSomeonewho can spelltheir nameusing signlanguageFind someonewho hasattended alive concert inthe past yearFindsomeonewho enjoysmint icecreamSomeone whocan name allthe all themovies in theStar WarsTrilogySomeonewho hastraveled toall continentsSomeonewithdifferenteyes colorFindsomeonewho cansalsa/tangoSomeonewho haslived in morethan onecountrySomeone who willbe a first-generation collegestudent (her/hisparents do nothave collegedegrees)Someonewho is/hasbeen amember of asports teamfind someonewhosebirthday is inthe samemonth as youSomeonewho haseatenescargotFindsomeonewho canbake acreme bruleeFind someonewho enjoyshiking andoutdooractivitiesFindsomeonewho is amorningpersonSomeonewho is avegetarianSomeonewho doesn'tknow how toride a bicycleSomeonewho hasrun amarathonSomeonewho neverbroke aboneSomeone whospeaks anotherlanguage inaddition toEnglish

Q3 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Can name two states in America
  2. Find someone who has a fear of heights
  3. Someone who just started work with WW
  4. Someone who has a friend or relative who is gay, lesbian, or bisexual
  5. Find someone who plays a weekend sport
  6. Someone whose parent(s) read to her/him when they were young
  7. Find someone who enjoys puzzles and or brainteasers
  8. Someone who doesn't know how to drive
  9. Someone who his/her parents only child
  10. Someone who identifies as bicultural or biracial
  11. Find someone who has a pet at home
  12. Find someone who has a green thumb and enjoys gardening
  13. "Find someone who can name which move this quote is from One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.” "
  14. Someone who was born in a different country
  15. Find someone who is a cat person
  16. Someone who doesn't have an Instagram account
  17. Someone who can play a musical instrument or sing
  18. Someone who doesn't know how to swim
  19. Someone who doesn't drink alcohol
  20. find someone who has read a book in the past month
  21. Find someone who has participated in a charity or volunteer event
  22. Someone who reads more than 5 books per year
  23. Has travelled to Hobbiton Movie Set
  24. Someone who is left-handed
  25. Someone who can spell their name using sign language
  26. Find someone who has attended a live concert in the past year
  27. Find someone who enjoys mint ice cream
  28. Someone who can name all the all the movies in the Star Wars Trilogy
  29. Someone who has traveled to all continents
  30. Someone with different eyes color
  31. Find someone who can salsa/tango
  32. Someone who has lived in more than one country
  33. Someone who will be a first- generation college student (her/his parents do not have college degrees)
  34. Someone who is/has been a member of a sports team
  35. find someone whose birthday is in the same month as you
  36. Someone who has eaten escargot
  37. Find someone who can bake a creme brulee
  38. Find someone who enjoys hiking and outdoor activities
  39. Find someone who is a morning person
  40. Someone who is a vegetarian
  41. Someone who doesn't know how to ride a bicycle
  42. Someone who has run a marathon
  43. Someone who never broke a bone
  44. Someone who speaks another language in addition to English