CharacterizationUsing a pic of Jin/Danny.Label details like thedrawing example (seeslides). Divide the pic withone side for Jin and theother Danny. Use bothperceived stereotypes andreal differences betweencultures that are used.ConnectionRead the poem, “How towrite the Great AmericanNovel”. Consider howthis poem relates to thethemes of the novel.Compare and contrastthe two with a VennDiagram.ResearchCreate a soundtrack ofmodern music that portraysa common problem insociety today. You musthave at least 3 differentgenres of music and atleast 6 songs. Explain whyyou chose the songs youdid.Journal ResponseIf you could tell theMonkey Kinganything, what wouldit be? And whenwould you tell him (atwhat point in thenovel)? ConnectionReview the Gene Yangarticle. He referencesmovies that have includedstereotypes that societynow cringes at. Interviewsomeone 25+ about amovie/tv show/ book/comicthat they may now find‘cringe worthy’. (recordingsok.)ConnectionConsider the variousthemes/big ideasrepresented in the novel.Consider the informationprovided in the article onculture and create acollage (electronically) ofpictures, words, and quotesthat represent both the textand article.Journal Response.Why would theauthor choose thesevery differentcharacters to conveyhis message? Besure you first clearlyexplain the message. ResearchThe book uses imagestaken from propagandathat have been used in oursociety. Provide a definitionof propaganda and explainhow it can be usednegatively. Find examplesof propaganda from history.Include at least 2 pictures.Explain tResearchLook up Chinesefables. What arethe main elementsand how does TheMonkey King fitthose?ConnectionIn “Orientation Day”, aChinese-American studentexplores how Chinesepeople viewed her identitybased on her Chineseheritage without evenknowing her.This is shownin the interactions betweenJin & Wei-Chen.What doesthis suggest abCharacterizationWhat do all of theprotagonists have incommon? How are theydifferent?Create aCompare/Contrast chartrepresenting all threecharacters. Include at least4 facts for each section.CharacterizationWhat would the threecharacters say if they coulddiscuss their problems?Create a comic strip orwrite a screenplay format(must have at all 3characters speak, minimumof 1-page). ResearchResearch other groupswho have beenostracized/singled out fornegative reasons in ourAmerican history. Discussone specific group andexplain the circumstancesand how they were treated(you may NOT use slaveryor Civil Rights) Journal ResponseWhy did the monkeyking show frustrationand/or dislike to theother monkeys afterbeing asked to leavethe party?Journal ResponseWrite a letter to Jinand give him advicebased on hisstruggles with identityand your expertopinion as a highschool student. FREE SQUARE (only if it issubmitted on time otherwisedo the item below) CharacterizationWhat do you think are theexaggerated elementsincluded to support the novel'smessage. List as many as youcan with page numbers. CharacterizationUsing a pic of Jin/Danny.Label details like thedrawing example (seeslides). Divide the pic withone side for Jin and theother Danny. Use bothperceived stereotypes andreal differences betweencultures that are used.ConnectionRead the poem, “How towrite the Great AmericanNovel”. Consider howthis poem relates to thethemes of the novel.Compare and contrastthe two with a VennDiagram.ResearchCreate a soundtrack ofmodern music that portraysa common problem insociety today. You musthave at least 3 differentgenres of music and atleast 6 songs. Explain whyyou chose the songs youdid.Journal ResponseIf you could tell theMonkey Kinganything, what wouldit be? And whenwould you tell him (atwhat point in thenovel)? ConnectionReview the Gene Yangarticle. He referencesmovies that have includedstereotypes that societynow cringes at. Interviewsomeone 25+ about amovie/tv show/ book/comicthat they may now find‘cringe worthy’. (recordingsok.)ConnectionConsider the variousthemes/big ideasrepresented in the novel.Consider the informationprovided in the article onculture and create acollage (electronically) ofpictures, words, and quotesthat represent both the textand article.Journal Response.Why would theauthor choose thesevery differentcharacters to conveyhis message? Besure you first clearlyexplain the message. ResearchThe book uses imagestaken from propagandathat have been used in oursociety. Provide a definitionof propaganda and explainhow it can be usednegatively. Find examplesof propaganda from history.Include at least 2 pictures.Explain tResearchLook up Chinesefables. What arethe main elementsand how does TheMonkey King fitthose?ConnectionIn “Orientation Day”, aChinese-American studentexplores how Chinesepeople viewed her identitybased on her Chineseheritage without evenknowing her.This is shownin the interactions betweenJin & Wei-Chen.What doesthis suggest abCharacterizationWhat do all of theprotagonists have incommon? How are theydifferent?Create aCompare/Contrast chartrepresenting all threecharacters. Include at least4 facts for each section.CharacterizationWhat would the threecharacters say if they coulddiscuss their problems?Create a comic strip orwrite a screenplay format(must have at all 3characters speak, minimumof 1-page). ResearchResearch other groupswho have beenostracized/singled out fornegative reasons in ourAmerican history. Discussone specific group andexplain the circumstancesand how they were treated(you may NOT use slaveryor Civil Rights) Journal ResponseWhy did the monkeyking show frustrationand/or dislike to theother monkeys afterbeing asked to leavethe party?Journal ResponseWrite a letter to Jinand give him advicebased on hisstruggles with identityand your expertopinion as a highschool student. FREE SQUARE (only if it issubmitted on time otherwisedo the item below) CharacterizationWhat do you think are theexaggerated elementsincluded to support the novel'smessage. List as many as youcan with page numbers. 

American Born Chinese Activity - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Characterization Using a pic of Jin/Danny. Label details like the drawing example (see slides). Divide the pic with one side for Jin and the other Danny. Use both perceived stereotypes and real differences between cultures that are used.
  2. Connection Read the poem, “How to write the Great American Novel”. Consider how this poem relates to the themes of the novel. Compare and contrast the two with a Venn Diagram.
  3. Research Create a soundtrack of modern music that portrays a common problem in society today. You must have at least 3 different genres of music and at least 6 songs. Explain why you chose the songs you did.
  4. Journal Response If you could tell the Monkey King anything, what would it be? And when would you tell him (at what point in the novel)?
  5. Connection Review the Gene Yang article. He references movies that have included stereotypes that society now cringes at. Interview someone 25+ about a movie/tv show/ book/comic that they may now find ‘cringe worthy’. (recordings ok.)
  6. Connection Consider the various themes/big ideas represented in the novel. Consider the information provided in the article on culture and create a collage (electronically) of pictures, words, and quotes that represent both the text and article.
  7. Journal Response. Why would the author choose these very different characters to convey his message? Be sure you first clearly explain the message.
  8. Research The book uses images taken from propaganda that have been used in our society. Provide a definition of propaganda and explain how it can be used negatively. Find examples of propaganda from history. Include at least 2 pictures. Explain t
  9. Research Look up Chinese fables. What are the main elements and how does The Monkey King fit those?
  10. Connection In “Orientation Day”, a Chinese-American student explores how Chinese people viewed her identity based on her Chinese heritage without even knowing her.This is shown in the interactions between Jin & Wei-Chen.What does this suggest ab
  11. Characterization What do all of the protagonists have in common? How are they different? Create a Compare/Contrast chart representing all three characters. Include at least 4 facts for each section.
  12. Characterization What would the three characters say if they could discuss their problems? Create a comic strip or write a screenplay format (must have at all 3 characters speak, minimum of 1-page).
  13. Research Research other groups who have been ostracized/singled out for negative reasons in our American history. Discuss one specific group and explain the circumstances and how they were treated (you may NOT use slavery or Civil Rights)
  14. Journal Response Why did the monkey king show frustration and/or dislike to the other monkeys after being asked to leave the party?
  15. Journal Response Write a letter to Jin and give him advice based on his struggles with identity and your expert opinion as a high school student.
  16. FREE SQUARE (only if it is submitted on time otherwise do the item below) Characterization What do you think are the exaggerated elements included to support the novel's message. List as many as you can with page numbers.