sid talks aboutsomething thatis currently*hot* in thetech sceneflorian talks aboutwanting to danceor drink insteadof whatever ishappening in thecurrent momentgideongetspagedgideonbrings youa shotsomeonegetsreportedto #safetyjenn says"that'sneither herenor there"sidmentionshishouseplantssharif says"i want todouble clickon that"florian's soulleaves his bodyas he learnssomethingterrible about thecode we ownsharif laughsnervously whensomeone sayssomethingNSFWgideon takes ascenic photo forhis travel insta. thesame photo, if youtook it, would looklike a lookover andcatchmitchell onbumbleyou catchflorian andseb talkingin frenchyou tellsomeone you'reon cloud configand they haveno clue whatthat meansjenn ramblesaboutsomethingrandomjeremy makesyou feel locationenvy as heshares somethingabout his coolcoast lifejeremymentionshis otherteamtim sharesa hotdjango tipw/ youeric dropsa hotbanger ofa phrasesharif uses ametaphorthat youhave neverheard beforeteamphotouwumitchellasks if youwant to playspikeballtim casuallymentions someinsane hikehe's doing inthe near futureeric says"it wouldbehooveus to..."sid talks aboutsomething thatis currently*hot* in thetech sceneflorian talks aboutwanting to danceor drink insteadof whatever ishappening in thecurrent momentgideongetspagedgideonbrings youa shotsomeonegetsreportedto #safetyjenn says"that'sneither herenor there"sidmentionshishouseplantssharif says"i want todouble clickon that"florian's soulleaves his bodyas he learnssomethingterrible about thecode we ownsharif laughsnervously whensomeone sayssomethingNSFWgideon takes ascenic photo forhis travel insta. thesame photo, if youtook it, would looklike a lookover andcatchmitchell onbumbleyou catchflorian andseb talkingin frenchyou tellsomeone you'reon cloud configand they haveno clue whatthat meansjenn ramblesaboutsomethingrandomjeremy makesyou feel locationenvy as heshares somethingabout his coolcoast lifejeremymentionshis otherteamtim sharesa hotdjango tipw/ youeric dropsa hotbanger ofa phrasesharif uses ametaphorthat youhave neverheard beforeteamphotouwumitchellasks if youwant to playspikeballtim casuallymentions someinsane hikehe's doing inthe near futureeric says"it wouldbehooveus to..."

Cloud Config Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. sid talks about something that is currently *hot* in the tech scene
  2. florian talks about wanting to dance or drink instead of whatever is happening in the current moment
  3. gideon gets paged
  4. gideon brings you a shot
  5. someone gets reported to #safety
  6. jenn says "that's neither here nor there"
  7. sid mentions his houseplants
  8. sharif says "i want to double click on that"
  9. florian's soul leaves his body as he learns something terrible about the code we own
  10. sharif laughs nervously when someone says something NSFW
  11. gideon takes a scenic photo for his travel insta. the same photo, if you took it, would look like a potato.
  12. you look over and catch mitchell on bumble
  13. you catch florian and seb talking in french
  14. you tell someone you're on cloud config and they have no clue what that means
  15. jenn rambles about something random
  16. jeremy makes you feel location envy as he shares something about his cool coast life
  17. jeremy mentions his other team
  18. tim shares a hot django tip w/ you
  19. eric drops a hot banger of a phrase
  20. sharif uses a metaphor that you have never heard before
  21. team photo uwu
  22. mitchell asks if you want to play spikeball
  23. tim casually mentions some insane hike he's doing in the near future
  24. eric says "it would behoove us to..."