Number cruncher– Exceptionalability withmathematics andsolving mathproblems quickly.Poker face – Canlisten to shockingthings withoutoverreacting orshowing it onyour face.Endurance:Stamina and theability to keepgoing even in theface of high stressor challengesRoom Surveyor –Master at readingthe room to figureout the generalvibe of groups ofpeople.ExceptionalMemory – Theability to hold on toinformation andfacts for longperiods with greataccuracy.OTHERMusic Master –Learninginstrumentsquickly andeasily with lesseffort than mostSense ofHumor – Makepeople laugheasily as beingfunny comeseasy.Animalcommunication:Ability to understandand communicatewith animals andform bonds with avariety of species.Networker – Abilityto move around invarious circles andmake usefulconnections withlots of peopleCritical thinking:The ability toanalyze informationcritically, assessarguments, andmake well-reasonedjudgments.Natural Dancer –Moving to musicwith natural graceand ability whilelooking good doingit with little effort.Networker – Abilityto move around invarious circles andmake usefulconnections withlots of peopleDecision-makingunder pressure:The ability to makequick but effectivedecisions in highstress situations.Fine Focuser–Ability to focuson tasks whenneeded andblock outdistractions.Evil Detector –Can sensewhen someoneis out to harmor has badmotives.Artistic –Expression ofself with art in away thatresonates withothers.Super Organizer– The innate skillof making orderout of chaos andarranging thingssystematically.Scam Sensor –Ability to sensewhen someoneis trying to ripyou off.EmotionalIntelligence – Theability to recognizeand manage youremotions and usethis in interactionswith others.Trouble Tracker –Able to sensewhen somethingproblematic isabout to go downbefore it starts.Public speaker:The ability tocommunicateeffectively andcaptivate anaudience.Natural leadership– Abilit to step upin groups anddirect, inspire andmotivate others toachieve commongoals.Innovator –Take existingideas andmake themeven betterEmpath – Abilityto exceptionallyunderstandother’s thoughts,feelings andviewpoints.Self-Silencer–Ability to knowwhen not tospeak and tokeep mouth shutwhen needed.Critical thinking:The ability toanalyze informationcritically, assessarguments, andmake well-reasonedjudgments.Photographicmemory – Theability to recallimages with greatdetail after just abrief exposure.Listener – Canlisten and take aninterest in peopleand make themfeel heard andvalidated.Outcome Predictor– You can size upwhat is happeningand accuratelypredict how thingswill probably turnout.Easy Relaxer -Natural affinityfor achieving astate of deeprelaxation andpeace.People adapter-Can effectivelychange approachto people naturallyto bond with manydiverse types.Social Charisma– Able to getpeople to feelcomfortable withyou and evenlike you.Wheeler Dealer- Able tonegotiatebuying andsellingeffectively.Fun Instigator –Can makesomething funeven when it atfirst seems dull,boring or stressful.Decision-makingunder pressure:The ability to makequick but effectivedecisions in highstress situations.Problems Solver -Can produce ideasand solutions toproblems thatothers might nothave considered.Proficient Writer –Able to put thingsinto writing in away that othersunderstand andappreciate.Calm Coolness-The ability to staycalm wheneveryone else maybe gettingstressed, worried,angry or agitated.EnterprisingSpirit – Theability to comeup with(honest) waysto make money.SincerePersuader – Ableto talk people intosupporting yourideas (withoutlying)Proficient Writer –Able to put thingsinto writing in away that othersunderstand andappreciate.Conversationalist– Can makesmall talk or deepdiscussions withjust about anyoneand any topic.Self-Reflector –The ability to lookat oneself honestlyand insightfullyand one’s ownmotives anddesires.FREEMONEYPublic speaker:The ability tocommunicateeffectively andcaptivate anaudience.Patternrecognition: Atalent forrecognizingpatterns quicklyand accurately.Time management:Efficiently managingtime and tasks toget more done inless time than mostpeople.Number cruncher– Exceptionalability withmathematics andsolving mathproblems quickly.Poker face – Canlisten to shockingthings withoutoverreacting orshowing it onyour face.Endurance:Stamina and theability to keepgoing even in theface of high stressor challengesRoom Surveyor –Master at readingthe room to figureout the generalvibe of groups ofpeople.ExceptionalMemory – Theability to hold on toinformation andfacts for longperiods with greataccuracy.OTHERMusic Master –Learninginstrumentsquickly andeasily with lesseffort than mostSense ofHumor – Makepeople laugheasily as beingfunny comeseasy.Animalcommunication:Ability to understandand communicatewith animals andform bonds with avariety of species.Networker – Abilityto move around invarious circles andmake usefulconnections withlots of peopleCritical thinking:The ability toanalyze informationcritically, assessarguments, andmake well-reasonedjudgments.Natural Dancer –Moving to musicwith natural graceand ability whilelooking good doingit with little effort.Networker – Abilityto move around invarious circles andmake usefulconnections withlots of peopleDecision-makingunder pressure:The ability to makequick but effectivedecisions in highstress situations.Fine Focuser–Ability to focuson tasks whenneeded andblock outdistractions.Evil Detector –Can sensewhen someoneis out to harmor has badmotives.Artistic –Expression ofself with art in away thatresonates withothers.Super Organizer– The innate skillof making orderout of chaos andarranging thingssystematically.Scam Sensor –Ability to sensewhen someoneis trying to ripyou off.EmotionalIntelligence – Theability to recognizeand manage youremotions and usethis in interactionswith others.Trouble Tracker –Able to sensewhen somethingproblematic isabout to go downbefore it starts.Public speaker:The ability tocommunicateeffectively andcaptivate anaudience.Natural leadership– Abilit to step upin groups anddirect, inspire andmotivate others toachieve commongoals.Innovator –Take existingideas andmake themeven betterEmpath – Abilityto exceptionallyunderstandother’s thoughts,feelings andviewpoints.Self-Silencer–Ability to knowwhen not tospeak and tokeep mouth shutwhen needed.Critical thinking:The ability toanalyze informationcritically, assessarguments, andmake well-reasonedjudgments.Photographicmemory – Theability to recallimages with greatdetail after just abrief exposure.Listener – Canlisten and take aninterest in peopleand make themfeel heard andvalidated.Outcome Predictor– You can size upwhat is happeningand accuratelypredict how thingswill probably turnout.Easy Relaxer -Natural affinityfor achieving astate of deeprelaxation andpeace.People adapter-Can effectivelychange approachto people naturallyto bond with manydiverse types.Social Charisma– Able to getpeople to feelcomfortable withyou and evenlike you.Wheeler Dealer- Able tonegotiatebuying andsellingeffectively.Fun Instigator –Can makesomething funeven when it atfirst seems dull,boring or stressful.Decision-makingunder pressure:The ability to makequick but effectivedecisions in highstress situations.Problems Solver -Can produce ideasand solutions toproblems thatothers might nothave considered.Proficient Writer –Able to put thingsinto writing in away that othersunderstand andappreciate.Calm Coolness-The ability to staycalm wheneveryone else maybe gettingstressed, worried,angry or agitated.EnterprisingSpirit – Theability to comeup with(honest) waysto make money.SincerePersuader – Ableto talk people intosupporting yourideas (withoutlying)Proficient Writer –Able to put thingsinto writing in away that othersunderstand andappreciate.Conversationalist– Can makesmall talk or deepdiscussions withjust about anyoneand any topic.Self-Reflector –The ability to lookat oneself honestlyand insightfullyand one’s ownmotives anddesires.FREEMONEYPublic speaker:The ability tocommunicateeffectively andcaptivate anaudience.Patternrecognition: Atalent forrecognizingpatterns quicklyand accurately.Time management:Efficiently managingtime and tasks toget more done inless time than mostpeople.

OrDEr UP - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Number cruncher – Exceptional ability with mathematics and solving math problems quickly.
  2. Poker face – Can listen to shocking things without overreacting or showing it on your face.
  3. Endurance: Stamina and the ability to keep going even in the face of high stress or challenges
  4. Room Surveyor – Master at reading the room to figure out the general vibe of groups of people.
  5. Exceptional Memory – The ability to hold on to information and facts for long periods with great accuracy.
  6. OTHER
  7. Music Master – Learning instruments quickly and easily with less effort than most
  8. Sense of Humor – Make people laugh easily as being funny comes easy.
  9. Animal communication: Ability to understand and communicate with animals and form bonds with a variety of species.
  10. Networker – Ability to move around in various circles and make useful connections with lots of people
  11. Critical thinking: The ability to analyze information critically, assess arguments, and make well-reasoned judgments.
  12. Natural Dancer – Moving to music with natural grace and ability while looking good doing it with little effort.
  13. Networker – Ability to move around in various circles and make useful connections with lots of people
  14. Decision-making under pressure: The ability to make quick but effective decisions in high stress situations.
  15. Fine Focuser– Ability to focus on tasks when needed and block out distractions.
  16. Evil Detector – Can sense when someone is out to harm or has bad motives.
  17. Artistic – Expression of self with art in a way that resonates with others.
  18. Super Organizer – The innate skill of making order out of chaos and arranging things systematically.
  19. Scam Sensor – Ability to sense when someone is trying to rip you off.
  20. Emotional Intelligence – The ability to recognize and manage your emotions and use this in interactions with others.
  21. Trouble Tracker – Able to sense when something problematic is about to go down before it starts.
  22. Public speaker: The ability to communicate effectively and captivate an audience.
  23. Natural leadership – Abilit to step up in groups and direct, inspire and motivate others to achieve common goals.
  24. Innovator – Take existing ideas and make them even better
  25. Empath – Ability to exceptionally understand other’s thoughts, feelings and viewpoints.
  26. Self-Silencer– Ability to know when not to speak and to keep mouth shut when needed.
  27. Critical thinking: The ability to analyze information critically, assess arguments, and make well-reasoned judgments.
  28. Photographic memory – The ability to recall images with great detail after just a brief exposure.
  29. Listener – Can listen and take an interest in people and make them feel heard and validated.
  30. Outcome Predictor – You can size up what is happening and accurately predict how things will probably turn out.
  31. Easy Relaxer - Natural affinity for achieving a state of deep relaxation and peace.
  32. People adapter- Can effectively change approach to people naturally to bond with many diverse types.
  33. Social Charisma – Able to get people to feel comfortable with you and even like you.
  34. Wheeler Dealer - Able to negotiate buying and selling effectively.
  35. Fun Instigator – Can make something fun even when it at first seems dull, boring or stressful.
  36. Decision-making under pressure: The ability to make quick but effective decisions in high stress situations.
  37. Problems Solver - Can produce ideas and solutions to problems that others might not have considered.
  38. Proficient Writer – Able to put things into writing in a way that others understand and appreciate.
  39. Calm Coolness- The ability to stay calm when everyone else may be getting stressed, worried, angry or agitated.
  40. Enterprising Spirit – The ability to come up with (honest) ways to make money.
  41. Sincere Persuader – Able to talk people into supporting your ideas (without lying)
  42. Proficient Writer – Able to put things into writing in a way that others understand and appreciate.
  43. Conversationalist – Can make small talk or deep discussions with just about anyone and any topic.
  44. Self-Reflector – The ability to look at oneself honestly and insightfully and one’s own motives and desires.
  46. Public speaker: The ability to communicate effectively and captivate an audience.
  47. Pattern recognition: A talent for recognizing patterns quickly and accurately.
  48. Time management: Efficiently managing time and tasks to get more done in less time than most people.