5. ConstructiveQuestioning: Posesquestions toencourage deeperthinking (e.g., "Howmight you explorethis conceptfurther?").19. Praise-Specific: Offersspecific praiserather thangeneralcompliments.4. HighlightingExcellence:Points out thestrongest partof the student'swork.1. RubricReferencing:Mentionsspecific rubriccriteria whengiving feedback.10. Real-WorldRelevance:Connectsfeedback to real-world applicationsor examples.12. CulturalConnections:Links assignmentcontent tostudents' diversecultures orbackgrounds.25. Skill ProgressionAcknowledgment:Acknowledges howmuch the student hasimproved in a specificskill over time.14. Future Focus:Suggests howthe skills learnedcan be applied tofuture projects orlessons21. CitationHighlight:Complimentsproper orinnovative useof citations.22. EmpatheticTone: Ensuresthe tone offeedback isempathetic andsupportive. 11. TechnologyTips:Recommendsdigital tools orresources toenhance theassignment.26. FeedbackSandwich: Startsand ends withpositive feedback,with constructivecriticism in themiddle.16. Mistake asLearningOpportunity:Highlights a mistakeas a learningopportunity, not justan error.20. VisualFeedback: Usesvisual aids (e.g.,graphs, charts) tohighlight areasfor improvement.23. Analogiesand Metaphors:Uses analogiesor metaphors toexplain complexconcepts.7. ExamplesProvided: Givesspecificexamples toclarifyfeedback.6. Audio/VideoFeedback:Incorporatesaudio or videocomments.13. DetailedDirections:Provides detaileddirections forrevisions or nextsteps.3. EmojiFeedback: Usesemojis to expresshow parts of theassignment madethem feel.8. EncouragesCreativity:Complimentscreative efforts orsuggests morecreativeapproaches.15. PositiveReinforcement:Uses positivereinforcement tomotivate (e.g.,"You've masteredthis concept!").9. GrammarGuru: Highlightsa commongrammar mistakeand explains thecorrection.24. PersonalConnection:Makes apersonalconnection tothe content. 18. Goal-OrientedFeedback:Aligns feedbackwith individualstudent goals2. Growth MindsetComments: Providesfeedback thatencourages a growthmindset (e.g., "Youreffort is showingimprovement!").17. Quote aStudent: Quotessomething thestudent wrote thatwas impactful orinsightful.5. ConstructiveQuestioning: Posesquestions toencourage deeperthinking (e.g., "Howmight you explorethis conceptfurther?").19. Praise-Specific: Offersspecific praiserather thangeneralcompliments.4. HighlightingExcellence:Points out thestrongest partof the student'swork.1. RubricReferencing:Mentionsspecific rubriccriteria whengiving feedback.10. Real-WorldRelevance:Connectsfeedback to real-world applicationsor examples.12. CulturalConnections:Links assignmentcontent tostudents' diversecultures orbackgrounds.25. Skill ProgressionAcknowledgment:Acknowledges howmuch the student hasimproved in a specificskill over time.14. Future Focus:Suggests howthe skills learnedcan be applied tofuture projects orlessons21. CitationHighlight:Complimentsproper orinnovative useof citations.22. EmpatheticTone: Ensuresthe tone offeedback isempathetic andsupportive. 11. TechnologyTips:Recommendsdigital tools orresources toenhance theassignment.26. FeedbackSandwich: Startsand ends withpositive feedback,with constructivecriticism in themiddle.16. Mistake asLearningOpportunity:Highlights a mistakeas a learningopportunity, not justan error.20. VisualFeedback: Usesvisual aids (e.g.,graphs, charts) tohighlight areasfor improvement.23. Analogiesand Metaphors:Uses analogiesor metaphors toexplain complexconcepts.7. ExamplesProvided: Givesspecificexamples toclarifyfeedback.6. Audio/VideoFeedback:Incorporatesaudio or videocomments.13. DetailedDirections:Provides detaileddirections forrevisions or nextsteps.3. EmojiFeedback: Usesemojis to expresshow parts of theassignment madethem feel.8. EncouragesCreativity:Complimentscreative efforts orsuggests morecreativeapproaches.15. PositiveReinforcement:Uses positivereinforcement tomotivate (e.g.,"You've masteredthis concept!").9. GrammarGuru: Highlightsa commongrammar mistakeand explains thecorrection.24. PersonalConnection:Makes apersonalconnection tothe content. 18. Goal-OrientedFeedback:Aligns feedbackwith individualstudent goals2. Growth MindsetComments: Providesfeedback thatencourages a growthmindset (e.g., "Youreffort is showingimprovement!").17. Quote aStudent: Quotessomething thestudent wrote thatwas impactful orinsightful.

Grading Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 5. Constructive Questioning: Poses questions to encourage deeper thinking (e.g., "How might you explore this concept further?").
  2. 19. Praise-Specific: Offers specific praise rather than general compliments.
  3. 4. Highlighting Excellence: Points out the strongest part of the student's work.
  4. 1. Rubric Referencing: Mentions specific rubric criteria when giving feedback.
  5. 10. Real-World Relevance: Connects feedback to real-world applications or examples.
  6. 12. Cultural Connections: Links assignment content to students' diverse cultures or backgrounds.
  7. 25. Skill Progression Acknowledgment: Acknowledges how much the student has improved in a specific skill over time.
  8. 14. Future Focus: Suggests how the skills learned can be applied to future projects or lessons
  9. 21. Citation Highlight: Compliments proper or innovative use of citations.
  10. 22. Empathetic Tone: Ensures the tone of feedback is empathetic and supportive.
  11. 11. Technology Tips: Recommends digital tools or resources to enhance the assignment.
  12. 26. Feedback Sandwich: Starts and ends with positive feedback, with constructive criticism in the middle.
  13. 16. Mistake as Learning Opportunity: Highlights a mistake as a learning opportunity, not just an error.
  14. 20. Visual Feedback: Uses visual aids (e.g., graphs, charts) to highlight areas for improvement.
  15. 23. Analogies and Metaphors: Uses analogies or metaphors to explain complex concepts.
  16. 7. Examples Provided: Gives specific examples to clarify feedback.
  17. 6. Audio/Video Feedback: Incorporates audio or video comments.
  18. 13. Detailed Directions: Provides detailed directions for revisions or next steps.
  19. 3. Emoji Feedback: Uses emojis to express how parts of the assignment made them feel.
  20. 8. Encourages Creativity: Compliments creative efforts or suggests more creative approaches.
  21. 15. Positive Reinforcement: Uses positive reinforcement to motivate (e.g., "You've mastered this concept!").
  22. 9. Grammar Guru: Highlights a common grammar mistake and explains the correction.
  23. 24. Personal Connection: Makes a personal connection to the content.
  24. 18. Goal-Oriented Feedback: Aligns feedback with individual student goals
  25. 2. Growth Mindset Comments: Provides feedback that encourages a growth mindset (e.g., "Your effort is showing improvement!").
  26. 17. Quote a Student: Quotes something the student wrote that was impactful or insightful.