PlasticMost used tobe sent toChina forrecycling,but no longerSARS/MERSBLANK is caused byBlank-associatedcoronavirus ,whileBlank is causedby Middle Eastrespiratory syndromecoronavirusClay &plasticlinerUsed to linelandfills in orderto preventleachate fromcontaminatinggroundwaterPOPDDT, Atrazine,PCBs, Dioxinsare allexamples ofthese longlasting toxinsWasteWaterTreatmentIn the primary stage,solids are allowed tosettle and removedfrom wastewater. Thesecondary stageuses biologicalprocesses to furtherpurify wastewaterFatsolubleToxins that areable to accumulatein the bodybecasue they arenot removed bythe excretorysystemFecalColiformBacteriaA positive testindicated thepresence ofmammalianfeces in a watersampleEutrophicationthe process inwhich a water bodybecomes overlyenriched withnutrients, leading tothe plentiful growthof simple plant lifeMethaneA greenhouse gasemitted from landfillswhen anaerobicbacteria begin todecompose waste inthe center of the pileEndocrineDisruptorToxins thatmimic hebehavior ofhormonesComposta controlled, aerobic(oxygen-required)process that convertsorganic materials into anutrient-rich,biologically-stable soilamendment or mulchthrough naturaldecompositionGuineaWormLook out____ herecome JimmyCarterPointsourcePollutionFactoryEffluentParachutingCatsWHO's solutionto the typhusepidemic inBorneo after thespraying of DDTto control MalariaAlgalBlooma rapid growth ofmicroscopic algaeor cyanobacteriain water, oftenresulting in acolored scum onthe surfaceSagCurvea curve which sagsinitially due to theincreased oxygendemand and recoversasymptoticallydownstream due to theincreased rate ofoxygen replenishment.AerobicBacteriaBacteria thatrequire oxygento decomposeorganic matter.Bioaccumulationtypically associatedwith the build-up ofdamaging or harmfulchemicals in a livingthing. These chemicalswill not break down inthe body or are notable to be excretedRachelCarsonauthor of SilentSpring, the bookthat many believestarted theenvironmentalmovementDDTWasbanned inthe US in1972Turbiditya measure of thelevel of particlessuch as sediment,plankton, ororganic by-products, in abody of water.NeurotoxinsCadmium,Mercuryand LeadBiomagnificationhigher-level predators-fish, birds, and marinemammals-build upgreater and moredangerous amounts oftoxic materials thananimals lower on thefood chainBOD measures the amountof oxygen consumedby microorganisms forthe process ofdecomposition of theorganic matters in thewater bodies. Cleanwater has low levels ofthisTurberculosisan infectious diseasethat most oftenaffects the lungs andis caused by a typeof bacteria. It spreadsthrough the air wheninfected peoplecough, sneeze or spitHypoxicthose waterswhere oxygenconcentrationsare below twomilligrams perliterSecchiDiskA tool usedto measurethe trubidityof waterDysentaryan intestinal infection thatcauses diarrhea containingblood or mucus. Symptomscan also include stomachcramps, nausea, vomiting,and fever. It can result froma bacterial or parasiticinfection, often due to poorhygiene or sanitationLandfillingThe mostcommontype of trashdisposal inthe USMosquitoesThe vectorfor Malaria,West Nile,Yellow Fever& ZikaNon pointsourcepollutionoccurs when runofffrom rain andsnowmelt carriespollutants intowaterways such asrivers, streams,lakes, wetlands, andeven groundwaterPaperThe largestbulk ofmaterial inUS landfillsCholeraan intestinal infection thatcauses diarrhea containingblood or mucus. Symptomscan also include stomachcramps, nausea, vomiting,and fever. It can result froma bacterial or parasiticinfection, often due to poorhygiene or sanitationSeagullsA common pestassociated withlandfills. That carrywaste away anddrop it on nearbyneighborhoods.PlasticMost used tobe sent toChina forrecycling,but no longerSARS/MERSBLANK is caused byBlank-associatedcoronavirus ,whileBlank is causedby Middle Eastrespiratory syndromecoronavirusClay &plasticlinerUsed to linelandfills in orderto preventleachate fromcontaminatinggroundwaterPOPDDT, Atrazine,PCBs, Dioxinsare allexamples ofthese longlasting toxinsWasteWaterTreatmentIn the primary stage,solids are allowed tosettle and removedfrom wastewater. Thesecondary stageuses biologicalprocesses to furtherpurify wastewaterFatsolubleToxins that areable to accumulatein the bodybecasue they arenot removed bythe excretorysystemFecalColiformBacteriaA positive testindicated thepresence ofmammalianfeces in a watersampleEutrophicationthe process inwhich a water bodybecomes overlyenriched withnutrients, leading tothe plentiful growthof simple plant lifeMethaneA greenhouse gasemitted from landfillswhen anaerobicbacteria begin todecompose waste inthe center of the pileEndocrineDisruptorToxins thatmimic hebehavior ofhormonesComposta controlled, aerobic(oxygen-required)process that convertsorganic materials into anutrient-rich,biologically-stable soilamendment or mulchthrough naturaldecompositionGuineaWormLook out____ herecome JimmyCarterPointsourcePollutionFactoryEffluentParachutingCatsWHO's solutionto the typhusepidemic inBorneo after thespraying of DDTto control MalariaAlgalBlooma rapid growth ofmicroscopic algaeor cyanobacteriain water, oftenresulting in acolored scum onthe surfaceSagCurvea curve which sagsinitially due to theincreased oxygendemand and recoversasymptoticallydownstream due to theincreased rate ofoxygen replenishment.AerobicBacteriaBacteria thatrequire oxygento decomposeorganic matter.Bioaccumulationtypically associatedwith the build-up ofdamaging or harmfulchemicals in a livingthing. These chemicalswill not break down inthe body or are notable to be excretedRachelCarsonauthor of SilentSpring, the bookthat many believestarted theenvironmentalmovementDDTWasbanned inthe US in1972Turbiditya measure of thelevel of particlessuch as sediment,plankton, ororganic by-products, in abody of water.NeurotoxinsCadmium,Mercuryand LeadBiomagnificationhigher-level predators-fish, birds, and marinemammals-build upgreater and moredangerous amounts oftoxic materials thananimals lower on thefood chainBOD measures the amountof oxygen consumedby microorganisms forthe process ofdecomposition of theorganic matters in thewater bodies. Cleanwater has low levels ofthisTurberculosisan infectious diseasethat most oftenaffects the lungs andis caused by a typeof bacteria. It spreadsthrough the air wheninfected peoplecough, sneeze or spitHypoxicthose waterswhere oxygenconcentrationsare below twomilligrams perliterSecchiDiskA tool usedto measurethe trubidityof waterDysentaryan intestinal infection thatcauses diarrhea containingblood or mucus. Symptomscan also include stomachcramps, nausea, vomiting,and fever. It can result froma bacterial or parasiticinfection, often due to poorhygiene or sanitationLandfillingThe mostcommontype of trashdisposal inthe USMosquitoesThe vectorfor Malaria,West Nile,Yellow Fever& ZikaNon pointsourcepollutionoccurs when runofffrom rain andsnowmelt carriespollutants intowaterways such asrivers, streams,lakes, wetlands, andeven groundwaterPaperThe largestbulk ofmaterial inUS landfillsCholeraan intestinal infection thatcauses diarrhea containingblood or mucus. Symptomscan also include stomachcramps, nausea, vomiting,and fever. It can result froma bacterial or parasiticinfection, often due to poorhygiene or sanitationSeagullsA common pestassociated withlandfills. That carrywaste away anddrop it on nearbyneighborhoods.

Unit 8 : Aquatic & Terrestrial Pollution - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Most used to be sent to China for recycling, but no longer
  2. BLANK is caused by Blank-associated coronavirus , whileBlank is caused by Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
  3. Used to line landfills in order to prevent leachate from contaminating groundwater
    Clay & plastic liner
  4. DDT, Atrazine, PCBs, Dioxins are all examples of these long lasting toxins
  5. In the primary stage, solids are allowed to settle and removed from wastewater. The secondary stage uses biological processes to further purify wastewater
    Waste Water Treatment
  6. Toxins that are able to accumulate in the body becasue they are not removed by the excretory system
    Fat soluble
  7. A positive test indicated the presence of mammalian feces in a water sample
    Fecal Coliform Bacteria
  8. the process in which a water body becomes overly enriched with nutrients, leading to the plentiful growth of simple plant life
  9. A greenhouse gas emitted from landfills when anaerobic bacteria begin to decompose waste in the center of the pile
  10. Toxins that mimic he behavior of hormones
    Endocrine Disruptor
  11. a controlled, aerobic (oxygen-required) process that converts organic materials into a nutrient-rich, biologically-stable soil amendment or mulch through natural decomposition
  12. Look out ____ here come Jimmy Carter
    Guinea Worm
  13. Factory Effluent
    Point source Pollution
  14. WHO's solution to the typhus epidemic in Borneo after the spraying of DDT to control Malaria
    Parachuting Cats
  15. a rapid growth of microscopic algae or cyanobacteria in water, often resulting in a colored scum on the surface
    Algal Bloom
  16. a curve which sags initially due to the increased oxygen demand and recovers asymptotically downstream due to the increased rate of oxygen replenishment.
    Sag Curve
  17. Bacteria that require oxygen to decompose organic matter.
    Aerobic Bacteria
  18. typically associated with the build-up of damaging or harmful chemicals in a living thing. These chemicals will not break down in the body or are not able to be excreted
  19. author of Silent Spring, the book that many believe started the environmental movement
    Rachel Carson
  20. Was banned in the US in 1972
  21. a measure of the level of particles such as sediment, plankton, or organic by-products, in a body of water.
  22. Cadmium, Mercury and Lead
  23. higher-level predators-fish, birds, and marine mammals-build up greater and more dangerous amounts of toxic materials than animals lower on the food chain
  24. measures the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms for the process of decomposition of the organic matters in the water bodies. Clean water has low levels of this
  25. an infectious disease that most often affects the lungs and is caused by a type of bacteria. It spreads through the air when infected people cough, sneeze or spit
  26. those waters where oxygen concentrations are below two milligrams per liter
  27. A tool used to measure the trubidity of water
    Secchi Disk
  28. an intestinal infection that causes diarrhea containing blood or mucus. Symptoms can also include stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever. It can result from a bacterial or parasitic infection, often due to poor hygiene or sanitation
  29. The most common type of trash disposal in the US
  30. The vector for Malaria, West Nile, Yellow Fever & Zika
  31. occurs when runoff from rain and snowmelt carries pollutants into waterways such as rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and even groundwater
    Non point source pollution
  32. The largest bulk of material in US landfills
  33. an intestinal infection that causes diarrhea containing blood or mucus. Symptoms can also include stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever. It can result from a bacterial or parasitic infection, often due to poor hygiene or sanitation
  34. A common pest associated with landfills. That carry waste away and drop it on nearby neighborhoods.