A usercompletelymisunderstandshow yourprototype worksYou need tobuild aprototypewith limitedresourcesYou identifyseveral userneeds, butstruggle toprioritize themYou need torecruitparticipants foruser researchon a tightbudgetUsers abandonthe prototypemid-waythrough testingdue tofrustrationUsers expressdifferent needsandpreferencesduringinterviewsstage?You need tofind a way tomeasure thesuccess of yourproposedsolutionstages?You struggleto choose thebest idea topursue afterbrainstormingYou decide touse cardboardand paperclipsto create yourfirst prototypeThe team getssidetrackedduringbrainstormingand loses focusFault inwhichstageWhichstageof DT?You're worriedabout potentialethicalimplicationswhile conductinguser researchYou need totranslate userneeds intoactionabledesignrequirementsYou're stucktrying to definethe coreproblem in onesentenceYou come upwith an ideaso crazy itmight justworkYou observe auser strugglingto complete atask on awebsitea lackin whichstage?A usersuggests asurprisingimprovementduring testing stage?You getstuck on onesolution andcan't seemto move onUsers expresspositivefeedback butsuggest minortweaks to thedesignWhichstageof DT?A usercompletelymisunderstandshow yourprototype worksYou need tobuild aprototypewith limitedresourcesYou identifyseveral userneeds, butstruggle toprioritize themYou need torecruitparticipants foruser researchon a tightbudgetUsers abandonthe prototypemid-waythrough testingdue tofrustrationUsers expressdifferent needsandpreferencesduringinterviewsstage?You need tofind a way tomeasure thesuccess of yourproposedsolutionstages?You struggleto choose thebest idea topursue afterbrainstormingYou decide touse cardboardand paperclipsto create yourfirst prototypeThe team getssidetrackedduringbrainstormingand loses focusFault inwhichstageWhichstageof DT?You're worriedabout potentialethicalimplicationswhile conductinguser researchYou need totranslate userneeds intoactionabledesignrequirementsYou're stucktrying to definethe coreproblem in onesentenceYou come upwith an ideaso crazy itmight justworkYou observe auser strugglingto complete atask on awebsitea lackin whichstage?A usersuggests asurprisingimprovementduring testingstage?You getstuck on onesolution andcan't seemto move onUsers expresspositivefeedback butsuggest minortweaks to thedesignWhichstageof DT?

Design thinking - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A user completely misunderstands how your prototype works
  2. You need to build a prototype with limited resources
  3. You identify several user needs, but struggle to prioritize them
  4. You need to recruit participants for user research on a tight budget
  5. Users abandon the prototype mid-way through testing due to frustration
  6. Users express different needs and preferences during interviews
  7. stage?
  8. You need to find a way to measure the success of your proposed solution
  9. stages?
  10. You struggle to choose the best idea to pursue after brainstorming
  11. You decide to use cardboard and paperclips to create your first prototype
  12. The team gets sidetracked during brainstorming and loses focus
  13. Fault in which stage
  14. Which stage of DT?
  15. You're worried about potential ethical implications while conducting user research
  16. You need to translate user needs into actionable design requirements
  17. You're stuck trying to define the core problem in one sentence
  18. You come up with an idea so crazy it might just work
  19. You observe a user struggling to complete a task on a website
  20. a lack in which stage?
  21. A user suggests a surprising improvement during testing
  22. stage?
  23. You get stuck on one solution and can't seem to move on
  24. Users express positive feedback but suggest minor tweaks to the design
  25. Which stage of DT?