having orshowing deepreligiousfeeling orcommitment.Devouta personwho can’treadIlliteratea person sent on areligious mission,especially onesent to promoteChristianity in aforeign country.MissionariesThe name forthe land thatbecame themodern-daycountry ofFrance.GaulThe ancient empirecentered in modernday Italy. Their fallhelped cause themiddle ages. (lack ofstrong centralgovernment causedwarlord/kings to takeover)RomanEmpirea person whoworships manygods orgoddesses orthe earth ornaturePaganChristianmissionary andbishop knownfor convertingthe people ofIreland.St.Patrick-He also defeated theMuslims who hadconquered Spain andwere trying to invadethe Frankish kingdom,thereby preventing theMuslims from gainingcontrol of Europe.CharlestheHammerthe head ofthe CatholicChurch(Christianity)Popethe religion based onthe person andteachings of Jesus.The religion thatbecame popular duringthe Middle Ages aftermissionaries andmonks helps spread it.ChristianityVikingwarshipDrekar-the body ofwater betweenEurope, Africaand Asia. Southof Spain, Italyand GreeceMediterraneanSeaa ruler whose statusis based solely onpower of violence.Common after thefall of Rome and ledto feudalism duringthe Middle Ages.Warlordsmountainrange betweenEurope andRussia, WhereMagyarsUralMountainsa followerof thereligion ofIslam.MuslimsThe peninsula veryfar north, where theVikings come from.Known for highmountains, coldweather, and shortgrowing seasonsScandinaviaa building orbuildings occupiedby a community ofmonks living underreligious vows.Lootingthe namefor a basicVikingshipLongshipWarm wetwinters, dry hotsummers,mountains,goat/sheepherdersSouthernEuropea building orbuildings occupiedby a community ofmonks living underreligious vows.Monasteriesa person whocopies outdocuments,especially oneemployed to dothis before printingwas invented.Scribea member of areligiouscommunity of mentypically livingunder vows ofpoverty, chastity,and obedience.Monksthe name for thepeople who live inModern dayFrance. Alsoreferred to theFrankish kingdom.FranksThe first emperor of theHoly Roman Empire; hisname means “Charles theGreat.” Charlemagne wasking of France in the lateeighth and early ninthcenturies and was crownedemperor in 800. Known forsupporting the educationCharlemagneHoly RomanEmpire- NameofCharlemagne'sempireHolyRomanEmpirea member of apeople whooriginated in theUrals and migratedwestward to settle inwhat is now Hungaryin the 9th century AD.MagyarsScandinavianseafaring pirates andtraders who raidedand settled in manyparts of northwesternEurope in the 8th–11th centuries.Vikings4 seasons,plains, manyrivers, lotsof cropsNorthernEuropeBattle whereCharles theHammerdefeated theMuslims andsaved France.BattleofTourshaving orshowing deepreligiousfeeling orcommitment.Devouta personwho can’treadIlliteratea person sent on areligious mission,especially onesent to promoteChristianity in aforeign country.MissionariesThe name forthe land thatbecame themodern-daycountry ofFrance.GaulThe ancient empirecentered in modernday Italy. Their fallhelped cause themiddle ages. (lack ofstrong centralgovernment causedwarlord/kings to takeover)RomanEmpirea person whoworships manygods orgoddesses orthe earth ornaturePaganChristianmissionary andbishop knownfor convertingthe people ofIreland.St.Patrick-He also defeated theMuslims who hadconquered Spain andwere trying to invadethe Frankish kingdom,thereby preventing theMuslims from gainingcontrol of Europe.CharlestheHammerthe head ofthe CatholicChurch(Christianity)Popethe religion based onthe person andteachings of Jesus.The religion thatbecame popular duringthe Middle Ages aftermissionaries andmonks helps spread it.ChristianityVikingwarshipDrekar-the body ofwater betweenEurope, Africaand Asia. Southof Spain, Italyand GreeceMediterraneanSeaa ruler whose statusis based solely onpower of violence.Common after thefall of Rome and ledto feudalism duringthe Middle Ages.Warlordsmountainrange betweenEurope andRussia, WhereMagyarsUralMountainsa followerof thereligion ofIslam.MuslimsThe peninsula veryfar north, where theVikings come from.Known for highmountains, coldweather, and shortgrowing seasonsScandinaviaa building orbuildings occupiedby a community ofmonks living underreligious vows.Lootingthe namefor a basicVikingshipLongshipWarm wetwinters, dry hotsummers,mountains,goat/sheepherdersSouthernEuropea building orbuildings occupiedby a community ofmonks living underreligious vows.Monasteriesa person whocopies outdocuments,especially oneemployed to dothis before printingwas invented.Scribea member of areligiouscommunity of mentypically livingunder vows ofpoverty, chastity,and obedience.Monksthe name for thepeople who live inModern dayFrance. Alsoreferred to theFrankish kingdom.FranksThe first emperor of theHoly Roman Empire; hisname means “Charles theGreat.” Charlemagne wasking of France in the lateeighth and early ninthcenturies and was crownedemperor in 800. Known forsupporting the educationCharlemagneHoly RomanEmpire- NameofCharlemagne'sempireHolyRomanEmpirea member of apeople whooriginated in theUrals and migratedwestward to settle inwhat is now Hungaryin the 9th century AD.MagyarsScandinavianseafaring pirates andtraders who raidedand settled in manyparts of northwesternEurope in the 8th–11th centuries.Vikings4 seasons,plains, manyrivers, lotsof cropsNorthernEuropeBattle whereCharles theHammerdefeated theMuslims andsaved France.BattleofTours

19.1 Quiz Europe After the Fall of Rome - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Devout
    having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment.
  2. Illiterate
    a person who can’t read
  3. Missionaries
    a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country.
  4. Gaul
    The name for the land that became the modern-day country of France.
  5. Roman Empire
    The ancient empire centered in modern day Italy. Their fall helped cause the middle ages. (lack of strong central government caused warlord/kings to take over)
  6. Pagan
    a person who worships many gods or goddesses or the earth or nature
  7. St. Patrick
    Christian missionary and bishop known for converting the people of Ireland.
  8. Charles the Hammer
    -He also defeated the Muslims who had conquered Spain and were trying to invade the Frankish kingdom, thereby preventing the Muslims from gaining control of Europe.
  9. Pope
    the head of the Catholic Church (Christianity)
  10. Christianity
    the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus. The religion that became popular during the Middle Ages after missionaries and monks helps spread it.
  11. Drekar-
    Viking war ship
  12. Mediterranean Sea
    the body of water between Europe, Africa and Asia. South of Spain, Italy and Greece
  13. Warlords
    a ruler whose status is based solely on power of violence. Common after the fall of Rome and led to feudalism during the Middle Ages.
  14. Ural Mountains
    mountain range between Europe and Russia, Where Magyars
  15. Muslims
    a follower of the religion of Islam.
  16. Scandinavia
    The peninsula very far north, where the Vikings come from. Known for high mountains, cold weather, and short growing seasons
  17. Looting
    a building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows.
  18. Longship
    the name for a basic Viking ship
  19. Southern Europe
    Warm wet winters, dry hot summers, mountains, goat/sheep herders
  20. Monasteries
    a building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows.
  21. Scribe
    a person who copies out documents, especially one employed to do this before printing was invented.
  22. Monks
    a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  23. Franks
    the name for the people who live in Modern day France. Also referred to the Frankish kingdom.
  24. Charlemagne
    The first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire; his name means “Charles the Great.” Charlemagne was king of France in the late eighth and early ninth centuries and was crowned emperor in 800. Known for supporting the education
  25. Holy Roman Empire
    Holy Roman Empire- Name of Charlemagne's empire
  26. Magyars
    a member of a people who originated in the Urals and migrated westward to settle in what is now Hungary in the 9th century AD.
  27. Vikings
    Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th–11th centuries.
  28. Northern Europe
    4 seasons, plains, many rivers, lots of crops
  29. Battle of Tours
    Battle where Charles the Hammer defeated the Muslims and saved France.