MarieCurieThe first personto win NobelPrizes in twodifferent scientificfields (Physicsand Chemistry).MalalaYousafzaiYoungest-everNobel Prizelaureate, receivingthe Nobel PeacePrize at age 17 forher advocacy ofeducation for girls.GraceHopperA rear admiral in theU.S. Navy, she was apioneer in developingcomputer technologyand popularized theterm "debugging" forfixing computerglitches.CocoChanelfreed women fromthe constraints ofthe "corsetedsilhouette" led tothe acceptance ofcasual chic as thefeminine standardWhitneyHoustonperformed the nationalanthem at the SuperBowl in 1991,delivering a renditionso powerful andmoving that it wasreleased as a singleand charted in theBillboard Hot 100EmilyDickinsonPublishedfewer than adozen of hernearly 1,800poems duringher lifetime.MariahCareyher song “All IWant forChristmas Is You”became the firstholiday ringtone tobe certifieddouble-platinum.DollyPartonWrote"Jolene" and"I Will AlwaysLove You" onthe same day.RuthBaderGinsbergSecondfemale justiceof the U.S.SupremeCourtMichelleObamaPlanted the firstvegetable gardenat the WhiteHouse since WorldWar II during hertime as First LadySerenaWilliamsHolds the mostGrand Slam titlesin singles,doubles, andmixed doublescombined amongactive players.CarolShawWhen working atAtari, Shaw wasregarded as one ofthe bestprogrammers whereshe designed gamessuch as 3-D Tic TacToe and River RaidArethaFranklinFirst womaninducted intothe Rock andRoll Hall ofFame in 1987.SimoneBilesHolds the recordfor the most WorldChampionshipmedals won byany gymnast, maleor female.BeyonceBecame the firstfemale artist to win sixGrammy Awards in onenight in 2010 and hasa total of 28 GrammyAwards, making herthe most awardedfemale artist inGrammy history.KamalaHarrisfirst woman andfirst Black andAsian Americanto hold the titleof vicepresident.EleanorRooseveltShe held 348press conferencesduring her time asFirst Lady andonly allowedfemale reporters toattendBarbaraWaltersThe firstwoman to co-anchor anetworkevening newsprogram.SusanB.AnthonyFeatured on aU.S. dollar coin,making her thefirst female tobe honored inthis way.ToniMorrisonFirst AfricanAmericanwoman to winthe Nobel Prizefor Literature in1993.MargaretHamiltonCoined the term"software engineering"while developing theApollo moon missionsoftware, whichcrucially navigated theApollo 11 crew safelyto the moon and back.KatherineJohnsonA mathematicianwhose calculations oforbital mechanicswere critical to thesuccess of the firstand subsequent U.S.manned spaceflights.JaneAustenDespite the lastingfame of hernovels, shepublished all herworksanonymouslyduring her lifetime.AdaLovelaceOften considered theworld's first computerprogrammer due toher work on CharlesBabbage's earlymechanical general-purpose computer,the Analytical Engine.MotherTeresaShe was awarded theNobel Peace Prize in1979 but asked forthe banquet's budgetto be donated to thepoor in India instead.HarrietTubmanShe never lost apassenger on theUndergroundRailroad, leadingto her nickname"Moses."AnneFrankHer diary, writtenduring WorldWar II, has beentranslated intomore than 70languages.RosaParksHer refusal togive up her seaton a bus helpedinitiate theMontgomeryBus Boycott.AudreLordeDescribed herselfas a "black, lesbian,mother, warrior,poet," emphasizingthe importance ofintersectionality inactivism.MayaAngelouThe first African-American womanto have herscreenplayproduced as afilm, for "Georgia,Georgia" in 1972.Joanof ArcLed the Frencharmy to severalimportant victoriesduring the HundredYears' War and wascanonized as asaint in 1920.MarshaP.JohnsonA prominent figurein the Stonewalluprising of 1969,she was a keyfigure in themovement forLGBTQ+ rightsEmilyBrontePublished"WutheringHeights" underthe pseudonymEllis BellOprahWinfreyStarted herbroadcasting careeras the youngest andfirst African Americanfemale news anchorat Nashville's WLAC-TV.MarieCurieThe first personto win NobelPrizes in twodifferent scientificfields (Physicsand Chemistry).MalalaYousafzaiYoungest-everNobel Prizelaureate, receivingthe Nobel PeacePrize at age 17 forher advocacy ofeducation for girls.GraceHopperA rear admiral in theU.S. Navy, she was apioneer in developingcomputer technologyand popularized theterm "debugging" forfixing computerglitches.CocoChanelfreed women fromthe constraints ofthe "corsetedsilhouette" led tothe acceptance ofcasual chic as thefeminine standardWhitneyHoustonperformed the nationalanthem at the SuperBowl in 1991,delivering a renditionso powerful andmoving that it wasreleased as a singleand charted in theBillboard Hot 100EmilyDickinsonPublishedfewer than adozen of hernearly 1,800poems duringher lifetime.MariahCareyher song “All IWant forChristmas Is You”became the firstholiday ringtone tobe certifieddouble-platinum.DollyPartonWrote"Jolene" and"I Will AlwaysLove You" onthe same day.RuthBaderGinsbergSecondfemale justiceof the U.S.SupremeCourtMichelleObamaPlanted the firstvegetable gardenat the WhiteHouse since WorldWar II during hertime as First LadySerenaWilliamsHolds the mostGrand Slam titlesin singles,doubles, andmixed doublescombined amongactive players.CarolShawWhen working atAtari, Shaw wasregarded as one ofthe bestprogrammers whereshe designed gamessuch as 3-D Tic TacToe and River RaidArethaFranklinFirst womaninducted intothe Rock andRoll Hall ofFame in 1987.SimoneBilesHolds the recordfor the most WorldChampionshipmedals won byany gymnast, maleor female.BeyonceBecame the firstfemale artist to win sixGrammy Awards in onenight in 2010 and hasa total of 28 GrammyAwards, making herthe most awardedfemale artist inGrammy history.KamalaHarrisfirst woman andfirst Black andAsian Americanto hold the titleof vicepresident.EleanorRooseveltShe held 348press conferencesduring her time asFirst Lady andonly allowedfemale reporters toattendBarbaraWaltersThe firstwoman to co-anchor anetworkevening newsprogram.SusanB.AnthonyFeatured on aU.S. dollar coin,making her thefirst female tobe honored inthis way.ToniMorrisonFirst AfricanAmericanwoman to winthe Nobel Prizefor Literature in1993.MargaretHamiltonCoined the term"software engineering"while developing theApollo moon missionsoftware, whichcrucially navigated theApollo 11 crew safelyto the moon and back.KatherineJohnsonA mathematicianwhose calculations oforbital mechanicswere critical to thesuccess of the firstand subsequent U.S.manned spaceflights.JaneAustenDespite the lastingfame of hernovels, shepublished all herworksanonymouslyduring her lifetime.AdaLovelaceOften considered theworld's first computerprogrammer due toher work on CharlesBabbage's earlymechanical general-purpose computer,the Analytical Engine.MotherTeresaShe was awarded theNobel Peace Prize in1979 but asked forthe banquet's budgetto be donated to thepoor in India instead.HarrietTubmanShe never lost apassenger on theUndergroundRailroad, leadingto her nickname"Moses."AnneFrankHer diary, writtenduring WorldWar II, has beentranslated intomore than 70languages.RosaParksHer refusal togive up her seaton a bus helpedinitiate theMontgomeryBus Boycott.AudreLordeDescribed herselfas a "black, lesbian,mother, warrior,poet," emphasizingthe importance ofintersectionality inactivism.MayaAngelouThe first African-American womanto have herscreenplayproduced as afilm, for "Georgia,Georgia" in 1972.Joanof ArcLed the Frencharmy to severalimportant victoriesduring the HundredYears' War and wascanonized as asaint in 1920.MarshaP.JohnsonA prominent figurein the Stonewalluprising of 1969,she was a keyfigure in themovement forLGBTQ+ rightsEmilyBrontePublished"WutheringHeights" underthe pseudonymEllis BellOprahWinfreyStarted herbroadcasting careeras the youngest andfirst African Americanfemale news anchorat Nashville's WLAC-TV.

Famous Women Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The first person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields (Physics and Chemistry).
    Marie Curie
  2. Youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize at age 17 for her advocacy of education for girls.
    Malala Yousafzai
  3. A rear admiral in the U.S. Navy, she was a pioneer in developing computer technology and popularized the term "debugging" for fixing computer glitches.
    Grace Hopper
  4. freed women from the constraints of the "corseted silhouette" led to the acceptance of casual chic as the feminine standard
    Coco Chanel
  5. performed the national anthem at the Super Bowl in 1991, delivering a rendition so powerful and moving that it was released as a single and charted in the Billboard Hot 100
    Whitney Houston
  6. Published fewer than a dozen of her nearly 1,800 poems during her lifetime.
    Emily Dickinson
  7. her song “All I Want for Christmas Is You” became the first holiday ringtone to be certified double-platinum.
    Mariah Carey
  8. Wrote "Jolene" and "I Will Always Love You" on the same day.
    Dolly Parton
  9. Second female justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
    Ruth Bader Ginsberg
  10. Planted the first vegetable garden at the White House since World War II during her time as First Lady
    Michelle Obama
  11. Holds the most Grand Slam titles in singles, doubles, and mixed doubles combined among active players.
    Serena Williams
  12. When working at Atari, Shaw was regarded as one of the best programmers where she designed games such as 3-D Tic Tac Toe and River Raid
    Carol Shaw
  13. First woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987.
    Aretha Franklin
  14. Holds the record for the most World Championship medals won by any gymnast, male or female.
    Simone Biles
  15. Became the first female artist to win six Grammy Awards in one night in 2010 and has a total of 28 Grammy Awards, making her the most awarded female artist in Grammy history.
  16. first woman and first Black and Asian American to hold the title of vice president.
    Kamala Harris
  17. She held 348 press conferences during her time as First Lady and only allowed female reporters to attend
    Eleanor Roosevelt
  18. The first woman to co-anchor a network evening news program.
    Barbara Walters
  19. Featured on a U.S. dollar coin, making her the first female to be honored in this way.
    Susan B. Anthony
  20. First African American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993.
    Toni Morrison
  21. Coined the term "software engineering" while developing the Apollo moon mission software, which crucially navigated the Apollo 11 crew safely to the moon and back.
    Margaret Hamilton
  22. A mathematician whose calculations of orbital mechanics were critical to the success of the first and subsequent U.S. manned spaceflights.
    Katherine Johnson
  23. Despite the lasting fame of her novels, she published all her works anonymously during her lifetime.
    Jane Austen
  24. Often considered the world's first computer programmer due to her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine.
    Ada Lovelace
  25. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 but asked for the banquet's budget to be donated to the poor in India instead.
    Mother Teresa
  26. She never lost a passenger on the Underground Railroad, leading to her nickname "Moses."
    Harriet Tubman
  27. Her diary, written during World War II, has been translated into more than 70 languages.
    Anne Frank
  28. Her refusal to give up her seat on a bus helped initiate the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
    Rosa Parks
  29. Described herself as a "black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet," emphasizing the importance of intersectionality in activism.
    Audre Lorde
  30. The first African-American woman to have her screenplay produced as a film, for "Georgia, Georgia" in 1972.
    Maya Angelou
  31. Led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War and was canonized as a saint in 1920.
    Joan of Arc
  32. A prominent figure in the Stonewall uprising of 1969, she was a key figure in the movement for LGBTQ+ rights
    Marsha P. Johnson
  33. Published "Wuthering Heights" under the pseudonym Ellis Bell
    Emily Bronte
  34. Started her broadcasting career as the youngest and first African American female news anchor at Nashville's WLAC-TV.
    Oprah Winfrey