Administratorsare mostsatisfied withtheir accessto SOGI dataInvolvestudents indecisionmaking andchange oncampusLocally, SOGIdata are mostoften collectedin campus-wide surveys"Qualitativecommentswere largely'unsure'"Jaime and/orHawk laughat their ownjoke ormemeAllowstudentsto self-identify24% of respondentscollect SOGI dataany time theycollect demographicinformation on asurveyThe numberone reportedconcern withSOGI data isstudent privacyHawk andJaimereferencetheirpositionalities38% ofrespondentsare unsure iftheir institutionscollect SOGIdataAny efforts towardsequity for LGBTQIA+people must centerQTBIPOC folx andthose at multipleintersections ofoppressionOnly 25% ofrespondentsare satisfiedwith theiraccess to SOGIdataA need forcollaboration andrapport buildingbetween IRPEoffices andLGBTQIA+ servingpractitionersAdd a field wherestudents can consentto receive informationon LGBTQIA+services to protectprivacy while stillserving students"Do what youcan with thedata you have,understandingits limitations"Free!84% of allrespondentsare fromlarge citiesand suburbsA QR codeappearson theslides50% ofrespondentsare notconfident in thequality of theirSOGI data"Professionaldrag name"Someonemakes apunSomeonesays theword"bestie"24% ofrespondentsmake tangibleuse of theirSOGI Data oncampusResearcher andPractitionerintervieweesadvocate for morequalitative data onLGBTQIA+populationsOver half of therespondentsserve on anLGBTQIA+ taskforce orcommitteeAdministratorsare mostsatisfied withtheir accessto SOGI dataInvolvestudents indecisionmaking andchange oncampusLocally, SOGIdata are mostoften collectedin campus-wide surveys"Qualitativecommentswere largely'unsure'"Jaime and/orHawk laughat their ownjoke ormemeAllowstudentsto self-identify24% of respondentscollect SOGI dataany time theycollect demographicinformation on asurveyThe numberone reportedconcern withSOGI data isstudent privacyHawk andJaimereferencetheirpositionalities38% ofrespondentsare unsure iftheir institutionscollect SOGIdataAny efforts towardsequity for LGBTQIA+people must centerQTBIPOC folx andthose at multipleintersections ofoppressionOnly 25% ofrespondentsare satisfiedwith theiraccess to SOGIdataA need forcollaboration andrapport buildingbetween IRPEoffices andLGBTQIA+ servingpractitionersAdd a field wherestudents can consentto receive informationon LGBTQIA+services to protectprivacy while stillserving students"Do what youcan with thedata you have,understandingits limitations"Free!84% of allrespondentsare fromlarge citiesand suburbsA QR codeappearson theslides50% ofrespondentsare notconfident in thequality of theirSOGI data"Professionaldrag name"Someonemakes apunSomeonesays theword"bestie"24% ofrespondentsmake tangibleuse of theirSOGI Data oncampusResearcher andPractitionerintervieweesadvocate for morequalitative data onLGBTQIA+populationsOver half of therespondentsserve on anLGBTQIA+ taskforce orcommittee

Show me the Gay-ta! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Administrators are most satisfied with their access to SOGI data
  2. Involve students in decision making and change on campus
  3. Locally, SOGI data are most often collected in campus-wide surveys
  4. "Qualitative comments were largely 'unsure'"
  5. Jaime and/or Hawk laugh at their own joke or meme
  6. Allow students to self-identify
  7. 24% of respondents collect SOGI data any time they collect demographic information on a survey
  8. The number one reported concern with SOGI data is student privacy
  9. Hawk and Jaime reference their positionalities
  10. 38% of respondents are unsure if their institutions collect SOGI data
  11. Any efforts towards equity for LGBTQIA+ people must center QTBIPOC folx and those at multiple intersections of oppression
  12. Only 25% of respondents are satisfied with their access to SOGI data
  13. A need for collaboration and rapport building between IRPE offices and LGBTQIA+ serving practitioners
  14. Add a field where students can consent to receive information on LGBTQIA+ services to protect privacy while still serving students
  15. "Do what you can with the data you have, understanding its limitations"
  16. Free!
  17. 84% of all respondents are from large cities and suburbs
  18. A QR code appears on the slides
  19. 50% of respondents are not confident in the quality of their SOGI data
  20. "Professional drag name"
  21. Someone makes a pun
  22. Someone says the word "bestie"
  23. 24% of respondents make tangible use of their SOGI Data on campus
  24. Researcher and Practitioner interviewees advocate for more qualitative data on LGBTQIA+ populations
  25. Over half of the respondents serve on an LGBTQIA+ task force or committee