AnnexTo add onadditionalterritory orland.RedScareThe hysteria overthe supposedthreat posed byCommunists inthe U.S. duringthe Cold War era.CapitalismAn economicsystem basedon privateownership ofresources.ForeignOf or from acountry orlanguageother thanyour own.UnitedNationsInternationalorganization nowmade up of 193countries with thegoal of preventingglobal conflict.InterventionismThe belief thatgetting involved inother countries’politics is needed inorder to keep worldorder or promotedemocracy.TrumanDoctrineTruman’s beliefthat Americaninterventionismwas needed toprevent the spreadof communism.House Un-AmericanActivitiesCommittee(HUAC)The committeethat investigatedanyone suspectedof being a fascist,Nazi or communistMcCarthyismWhen someone isaccused of disloyaltyor treason withoutenough evidence,usually with thepurpose of shuttingdown the opposition.CommunismAn economicsystem basedon sharedownership ofresources.HysteriaIrrationaland extremeemotionalresponses.MarshallPlanUS-ledprogram torebuildEurope afterWWII.DemocracyA system ofgovernment inwhich peoplevote their electedrepresentativesinto government.NATOA pro-Americacollective securityorganization thatagrees to defendeach other in theevent of a conflict.ColdWarThe state of politicalhostility that existedbetween the Sovietbloc countries andthe US-led Westernpowers from 1945to 1990.Self-DeterminationThe right of anation to makepolitical decisionsfor themselvesand be free fromforeign control.AnnexTo add onadditionalterritory orland.RedScareThe hysteria overthe supposedthreat posed byCommunists inthe U.S. duringthe Cold War era.CapitalismAn economicsystem basedon privateownership ofresources.ForeignOf or from acountry orlanguageother thanyour own.UnitedNationsInternationalorganization nowmade up of 193countries with thegoal of preventingglobal conflict.InterventionismThe belief thatgetting involved inother countries’politics is needed inorder to keep worldorder or promotedemocracy.TrumanDoctrineTruman’s beliefthat Americaninterventionismwas needed toprevent the spreadof communism.House Un-AmericanActivitiesCommittee(HUAC)The committeethat investigatedanyone suspectedof being a fascist,Nazi or communistMcCarthyismWhen someone isaccused of disloyaltyor treason withoutenough evidence,usually with thepurpose of shuttingdown the opposition.CommunismAn economicsystem basedon sharedownership ofresources.HysteriaIrrationaland extremeemotionalresponses.MarshallPlanUS-ledprogram torebuildEurope afterWWII.DemocracyA system ofgovernment inwhich peoplevote their electedrepresentativesinto government.NATOA pro-Americacollective securityorganization thatagrees to defendeach other in theevent of a conflict.ColdWarThe state of politicalhostility that existedbetween the Sovietbloc countries andthe US-led Westernpowers from 1945to 1990.Self-DeterminationThe right of anation to makepolitical decisionsfor themselvesand be free fromforeign control.

Post-WWII America Vocab - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. To add on additional territory or land.
  2. The hysteria over the supposed threat posed by Communists in the U.S. during the Cold War era.
    Red Scare
  3. An economic system based on private ownership of resources.
  4. Of or from a country or language other than your own.
  5. International organization now made up of 193 countries with the goal of preventing global conflict.
    United Nations
  6. The belief that getting involved in other countries’ politics is needed in order to keep world order or promote democracy.
  7. Truman’s belief that American interventionism was needed to prevent the spread of communism.
    Truman Doctrine
  8. The committee that investigated anyone suspected of being a fascist, Nazi or communist
    House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
  9. When someone is accused of disloyalty or treason without enough evidence, usually with the purpose of shutting down the opposition.
  10. An economic system based on shared ownership of resources.
  11. Irrational and extreme emotional responses.
  12. US-led program to rebuild Europe after WWII.
    Marshall Plan
  13. A system of government in which people vote their elected representatives into government.
  14. A pro-America collective security organization that agrees to defend each other in the event of a conflict.
  15. The state of political hostility that existed between the Soviet bloc countries and the US-led Western powers from 1945 to 1990.
    Cold War
  16. The right of a nation to make political decisions for themselves and be free from foreign control.